4:3 skin ::: aMPed 2.0 final (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 22, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
Here are some screenshots of the new MyHome screens to go with the new layouts (see previous post). I just used some standard wallpapers as a sample.

The idea is that you can use a single image as a backdrop and change it as you like, or you can use several images and have them cycle. I have it set to every 10 secs atm. You can use photos, wallpapers or whatever you prefer, ideally widescreen 16x9 resolution so they don't distort.

1 - the Default theme 18pt font with Ticker
2 - Superblue theme 14pt font with Video Playing
3 - Monochrome theme - Geosanslight 14 pt font
4 - Monochrome theme - Standard 14pt font, without the RSS-Ticker enabled just to give you an idea how different the screen can look.

I'm still fine tuning!

Wow, those screens look great, I wondered what the story was with the running program (small window) appearing on the right of screen in those last test files was for, now it makes sense.


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  • January 23, 2008
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    Has the cumulative changes to aMPed 2.0 final been put in the final download? Would make it a bit less confusing than trying to figure it all out from the various downloads in the last several pages.

    Maybe zip just the current xml's at this point, to drop into the folder?

    Then I can check out the new screen xml's.




    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands

    The files of the last couple of pages are not in amped 2.0 final download. They are posted here like this to get more people involved and do some testing for us. So you can do 2 things; scavange the files yourself or wait for a new release.

    All the files of the last pages are not in amped 2.0 final. You'd have to scavange them yourself for now or just wait till we make a new release.

    On the work machine I've got 256 Mb on the nVidia GeForce 7600 GT

    On my HTPC I've got 700Mb of 'hypermemory' (whatever that is)


    The VRAM (Video RAM) is only important for cached images. RAM is used for images loaded during runtime.


    The branching is a good idea. I have used svn before on occasions. At the start of this project I tried branching but didn't get it right and screwed things over. I think I will setup svn repository on my server some day to test/learn these kinda details.


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  • November 26, 2006
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    Chuck - there are only two rar files that use the new layouts and they are both listed/linked in post 260. The other file I posted before was for themes which does not affect the layout design, just the colors.

    I don't plan to post any more test files. The immediate priority is to get it all in SVN ASAP. I'm going as fast as I can, but my eyes, and eating and sleeping slow me down :).

    Thanks for being so eager though, that's a nice compliment!

    EDIT: We can't put the current xmls into a zip because they break the rest of the skin atm, they were only for testing and feedback and 'current' changes every day!


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany

    are there any news on the svn-thing? :)

    just tested the new layouts you posted. i think there is a bug in the tvseries layout. i only get the fanart to show if i set to listview. since i am using coverview thats not good. ;)
    if i am on coverview and slide in the menu the fanart is shown suddenly. if i slide it out again it disappears. can you confirm that? or any idea what is going wrong?

    i like the new layouts. hope the myfilms-fanart bugs are fixed soon.


    edit: fixed it. searched for background.png in tvseries.xml and renamed it to background.pn.
    think the background.png was lying on top of the fanart.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    are there any news on the svn-thing? :)


    Hey there guys, is aMPed 2.0 likely to work ok with MP 1.1.0 or wont we know until it is released? The reason I am asking is that I am having a problem with my MP after its been running a while not playing back any TV or video and I have to restart MP all the time. I am probably going to have to do a complete reinstall of MP to fix it. I am thinking of waiting for the MP 1.1.0 release before doing that, but I dont want to do it if I cant get my aMPed up and running on it pretty quickly, I love aMPed just to much to be without it :)


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  • November 26, 2006
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    You guys are pretty tuned in. I am just preparing a long post about the new version

    @Eyepop - thanks for the feedback, but what is coverview? I only know of ListBanners, ListPosters, WideBanners and Filmstrip in TVSeries. I have made significant changes to those. I am just loading everything into a branch in SVN. STAY TUNED! You can test the new ones out and let me know if the background overaly problem is resolved. And yeah, I hope MyFilms gets better fanart support too! It's bearable, but only just.

