[29.11.05] WebEPG 0.2.0 update on website (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 13, 2005
Austria, Graz
James said:
AT - programm.kurier.at special charaters encoding fixed
Wow, that sound great. Will test in the afternoon and report back ;)

UPDATE: Uses the new version, but get the same problem as before. I deleted the old folder and extracted the new archive. Did the changes in the config file but got the utf-8 char insted of the correct shown n EPG.



I'm a n00b to Media Portal, but I have got it working pretty well so far. But I'm having a bit of a problem with the TV Guide.

I'm an Aussie using WebEPG .1.4 Pre 3. The only guide that seems to have Adelaide is D1.com.au

However it only seems to return data for for the likes of Melbourne. Is there something I need to change?

This is a sample of the log

8/09/2005 10:03:59 PM Loading ChannelMap: WebEPG.xml
8/09/2005 10:03:59 PM WebEPG: Getting Channel 1 of 5
8/09/2005 10:03:59 PM WebEPG: Opening AU\3-www_d1_com_au.xml
8/09/2005 10:03:59 PM WebEPG: ChannelId: abc-sa@abc.net.au
8/09/2005 10:03:59 PM WebEPG: Reading http://www.d1.com.au/D1XMLTV.asmx/GetPrograms?channelid=freehd.Adelaide.2&date=09-08-2005
8/09/2005 10:04:00 PM WebEPG: No Listings Found


Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Sorry guys,

    It seems a few bugs made there way into the latest pre-release. These seem to be effecting quite a few grabbers, but not all channels. As I did a test of one channel from each grabber before releasing (just lucky I guess).

    Current known bugs in this release:

    1. New code to support all tags. Causing parsing problems on existing grabbers - Major.

    2. New code to support time format flexiblity (ourguide.com.au) causes incorrect AM/PM in some cases (UK radio times grabber is reported to have this problem).

    I will try to get them all sorted out as soon as possible (most likely this weekend). Until then, I would suggest if possible to use 0.1.3.

    If you have had any problems with 0.1.4 pre 3. Please report as these will help me fix the problems quicker and test that all the problems have been fixed.



    I've gone back to beta .3 which is now working with my modified yahoo grabber for Adelaide.

    Now, this is very strange. The xml file is created, and I can see all of the TV channels that I have asked it to grab. Now, if I open up the guide, some of them are read and some of them are not.

    So I modified the config with the WebEPG config, cleared Media Portals tv guide data base and then relaunched it. Some of the channels that were previously listed no longer are and some that were not working, now are?

    Long story short, Media Portal is not reading the tvguide.xml properly or something, it's very spasmodic & frustrating for me.

    NB: I have made absolutely sure that the channel names match what is in the xml file. I even went as far as renaming everything so that there were no spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters, which didn't make a lick of difference.

    Can anyone save my sanity?

    It appears that if there are any duplicate channels, the second one is ignored. EG if I have a SD and a HD channel 7, only one of them receives the guide, the others shows us as no data.


    In regards to D1.com.au as a guide source for Aussie, this is from their site:

    Currently the EPG is available for metropolitan Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, regional NSW and regional QLD only. However, if you are outside these areas and are considering purchasing an HMC please contact us, as we may be able to add your area to our EPG.

    Adelaide doesn't exist according to the Eastern states, guess they are upset due to the football :p

    I have modified the Yahoo source to work for Adelaide, as mentioned above. Do I submit this do anyone?


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi guys,

    Sorry for the delay. Thers is an update to fix these problems, now available for download. Hasn't been too much time for testing. So I'm leaving it as a pre-release (0.1.4 pre 4) and will make a full release once I have had time to double check that everything is working. Also with some feedback from the forum.


    Yes please send any file updates to the email, contained in the txt file.




    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi Guys,

    Still not enough time to get the full release tested and out! However, I've fixed some more bugs so here is another pre-release.

    So grab 0.1.4 pre-release 5 from the web now while its HOT!.




    New Member
    March 26, 2005
    Great work...but one question

    Hi James,

    You've done some great work on this. Easy to install, fast and without any problems.

    Only question I have is that the grabber doesn't seem to retreive genre and program details. More people asked this question, but I didn't find an answer.
    Is this correct and is this something that will be available in future versions?



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    hi James..can u please fix webepg so we can use it in Australia...i only see the first channel (1-sbs.com.au) and nothing under it...please please fix it please


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi SilenTYL,

    I had posted how to fix this problem, but it was lost with the forum crash. I am still travelling and therefore haven't been able to upload a patched version.

    To fix this problem. You need to fix the XML error in the 2-www_ourguide_com_au.xml" file. Which is the file that you provided me ;)

    Once this error is fixed everything works. To Fix:

    1. Open file in a browser.
    2. Open file in a editor (notepad)
    3. Locate error double "</"
    4. Remove error and save
    5. Load Webepg-conf .. all channels will now appear

    I will upload a package with this fixed as soon as possible.



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