Here is a small howto for getting an XMLTV grabber working for Belgium. Follow this step by step and you should get there. For me it is running for version 0.3.2.
Have fun with it,
PS: If you don't want to do all of this, just wait, a grabber for Belgium will soon be added to the default set of XMLTV grabbers (from what I have heard ;-)).
1. Install Python
2. Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/pytvgrab/ and download
-pytvgrab-be_tvb (dutch listings) or pytvgrab-be_tlm (french listings)
3. extract both packages
4. from the directory pytvgrab-lib run "setup.py install"
5. in the directory pytvgrab-be_tvb rename the file tv_grab_be_tvb to tv_grab_be_tvb.py
6. copy the file to the xmltv directory of Media Portal
7. edit C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\tvgrab\grab.py
config_file = '%s/.xmltv/%s.conf' % (os.environ['HOME'], os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
config_file = '%s/My Documents/xmltv/%s.conf' % (os.environ['USERPROFILE'], os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
8. run tv_grab_be_tvb.py twice, ignore the error message the first time.
9. choose the channels you want
10. edit tvguide.bat in the xmltv directory of mediaportal
tv_grab_nl.py --output=tvguidenew.xml
tv_grab_be_tvb.py -o tvguidenew.xml
Here is a small howto for getting an XMLTV grabber working for Belgium. Follow this step by step and you should get there. For me it is running for version 0.3.2.
Have fun with it,
PS: If you don't want to do all of this, just wait, a grabber for Belgium will soon be added to the default set of XMLTV grabbers (from what I have heard ;-)).
1. Install Python
2. Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/pytvgrab/ and download
-pytvgrab-be_tvb (dutch listings) or pytvgrab-be_tlm (french listings)
3. extract both packages
4. from the directory pytvgrab-lib run "setup.py install"
5. in the directory pytvgrab-be_tvb rename the file tv_grab_be_tvb to tv_grab_be_tvb.py
6. copy the file to the xmltv directory of Media Portal
7. edit C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\tvgrab\grab.py
config_file = '%s/.xmltv/%s.conf' % (os.environ['HOME'], os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
config_file = '%s/My Documents/xmltv/%s.conf' % (os.environ['USERPROFILE'], os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
8. run tv_grab_be_tvb.py twice, ignore the error message the first time.
9. choose the channels you want
10. edit tvguide.bat in the xmltv directory of mediaportal
tv_grab_nl.py --output=tvguidenew.xml
tv_grab_be_tvb.py -o tvguidenew.xml