    EDIT: I checked, you meant WideBanners right? Yes I have removed the background.png and diffused the banners not in focus so you see more of the fanart.

    Reg - I am not planning to support MP 1.1.0 until it is officially released. I haven't installed it yet. I want to get the new version of aMPed done first. I think skins will still work in MP 1.1.0, although without the new features. But I believe you have to install skins to a new location. Maybe someone else knows for sure.

    AMPED 2.1 IN SVN READY FOR TESTING (Damn automerged doublepost)

    At long last, the new verison of aMPed is ready for testing. This is an Alpha version, not available for download yet, only in SVN. It is ready for MP 1.0.2. New features of MP 1.1.0 Alpha are not yet implemented. My goal is to have the skin ready for release before MP 1.1.0 is released so I can implement the new features and release it right after.

    INSTALLATION: The new version is in a branch. The URL for checkout is https://amped.googlecode.com/svn/branches/2.1 username and password are the same as for your google code account

    README: There is a new Readme in the Readme folder (now in SVN). I know it is long but there are LOTS of changes. I plan to create Wiki pages and link to them when I get time. So the final readme will be much shorter.

    CONFIGURATION: aMPed 2.1 is a very graphic oriented skin with backdrops throughout, so to get the full effect, you have to do the following:
    1. Shorten your Date format (see Readme for Options - I recommend just editing the strings file)
    2. Add your own Backdrops (I have included some free ones + some of my crap photos)
    3. Make sure your thumbnail quality is set to at least 120x150 (if not regenerate thumbs after changing)
    4. Copy your fanart to your new test version i.e aMPed2.1\Media\Fanart Music or Video folder
    5. Download artist images using the built in AudioScrobbler Plugin (you need a free username and password).
    Again, see the Readme for details on all the above.

    The main functions of MP and the following Plugins are ready for testing:
    My TV Series 2.3 *
    My Films 4.80c
    Moving Pictures 0.75 *
    Online Videos 0.9.3 *
    Youtube.fm 0.5.5 *
    MyYoutube 0.3
    Mvids 0.2
    MusicVids * (new version of MVids still in beta)
    My Lyrics 1.33 *
    Last.FM (incl in MP 1.0.2)
    RadioTime 0.5.2
    Music Menu
    * indicates new version since aMPed 2.0

    Font sizes and Themes: Ready for testing

    MyFilms fanart: Jamiro has already tested this so thanks and three cheers go to him! See MyFilms Fanart.txt in the Readme folder for details how to set it up and use it in aMPed.

    BasicHome: Still aMPed 2.0 style but fully functional.

    Not Completed:
    All the 'uncompleted' plugins should still be functional but use the aMPed 2.0 style and media overlays. So when you are playing media the overlay will switch to the lower left on screens I have not redesigned yet. On the new layouts it displays on the lower right. Eventually they will all be on the lower right.

    Here are the plugins I have NOT done yet. Please let me know which ones are your priorities. That goes for everyone, not just testers!

    My Trailers
    My Showtimes
    For The Record (4TR)
    TV Gemist
    Yahoo Music Videos
    MTV Music Videos
    Global Search
    Smart Playlists
    Music Trivia
    My Emulators
    Connect 4
    Simon Says
    My Frustration
    My Hexxagon
    Extra Menu
    Watch Menu
    Game Menu
    My Speedfan
    Drive free space
    My Daily Comics
    Outlook Mail
    My uTorrent
    Media Slayer
    My Explorer
    My Programs
    My Worldmap

    Joz is still swamped these days so I really need some HELP if this version is ever to be released! If you are familiar with any of the uncompleted plugins and are willing to help me out, just PM me.

    Please try to test all the views/options in each layout. If you find what you think are bugs, you can report them in the Issue Tracker. You can report suggestions for enhancements there as well.

