WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (8 Viewers)


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  • June 22, 2011
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    AW: Full Package Build of WorldWeather plugin v0.3.9 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    • add 2nd weather provider Yahoo, full translation support for Yahoo weather conditions, extend functionality for manual condition/icon mapping

    Using Yahoo as wheather provider I only get two days forecast both on homescreen and in the plugin itself.
    My town is identified by it's city code and the two days show the correct forecast.

    Anyone with the same issue?



    Portal Pro
    October 10, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: Full Package Build of WorldWeather plugin v0.3.9 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 o

    added some german translations, changed some translations (NNE -> NNO) and corrected some spelling .



    • strings_de.xml
      8.7 KB

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Thats a known issue with yahoo, use City name + City code and you should get todays weather from Yahoo and then the 4 day forecast from google.


    Portal Pro
    October 10, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    AW: Full Package Build of WorldWeather plugin v0.3.9 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Using Yahoo as wheather provider I only get two days forecast both on homescreen and in the plugin itself.
    My town is identified by it's city code and the two days show the correct forecast.
    that seems to be normal.
    • Yahoo is now fully implemented as 2nd weather provider. The condition granularity is better, also more information like pressure and barometric pressure is supported. Bad news here is, it supports only 1 forecast day.
    • Because of this restrictions I have decide to introduce a mixed-mode for current/forecast provider, means you can get current condition from Yahoo, forecast condition from Google, vice versa or only from one provider. This can be controlled by the configuration dialog or by using the main context menu of this plugin.


    MP Donator
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  • March 7, 2007
    righthandside 3/4 way up
    Re: AW: Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    if i click on starry sky, it seems to update something then displays nothing
    Did you select (or enter) a url in the configuration of the plugin? If yes, check the url in your webbrowser and see, if it works there.


    Yep, select the url and tested in browser - all ok
    if i select browser = none in config page, all works ok


    Portal Pro
    October 10, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    if i select browser = none in config page, all works ok
    Hi again,
    looks like you did misunderstand "browser" in config (if I did not misunderstand you now ;) ):

    For "normal" screens (including starry sky) you do not need any browser, so "browser=none" is the correct standard selection. The browser is just an additional option to really open a browser window. If you select this in the config, you need to install an additional plugin like "browsetheweb" or something similar.



    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2010
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    hi all

    I just tried version 0.3.9 and have found a problem with using Yahoo as the current provider

    If I set up media portal for my home town of Whitefish, MT 59937 it will tell me that the wind speed is 1287 mph but when I go to it will give me the following wind speed

    Fahrenheit: 8 mph
    Celsius: 12.87 km/h

    From what I can tell it is only getting the km/h result from yahoo and stripping the decimal point and then using that as the wind speed.
    I have tried some other cities and it is doing the same thing
    Any help would be great



    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2010
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    I just downloaded it today so I was using the newest post from the first page.
    I tried re-downloading it to make sure and I am still getting the same problem


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: WorldWeather plugin v0.3.5 for MediaPortal v1.2.0 or higher

    Hi pmwolf,
    I just downloaded it today so I was using the newest post from the first page.
    I tried re-downloading it to make sure and I am still getting the same problem

    I'll try to reproduce this, but without luck (see attachment). Also I had no chance, to get result like "Fahrenheit: 8 mph, Celsius: 12.87 km/h". Maybe it is a skin specific problem?
    Please post you weather profile here (worldweather.xml from c:\programdata\team mediaportal\mediaportal), hopefully with this I can find this very strange problem.

    Cheers, Micropolis

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