[29.11.05] WebEPG 0.2.0 update on website (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 13, 2005
Austria, Graz
madmat17 said:
Hi James,

Great work! (channels.xml)

The tvinfo grabber itself didn't change, but some comments.
You may replace it with your next release...

The channels.xml works great with "my" grabber. The only channel with missing description is tele5.de -> "Tele 5".

I've added all available channels to the kurier.at-grabber. You can download it here:

Have nice holidays!

Looks good, but I've problems with German chars like äöüß when I use programm_kurier_at. In EPG these are missed. Any idea to fix this?


Portal Pro
August 4, 2005
Home Country
Austria Austria
Hi user_99,

I also noticed that problem (see post: http://nolanparty.com/mediaportal.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=52509#52509) and informed James. The grabber and and the source of the kurier homepage seem to be ok.
The grabbers for tvtoday and tvinfo are working fine - they're grabbing special characters accordingly. I'd recommend to use one of them instead.

James, could you please have a look at that problem, if it occured with other grabbers?



Portal Pro
August 13, 2005
Austria, Graz
madmat17 said:
Hi user_99,

I also noticed that problem (see post: http://nolanparty.com/mediaportal.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=52509#52509) and informed James. The grabber and and the source of the kurier homepage seem to be ok.
The grabbers for tvtoday and tvinfo are working fine - they're grabbing special characters accordingly. I'd recommend to use one of them instead.

James, could you please have a look at that problem, if it occured with other grabbers?

Thx for the hint of the other thread, I must have overseen that topic, sorry. I use tvinfo, but there are sometimes no additional infos for the programms, so I tried kurier.at.


New Member
August 20, 2005
Hi Everyone. I am trying to use WebEPG with Yahoo and the listings are not being downloaded. The logfile in WebEPG says "No Listings Found".

8/31/2005 7:53:07 PM WebEPG: Getting Channel 7 of 7
8/31/2005 7:53:07 PM WebEPG: ChannelId: KDAF
8/31/2005 7:53:07 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1125489187
8/31/2005 7:53:08 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found
8/31/2005 7:53:08 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1125575587
8/31/2005 7:53:08 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found
8/31/2005 7:53:08 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1125661987
8/31/2005 7:53:08 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found
8/31/2005 7:53:08 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1125748387
8/31/2005 7:53:09 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found
8/31/2005 7:53:09 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1125834787
8/31/2005 7:53:09 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found
8/31/2005 7:53:09 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1125921187
8/31/2005 7:53:09 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found
8/31/2005 7:53:09 PM WebEPG: Reading http://tv.yahoo.com/tvpdb?d=tvs&id=...hannels=us_KDAF&.intl=us&startdate=1126007587
8/31/2005 7:53:10 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found

If I take the URL from the log file I can pull it up in a browser. Is the program not parsing the info correctly?
I followed the directions on this forum for Yahoo & US.

Any ideas?


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 6, 2005
    Hi megaace,

    The yahoo site changed the page format. I have updated the grabber file and program for there new format.

    Download the 0.1.4 prerelease 1 from the website and copy your channel definitions into the new config file. It should all work now.




    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 6, 2005
    I've been looking at the kurier.at homepage. The HTML source has iso8895-1 as the encoding. However, it is actually encoded with utf-8.

    I'm still not sure how my program can work this out automatically. Otherwise I will need to force the encoding for this site to utf-8.

    Anyone have any ideas how this can be detected?




    Portal Pro
    August 4, 2005
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Hi James,

    Welcome back from vacation! 8)

    I guess, WebEPG looks for the char-set in the meta data within the HTML header.
    If it does, my idea is the following:
    • WebEPG could grabb one or two pages with the encoding stated by the HTML code (in the current case iso8895-1), write them into a temporary XML file and look for special characters. If special character are found, take the stated char-set for grabbing.
    • If no special character could be found, try one char-set after another (http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets). If no special character could be found at all, use the stated encoding, if special characters could be found, use the according char-set.

    I know, that's a long winded one, so here's another idea:
    The person, who writes the grabber, could define the char-set in the grabber-XML, and if no char-set is defined, use the char-set, which is defined by the meta-tag on the HTML page.



    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 6, 2005
    Hi megaace,

    Can you send me you config files (grabber and channels).

    Hi Madmat17,

    I have added an Encoding option in the XML file which overwrites all other encoding. Or forces the encoding. By default if webepg doesn't find encoding on the site it uses iso8895-1.

    The special charaters on this site are now working. However, I would like to know if there is some automatic way. This way if they change the site encoding it may stop working. I still don't understand why in the Meta data they have the incorrect charater set. IE find the correct character set (maybe by some voodoo). However, if in the under the IE - view - encoding menu you select auto-set. Then it stops working in IE as well?

    Maybe someone with more web HTML etc knowledge could post some suggestions.




    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 6, 2005
    Hi all,

    A new version is available for download Beta 0.1.4 pre-release 3.

    A few of changes in this release:

    1. Template definitions now support all HTML tag types
    2. If two channels use the same guide, only one copy it downloaded.

    This version contains some new grabbers:

    DK - tv.tv2.dk All channels
    NZ - ontv.orcon.net.nz All Channels
    AU - ourguide.com.au One channel

    Channel updates to existing grabbers:

    US - tv.yahoo.com Eastern and Central Channels
    AT - programm.kurier.at special charaters encoding fixed

    Let me know if there are any problems and keep those channel definitions coming in. I am just waiting on the channel definitions for some grabber before the full release, which should follow shortly.



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