    I cannot properly test all the features of aMPed because I don't have relevant data in some cases. So I need someone to test these plugins:

    I have tried linking directly to the [Userdata]\thumbs folder for thumbnail backdrops. Can someone please test if it is working in XP? You should get the album cover as a backdrop. Does anyone know a way to enter a variable for a path in an xml? I know %AllUsersProfile%\Team MediaPortal\ works in Windows, but it doesn't work in a skin file.

    jamiro and Reg - I really need you guys to test Radio thoroughly including the RadioGuide and the overlays when Radio is playing. I can't get Radio on my tuner here so I only use Webstreams, and I find the RadioTime plugin a lot easier for that. Sorry Reg, I don't mean to make you get out of that armchair! :)

    Migue - can you please test out the Video Shares Views to make sure they are all working for your video thumbnails? I tried on some test files, but I may have missed something. Can you get thumbs in Video playlists? I couldn't get mine to work in Blue3 either.

    Latvian3Dman - I included the BigCover version for MyVideos (Shares View) in the Layouts folder. You need to copy the files from there to the skin folder to get big covers instead of the video thumbnails views. Can you make sure that is all working for you? I am counting on you to test out the Monochrome theme. And post some screenshots of your Sci-Fi backdrops on MyHome - I'm dying to see them!

    OnlineVideos, MyYoutube, Youtube.fm. (I haven't done MyTrailers yet.) I can never get MP4 videos to stream and my bandwith is pitiful so I really need someone to test this. Marvenius??? Maybe you can test drive and check for performance issues as well? Especially the memory usage of Multiimage backdrops on MyHome in XP. I haven't had a chance to test OnlineVideos 0.9.4 yet.

    I think that's it. Thanks to all who are willing to test! All feedback is welcome.


    Portal Pro
    June 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Wow... a long post. ;) sorry i meant filmstrip. but i think you found out what was wrong.

    tested the fanart in myfilms too now. resized all fanart to 720x405 and it looks okay so far. the performance is good too. found there a little bug in details-screen. but you said that its only for testing. i will post a screen in a few minutes. :)

    edit: just saw one more little thing... if you browse to the filmlist and choose a film to get into the detailsscreen the fanart fades out and in again. hope you understand what i mean.


    • myfilmsdetails.jpg
      74.8 KB


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  • November 26, 2006
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    Yeah, sorry about the long post, I tend to give too much information sometimes!

    Regarding the coverart issue, I have had that before myself, and it has been reported here as well https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/my-films-164/myfilms-cover-art-issue-56594/ I suspect it may have to do with screen size or something and the images not scaling properly. If I can figure it out, maybe I can select an image size that works. So.... please let me know what screen size you are using and if you have done any screen calibration, overscan or anything that ajusts the screen size. All the covers display perfectly for me on both my 1280x1024 screen and my 720x576 screen.

    About the fanart fading, it is a global setting in aMPed to fade on window open and close, and the MyFilms Details is a separate window (not like MovingPictures or TVSeries where all the views are in one xml) You are right, it does not make much sense when just going to the details screen. I know Zebons is hoping to have a new version out in the next month or so and I think you will be able to play films directly from the main screen. Perahps the Details screen will be incorporated into one xml. So I don't want to spend a lot of time on it, but I will see what I can do.

    I'm glad you posted a screenshot because you have some other problems going on there! You switched to the Monochrome theme, but it is not displaying correctly. It should look much better than that! Your top and bottom bars are not correct for one thing.

    I should have thought of it, but you cannot simply switch themes in an SVN verison because when you copy the whole Media folder it copies the SVN folders and files as well. So, you either have to copy the files without copying the SVN files, or you should Export your SVN verison and switch themes in a non SVN version. It's always good to have a working copy to play around with anyway. Normally you CAN just copy the Media folder when switching themes, just not in an SVN version!

    It may be safest at this point to just do a new checkout and then export that to a working copy because I don't know how well it will work if you use a Revert to Version command! Sorry about not mentioning that! But I'm glad you found that out so other users won't run into the same problem.

    EDIT: It is always a good idea to enter your system specs in User Config, it saves me (or anyone else) asking what they are every time you report a problem.

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