[29.11.05] WebEPG 0.2.0 update on website (1 Viewer)


Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi gjvk70,

    Support for genre and descriptions depends on the website. WebEPG does support getting this information if it is available.

    If this information is contained on the main page then it will come automatically. However, when this information is contained on a subpage, then it must be enabled in the configuration.

    If the site has sublinked pages then in the configuration program you will see an check box and a start and end time. The check box turns on the grabbing of sub pages and the time specify when to grab sub pages, because this requires a extra request for each listing.

    To be nice to the site and save time, I have added this feature. By default these values are set to 18 and 23 (these hours included). Which means that sub pages will be grabbed for all programs starting between 18:00 and 23:59.

    To have the whole day change this to 0 & 23. It may be first worth thinking if you require extra information for programs at other times.

    Hope this helps,



    New Member
    July 21, 2005
    Beta-0.1.4pre5 broken for Norwegian Channels !

    Hi James, tried to reach u at #mediaportal so maybe u know this already :)

    Beta-0.1.3 it the last working version for Norwegian channels.



    Portal Member
    December 31, 2004
    James said:
    Hi wortelsoft,

    I cannot find the belgium channel '��n' channel on www.tvgids.nl. At the moment if the channel is not found from a country grabber then the channel does not appear under that country.

    However, you can select channels from from any country. The guide data will come from a BE site. You are able to select this site (by clicking on websites radio button on the selection window, or click the second "..." button next to the site field).
    I'm doing this, and wrote about it to the wrong forum Topic, to grab BBC data from 1-xmltv.radiotimes.com.
    Problem in short is that I live in the Netherlands so my localtime is GMT+2 and the BBC data is in GMT+1, at the moment.

    I would like to ask for a enhancement to modify the times in the resulting tvguide.xml according to for example a timezone spec in the grabber file and the local windows timezone, if possible.

    Since I read the WebEPG in is cvs I''ll have a look at it myself but since I'm new to this it could take my a while to write it myself if possible.

    Thanks in advance,



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi Joop,

    Which channels do you need? BBC1, BBC2, BBC Prime and BBC World are all available from www.tvgids.nl.

    If you grab the information from there it is in the correct time zone already and there is no need for converting.




    Portal Member
    February 7, 2005
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    In the Netherlands there's a new channel named Talpa. They broadcast at the same frequency as Nickelodeon (Talpa is on air everyday from 18.00 till 02.00). So if we use the Nickelodeon ID from tvgids.nl you don't get program details for Talpa.
    How to fix this: update your channels from the mediaportal setup with Talpa, so just add a new channel and use the same frequency as Nickelodeon but now name your channel Talpa. Download the new updated NL-grabber (www_tvgids_nl.xml) and channel listings (channels.xml) from here and now you will have the pogram details and descriptions also from Talpa.

    James, hope you can include this in next release.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi Joop,

    I understand. Ok as you mentioned you could have a look at the code yourself, I assume that you can program. So I'll do you a deal. Write me the code the will given two timezones get the difference between them and I will put it in the right place in the program for you.

    This will save me some searching on timezones in c#. Also make sure it will work no matter winter and summer time differences.

    This shouldn't be too much work. The largest part is in the looking up the c# classes for timezones and time offsets.

    Let me know what you think.




    Portal Pro
    August 4, 2005
    Do channels need to be added to the grabbers manually, a new channel in the UK has just started called 'More4' but it doesn't appear in the list.

    I've had a look in the digiguide xml file and located the parent channel:-

    <entry name="channel4.com">4</entry>

    what does the number >4< mean, presumably that is some sort of id number? how do I find out the id for more4?



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi Robomonkey,

    I was sent updates that I will include in the next release. (I need to find a better/quicker way of distributing config file changes).

    However util then, Add the following lines:

    <entry name="more4@channel4.com">1959</entry>

    <entry name="more4@channel4.com">50459</entry>

    <entry name="more4@channel4.com">more4</entry>



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