Scythe42's fixes for 1.4.0 (1 Viewer)

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  • August 7, 2005
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    Updated 29th April with new build.

    Here is the new thread following on from

    To install, extract the two rar files. Stop TV service manually (if using) and then run the mediaportal and then tvengine installers in that order. No need for the TV installer if you are not using TV.

    This installer is current GIT master + the following fixes

    - 0004354: [general] Unable to start MediaPortal on old Intel GPUs (tourettes) - ready for testing.
    - 0003353: [MediaPortal 1] Windows 7 Half & Full Screen problem. (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004104: [MediaPortal 1] Introduce an option to turn reduced speed GUI rendering off, when window is not active (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0002968: [general] Mute icon not shown after stopping playback (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004080: [MediaPortal 1] Speed up starting process (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004345: [Plugins] Race condition in Mini Display Plugin on Suspend/Resume events (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003992: [Movie Player] When MP1 is put in the tray from fullscreen, playback continues (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004084: [MediaPortal 1] Rework S3/S4 handling in regards to automatic resume (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004334: [MediaPortal 1] Volume Handler gets destroyed/is unresponsive after disconnecting HDMI (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004074: [Topbar] Navbar doesn't vanish when mouse cursor is hiding (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004068: [general] Remove of S3 Hack (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003942: [MediaPortal 1] Screen shifted up by 6 pixels upon resume from sleep (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003993: [general] When switching from movie playback to the mini player GUI elements are wrong positioned. (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004107: [Topbar] Mouse doesn't hide when activated the navbar and than an icon on basic home (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003995: [Movie Player] Fullscreen/Windowed switch during playing results in wrong form dimensions (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003994: [general] Mouse pointer not visible (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0004121: [Skin Engine] Compensate for different DPI settings than 100% in Skin Engine (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003734: [MediaPortal 1] ToLower() method fails if Turkish culture is used in Windows (maybe some other countries as well) (Scythe42) - merge pending.
    - 0003983: [MediaPortal 1] Add Functions in guilib create a Division by Zero Erro (Scythe42) - merge pending.

    - 0004391: [TvPlugin] 'Play' button on remote does not start playback of TV or radio recordings (jameson_uk) - merge pending.
    (this is an extra fix, but tested so no reason to not include it)

    You can see a list of what is already in current GIT master for 1.4.0 here.

    Scythe tells me that there are no show-stoppers with this build. That isn't the same as saying that it is perfect.

    To be completely honest, all we really need to know is whether anything in this build doesn't work as well as 1.3.0. There are so many improvements that we would like to see make it into a release version. In order to do this, we need you to be focused in your testing. So, please don't nit-pick. Please don't report crazy and unrealistic usage scenarios. Please just focus on what is not working that did work (better) in 1.3.0. Or if there really is a show-stopper (crash) then do report it. We don't want to brush anything under the carpet, but equally well we don't want you to challenge yourself to break this by doing crazy stuff.

    Please report all issues with this branch fully. Please restrict your testing/reporting to the above issues and things that could possibly be related. Please don't refer back to the old thread. If you see a problem that you had before, and reported before, please treat it as a new issue so that we keep this thread clean and focused.

    That way, we can get the remaining issues fixed and merged so that this can be included in 1.4.0.

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    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    Template for report Bug : (copy-past : answer to question)
    - System Specs used :
    - How many displays :
    - What resolution does each display use :
    - More than one GPU used :
    - How are displays connected :
    - How are they positioned :
    - Which one is the primary one : (screen shot of windows setup where you see 1, 2, 3 etc. helps)
    - On which do you start MP :
    - Fullscreen / Windowed
    - Where is the taskkbar positioned of Windows :
    (Screenshot of the whole windows desktop when it is wrong. Not just MP, that does not help me.)
    - Skin Used :
    - Test Build Version :

    GPU Monitoring
    For FPS issue (or all related to Graphic card ) use : GPU-Z for monitoring Activity
    Download :
    How to :

