XBMC Python Script (2 Viewers)


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  • June 14, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I added the plugin to my tv server plugins folder and enabled it.. and ran the plugin for xbmc for windows, and I got a list of all of my TV channel groups (I assume this is the default view?)... When I select a group though, I dont get a list of channels - nothing happens.

    Is there any way to see what's going wrong to pinpoint the issue? What am I supposed to see (channels, then epg, or whats on now/next etc?)

    edit - when I select a channel group in the plugin on xbmc (on a laptop) I can hear the hard drive on the mediaportal computer (a tower in the corner) churn, so it is speaking to MP, just now showing the next step... any logs or info I can post from MP or xmbc, or any ideas what to try?


    Portal Member
    November 5, 2008
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    Bob, that's a great start. There's no EPG or now/next (yet). All you can do with this is choose a channel and watch what's on. Changing channels is not that flash - you have to exit the player and choose another channel, taking about 10 seconds if you're well-practised. And when you've finished you have to "Stop Timeshifting" to free up the tuner. You can save a channel group, or even a channel, as a video source, so you can go directly to a channel, which helps.

    I get what you've got on the first screen - a list of channel groups. When I select a channel group, I get a list of channels in that group. I suspect one day we'll have an option so if there's only one channel group, it will automatically descend.

    There are a few places you can look for hints:

    1) There's a stand-alone version of the plug-in. Under bin\release or bin\debug you might see the file TVServerXBMC.exe. If not, change the application output type (Project->TVServerXBMC Properties->Application) from "Class Library" to "Console Application" and rebuild. You need to disable the plug-in from within the TV-Server Configuration and restart the service. Then run the exe and try again. You should see what's going on. You can also talk to the stand-alone exe by doing "telnet localhost 9596" and then type "telnet". A list of commands is available if you type "help".

    2) Have a look at the TVServer logs in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\log\

    3) Have a look at the XBMC log C:\Program Files\XBMC\xbmc.log.

    Let me stress that this plug-in is in its early days. It plays live TV, and that's about all. If you're expecting more, you'll be disappointed.


    Portal Member
    October 19, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    I am having the same problem BoB. I am using my original XBOX with XBMC on it. I have configured the plugin with my MP ip address. It connects, I get the group list. But I can't get any channels to list after clicking on a group.

    EDIT: XBMC has the following in its logs: As you can see I tried to create a new group "test" with less crazy characters incase thats what was causing the problem.

    15:23:10 M: 40898560 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://video/TVServer Live TV/?G?119.0W Cyp 7, Directv TV 7S and AMC 16) failed
    15:21:24 M: 40808448 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://video/TVServer Live TV/?G?test) failed


    Portal Member
    October 19, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    The stand alone works great....there was a [ERROR]:NoVideoAudioDetected at first attempt....but I tried a second time and worked....I think that error has to do with M*dpi...So does that mean my pluggin is broke somehow?


    Portal Member
    November 5, 2008
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    I don't know, sorry. I'm new to MediaPortal, Python and C#, so I'm not well-placed to help very much. This is now out of my depth.


    MP Donator
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  • June 14, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    ran the standalone program and this time it showed a list of channels and what is on now... when I tried to play anything though it said opening stream and nothing happened, then it stopped trying...

    I changed the streaming server ip to that of the local machine and tried again - but this time it didnt open the channel lists again with or without the standalone app.

    Any ideas what else to check?


    Portal Member
    November 5, 2008
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    So did you check it? ;-)

    I'm not sure what to make of your logfile. It shows you used a myTV script but that's about all. Perhaps you need the xbmc.old.log. You should be getting entries like this:

    02:56:20 T:4072 M:649748480  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
    02:56:20 T:4072 M:649748480  NOTICE: 
    02:56:20 T:4072 M:647426048  NOTICE: Connection made

    as soon as the XBMC plug-in connects to the MP plug-in and negotiates the correct protocol version, and you should see something in the stand-alone MP plug-in. If you don't get anything on either, you might not have the networking sorted out. Make sure you can "telnet localhost 9596" on the MP server and get the black screen with no echo (type "telnet<enter>" and then "help<enter>" to confirm it's all OK).

    I can see we could do with some more logging. I'll see about adding this stuff soon.

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