I'll move this into an own thread under "feature requests". I like the idea, but I think we can currently not implement this with further changes.
I've checked the models and there are no variables, that could be easily called.
I'll move this into an own thread under "feature requests". I like the idea, but I think we can currently not implement this...
MP2 is great, but I‘d rely one change.
I can have optional help texts, which are nice for a first time use, but then do not have...
Due to the recent update in FanartHandler and using dynamic paths for the ClearArt, ClearLogo and CDArt this is resolved without the need to update MovingPictures Cornerstone.MP.Extensions as FH no longer uses #selecteditem and instead uses #MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.title.
At the moment MePo theme has these values but I plan to...
Due to the recent update in FanartHandler and using dynamic paths for the ClearArt, ClearLogo and CDArt this is resolved without...
There is an issue with missing #fanarthandler.movie.clearart.selected path value when MovingPictures loads a list of movies.