Dear Dukus
First of all thanks a lot for your plug in . I loved it ( and my Daughter also)
I have a small issue on the download functions
If I use a different directory that the one by default (setup in the Mediaportal confuguration tool), I have a strange behavior :
After having downloaded a video , I found it back in the downloaded items sections (till now everything is normal)
However if I quit Mediaportal, and come back after to, the downloaded section is empty (no video found) but the file exists on the HDD.
Don't know if somebody have the same behavior, but I cannot use the Default Directory as I use a small capacity SSD.
Thanks in advance for the support
Sorry man, will do so, just been flat out... Have a revised StreamedMP version.. Your wanting a Blue3Wide version right? Not a fan of Blue3 but will try and find the time.. Will test this new version as well
Also was in progress of working on skin when I noticed that the Now Playing section does no longer have any content... Also I don't think the stars work!
One more thing.. I get Song title but not Band title in my musicoverlay.xml... This is annoying as my FanArt does not work without Band name...