When I click any icon from the "Others" group and than immediately on the far right icon (supposedly weather or I may be wrong), the PC where I am running Yatse on shuts down and reboots??? Is this expected behavior?
- Remote buttons - are they supposed to drive the MP main screen or else? The thing is that I don't get any action...
- When I start playing any song, after that song is played out it stops there, doesn't automatically go to the next one. And how do I stop a playing song if the Remote buttons do not work?
Just wanted to say: Great Plugin!
I have to get me a tablet-PC soon.
I have installed this plugin (not touch Screen, with mouse) and it seems to works great.
Only thing is that some Music Albums are black with no cover. Don´t know if is a problem in this plugin or in MP.
Big thanks to Tolriq and Cheezey.