No, nothing.Do you have any WorldWeather related error messages in your mediaportal.log?
Done, did not change anything. As before Google is working normal, Yahoo only shows one day forecast and WWO shows strange forecast. (e.G. the temperature range are way to wide, No sunny weather outside, but WWO shows sunny,...)could you try to remove the whole WorldWeather installation and start with the latest nightly build again?
No, didn´t update nothing for Avalon, just use the DefaultWide xmls as template - that should doSo in case I get it right, I can base avalons on your PureVision skinning work? Or did you update avalon as well?
--> So in case I get it right, I can base avalons on your PureVision skinning work? Or did you update avalon as well?
I have a problem with WorldWeatherOnline as a provider for one of my locations. When I test my description "Seebad Ahlbeck, Germany" in the request builder I'm getting the correct infomation, but when I put this description in your plugin I'm getting nothing.
WW 0.4.5
skin: StreamedMP - Marduk65
Hi fischy,
setting "Seebad Ahlbeck" as city (without ", Germany") WorldWeatherOnline works good for me
Take care that to use WorldWeatherOnline you need to have the free API key; do you have it?
If not you have to go on WWO Website ( and signup to receive your personal key and then you have to insert that key in World Weather setting.
Hope this can help