    Current Build :
    • Build_001.7z from December 14th 2012
    • Build_002.7z from December 15th 2012 - fixed Hanging on D3D init.
    • Build_003.7z from December 16th 2012 - fixed black screen
    • Build_004.7z from December 17th 2012 - updated WM_DISPLAYCHANGE handling
    • Build_005.7z from January 7th 2013 - removed exclusive fullscreen mode
    • Build_006.7z from January 8th 2013 - removed all D3D device resets
    • Build_007.7z from January 17th - start working on resume/suspend related issues
    • Build_008.7z from January 21st - fixed failure of playing .ts files.
    • Build_009.7z from March 4th - updated to RC, added thread plugin loading/starting
    • Build_010.7z from March 4th - added missing TVPlugin.dll and increased worker threads
    • Build_011.7z from March 4th - fixed high CPU usage during playback
    • Build_012.7z from March 16th - upgraded build to MP 1.3.0
    • Build_013.7z from March 16th - changed startup sequence to avoid a black screen on plugin starting when always on top is enabled.
    • Build_014.7z from April 3rd - added new options to configuration.exe, minor fixes
    • Build_015.7z from April 4th - additional work on suspend/resume, various Mantis tickets.
    • Build_015a.7z from April 5th - forgot a binary in the archive, sorry guys,
    • Build_016a.7z from April 5th - fixed various smaller issues
    • Build_17.7z from April 10th - fixed issue where default font was not loaded
    • Build_18.7z from April 11th - corrected Configuration.exe issue
    • Build_18a.7z from April 11th - fixed autostart regression of Build 18
    • Build_18c.7z from April 16th - sorting out screen selector issues
    • Build_19.7z from April 18th - general update / merged current master into it (BASS rework)
    • Build_19a.7z from April 18th - added missing binaries from BASS rework
    • Build 26/04/2013 : ....
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    Portal Member
    September 30, 2007

    Is it possible to disable the Workaround intorduced in build 18c

    "...I am adding a small workaround in WM_DISPLAYCHANGE checking if the actual resolution changed. The problem is that WM_DISPLAYCHANGE does not report the screen's current refresh rate.".

    Without it I found a way that TMT works together with the Display Refresh Rate Changer of MePo



    Portal Pro
    December 16, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Does it make sense, doing further testing without updating TV-Server installation?
    To prevent a mess, I won't update my dedicated Server in my multi installation.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Does it make sense, doing further testing without updating TV-Server installation?
    To prevent a mess, I won't update my dedicated Server in my multi installation.

    Probably not. However, I have updated my server and have no problems.

    The main difference here is that on a network client, you will get thumbnails for TV recordings. This wasn't possible before. However, if you haven't updated your server this won't work and you may get errors.

    Has to be worth testing the client if you had specific issues.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    Is it possible to disable the Workaround intorduced in build 18c

    "...I am adding a small workaround in WM_DISPLAYCHANGE checking if the actual resolution changed. The problem is that WM_DISPLAYCHANGE does not report the screen's current refresh rate.".

    Without it I found a way that TMT works together with the Display Refresh Rate Changer of MePo

    Already removed.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 29, 2005
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    Hungary Hungary
    Will I able to update my system to 1.4.0 final after they two rars applyed?


    Portal Pro
    August 12, 2006
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    Australia Australia
    Not sure if this is by design: If I start a creation of the picture database in Mediaportal configuration and exit I am unable to re run Configuration unless I reboot the computer. It also is much slower now for database/ thumb creation across a network. About 1 sec per file/thumbnail. I haven't tried yet to re run configuration after the thumbnail creation finishes as I have about 22,000 files.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
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    France France
    Not sure if this is by design: If I start a creation of the picture database in Mediaportal configuration and exit I am unable to re run Configuration unless I reboot the computer. It also is much slower now for database/ thumb creation across a network. About 1 sec per file/thumbnail. I haven't tried yet to re run configuration after the thumbnail creation finishes as I have about 22,000 files.
    Hi markus, Thumbnail creation is not Scythe work, please post on good thread or open new one, if you find issue.
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