(YouTube music videos) (Updated 11-09-2012) (4 Viewers)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    Hey guys, does anyone know how to get fanart to display in this plugin? I know it supports it, and it is in my skin files, but where does it look for the fanart? Mine is currrently in [skinfolder]\media\fanart\music and in [userdata]\thumbs\mvids\fanart. I hope I don't need yet another copy!

    Also, I can play Top Rated videos but when I try to play videos from any other View, like Recently Added, Most Viewed, etc., I get a message "embedding disabled by request". What does that mean?

    I tried to login with my google name and password, but I got an MP error (in error.log) that I don't have a Youtube account (which I don't). The plugin install guide on google code says I should be able to login with my google account (username and password). So I just removed my username and password from the plugin config, which may be why I can't view most of the videos :) So do the instructions mean you can login with your google account, but only if you have a youtube account?:confused:

    Edit: I created a Youtube account and linked it to my Google account, still can't log in using Opera (my default browser), but I can with Firefox. Still get the embedding disabled by request message on most videos.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    Dukus, I have run into a couple problems skinning this plugin.

    1. It does not seem to recognize the facade control when it first opens. Anything with facadeview.list visibility does not display until I change Layouts and go back to the List Layout. Then it all works well until I exit and reload MP. I hope you know what is causing that!

    2. and never display anything for me.

    3. No image is supported in playlists. only shows the image of the video selected in the main screen (videosbase) and #selectedthumb shows nothing

    A couple of suggestions :) would it be possible to show the duration of the video in the main screen and the NowPlaying screen? It does show in the Playlist screen. CurrentPlaytime would be nice on the NowPlaying screen, but I don't know if you can capture that from YouTube.

    Thanks for all the great work, I love getting my music videos!


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2006
    Home Country
    Romania Romania
    Hey guys, does anyone know how to get fanart to display in this plugin? I know it supports it, and it is in my skin files, but where does it look for the fanart? Mine is currrently in [skinfolder]\media\fanart\music and in [userdata]\thumbs\mvids\fanart. I hope I don't need yet another copy!

    The current fanart mean to download fanart automatically from Home Theatre Backdrops  / Home , but mean time the site was changed. I will fix in next version.

    Also, I can play Top Rated videos but when I try to play videos from any other View, like Recently Added, Most Viewed, etc., I get a message "embedding disabled by request". What does that mean?

    Google is to restrictive with video sharing, plugin use this possibility for playback , but i think i found a other method to playback this files. This nothing to do with google account,.


    New Member
    August 1, 2009
    PLEASE HELP!! Plugin Breaks MediaPortal Configuration Tool

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Installed the plugin
    2. Tried it out (didn't work well -- I could see the video list, but no
    3. Opened MediaPortal Configuration and click the plugins explorer item or
    try and save any other change and the error shows up.


    Prevents me from using MediaPortal Configuration Tool, now I can't
    configure/remove/install anything ... this has wrecked my build :mad:

    - Youtube.Fm 0.5.3
    - MediaPortal
    - Windows Vista x86

    I created a bug report on the google code site

    UPDATE - I can resolve the error by removing the youtube.dll from the Windows\Plugin folder


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2006
    Home Country
    Romania Romania
    Dadeo check this version the fanart is solved for blue3wide and in config you can specify a fanart folder, and the playback should solved too.


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    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    Hey Dukus, the playback seems great!!!! I have only had time for a quick test, but every video I tried played perfectly! And yes, the fanart does display now in videoinfo, even if configure fanart to [userdata]\thumbs\music\%artist%L.jpg it works! Is fanart supported in videobase as well? Currently I use the selectedthumb as a backdrop/fanart, but the resolution is not that great (see attached screenshot). Since the fanart is local perhaps it could be used in videobase as well? I wanted a big videopreview window on videoinfo which on a 4:3 screen obscures most of the fanart so I was thinking to display the fanart in videobase instead.

    I still have the problem with the facadeview.list condition not working when I first open the plugin.

    One more little thing, the rating stars don't seem to work correctly. Youtube uses a five star rating, so a rating of 4.57 should show four stars at least, but it only shows two. Even though the imagelist is drawing only five stars, MP seems to be processing them as a percentage of 10. Is there a way to set it to a percentage of 5 or do you have to code that in the plugin?

    Is there any chance of supporting #itemcount sometime?

    Do you know if there is any way to specify a variable for [Userdata] within a skin xml? I like to use artist images as backdrops, conditionally, when there is no fanart available. In your plugin, users can specify their own location, (although currently music fanart in MP is all over the place). But in some plugins you can't set the location, so I want to be able to do that with the skin file. Sorry, I know this is a bit off topic, but since you know a lot.... :)

    Great work! Thanks again!


    • Youtubefm.jpg
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    Portal Pro
    May 26, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Okay trying to get this to go... I see the image for just a second if even that and then it disappears. I've tried in Blue3Wide and my own custom StreamedMP with the same result..

    Also when your watching full screen when the next video plays you are taken out of fullscreen..

    Another thing worth noting that has bothered me for quite some time, your navigation does not work like standard navigation.. When you press back it takes you to your last search rather than back to the mediaportal menu, this is just weird as if you do plenty of searches you end up having to press back quite a few times...

    Just my 2cents, I've imagined you've probably done it by design..... Really would be nice to get these last small bits out as I really want to spend some time perfecting a streamedMP skin..


    Portal Pro
    May 26, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Sorry, feel like I'm nagging here.. Have noted another weird issue... No matter where I am in MP but when I'm playing from the playlist scrobbler it will jump me back to the "now playing -" section... Odd?


    Portal Pro
    November 16, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    in "now playing" its impossible to select an other video
    "unable to playback the item"
    I have the exact same problems! I've attached logs which are a result of me playing a video, and then trying to start another one from the 'now playing' screen.
    First i try it while playing the first video (no respons besides the sound indicating that my click was registered), after that i try it after stopping the first video. Then i get 'unable to playback the item' when i try playing any video
    from the suggestions in the 'now playing' screen.

    I've attached mediaportal.log and vmr9.log.

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