samuel337 said:If you're prepared to submit your plugin and allow it to become part of the MP distribution (subject to the devs approval - e.g. must be in C#, appropriate etc.), then you can follow the instructions below:
Pick out a range of stringIDs that haven't been used yet (must be below 9999), add in the entries, make your changes in the code, then submit your code as a patch on SF, and let the devs know on IRC.
Otherwise, you'll just have to incllude the new entries that you have made in the XML file in a text file for people to manually insert into their strings.xml file with your plugin.
samuel337 said:Hang on... so what you want to do is add translations to the strings used in My Planner? And it doesn't involve any code changes (i.e. the strings are already in strings.xml for english)?
If so, then all you need to do is go to and edit the string files there for the appropriate language.