WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (7 Viewers)


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Well even wetters website is giving me a 500 internal server error now so I would take 5 mins to register on worldweatheronline for an api key lol :)


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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    Sorry - offline for a cuppa :)
    Had a right good play with this and it seems that doesn't support my location properly. Despite giving a valid city code for the nearest town, it doesn't resolve the details properly or give enough details to produce the weather info.
    So I'm back to my original issue - doesn't work for me, yahoo only gives 2 days forecast, Yr.No just doesn't give anything.

    Oh - and I'd love to know where that XML error is popping up - any ideas?

    #Thanks to all those helping :D#
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  • May 7, 2011
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    kjegibbons said:
    ... that I can no longer view TV channels. ... Has anyone had the same issue or any idea what the "bug" is? ...​
    What's your intention to declare this as a bug? This plugin doesn't use any TV related routines or codecs and cannot be the root cause for this. The only possible problem can occur, if a notification dialog of WorldWeather cames up. These can be disabled in the configuration dialog.
    kjegibbons said:
    ... I've solved the problem by following Holzi's advice and changing weather provider away from Google. This solved the problem... although I'm still confused as to why.​
    Does it works now as expected?


    Firstly, many thanks for a fantastic plugin and please accept my sincere apologies for any offense as none was intended. I certainly appreciate that such a plugin requires a lot of hard work and many hours of your free time. My use of the term "bug" was not meant as a criticism, only as a term. I am not the only one that has lost TV channels after upgrading to ver 0.6.0. and unfortunately I do not have the time to read through 136 pages of postings. My natural curiosity and desire to have a deeper understanding of MP to enable me to sort out any little problems for myself led me to want to know why upgrading the plugin would cause loss of channels as they are returned once the upgrade is uninstalled. Any new software upgrades that affect some other part of the program I would always refer to generally as a "bug" for want of a better word. Thank you again for producing what I consider to be one of the most important and integral parts of MP.

    @the forum

    I have pointed some of my browser maps to the BBC weather website to play their weather forecast which is great as I can watch them at any time during the day and they are constantly updated. However, I would like to be able to configure it so as when entering the website the forecast plays in full screen mode by default rather than having to use my mouse to click on the full screen icon on the BBC flash player. Any ideas how this can be achieved?

    Thanks in advance.


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Dear community,
    as last official act before my vacation you can find an updated nightly build at the first post of this thread.
    This version contains some changes to AccuWeather grabber routines and enhance the condition code mapping to a better level. Due to this new provider it is possible to use more provider specific properties (TemperatureFeelsLike, ForecastDayLowFeelsLike, ForecastDayHighFeelsLike), also the GeoClock routines can handle this provider now.
    Some important hints for this version: please copy the new provider logo file to WorldWeather specific skin folder, copy/replace the reworked icon mapping file to the appropriate directory and update the language files. Skin changes are not required.

    Cheers and see you again in 2 weeks, Micropolis
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  • August 29, 2007
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    Thanks Micropolis. I've since signed up for a free key from WorldWeatherOnline and everything is working perfectly now.


    Portal Pro
    February 2, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    can someone please tell me why i can not see any images (satelite, uv, humidity, etc.) or the sunclock?
    mepo version 1.2.1 / world weather 0.6.0
    need more infos?


    • weather.png
      885.3 KB
    • settings.png
      625.3 KB
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    MP Donator
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  • May 7, 2011
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    can someone please tell me why i can not see any images (satelite, uv, humidity, etc.) or the sunclock?
    mepo version 1.2.1 / world weather 0.6.0
    need more infos?

    I have the same images!?

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