aopen xcube ea65II and mediaportal please help me!!! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 4, 2006
i hope it Fido!:)....i'm going to try a new fresh installation! tank you for your support....

P.S.: have u seen my machine configuration? r u using an aopen xcube ea65II u too?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    MP was literally rewritten, due to the constrains of XP and to be fully DX9 compliant.
    We are very sorry for your particular issues but MP is a Utility that does need Modern day hardware.
    Yes we know that not all of us, myself included can have the most upto date ZILLION dollar hardware, But it does need hardware that meets the demands of todays\tomorrows users and has to be futureproof.
    As the old saying, TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN.
    Neither does hardware.



    Portal Pro
    April 27, 2006
    Do u wanna mean that there is no possibility to include the old TV engine in MP?? I think that is better to be more compatible with all users... no only with a few TV cards... talking about the system, i think that my PC config is enough to run this app (P IV 3.4 GHz and 1Gb RAM, nVidia 6600GT 256Mb) may be that the TV card is not the best available, but i think that it is enogh to view the TV... As a developer, i think that it could be very easy to include the old method for handling sw cards in the new version... here in spain there are MANY users with sw based cards ( and they will be very happy if MP have support for this cards... Nero Home 7 have support for this cards also, and it's a last generation app... so, please, consider my idea, and continue supporting sw cards in MP, i think that it is the best software for HTPC and it will be better if it supports as many cards as possible...

    (I'm sorry for my english, but i'm from Spain)


    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2004
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    Fidoboy said:
    Do u wanna mean that there is no possibility to include the old TV engine in MP?? I think that is better to be more compatible with all users... no only with a few TV cards... talking about the system, i think that my PC config is enough to run this app (P IV 3.4 GHz and 1Gb RAM, nVidia 6600GT 256Mb) may be that the TV card is not the best available, but i think that it is enogh to view the TV... As a developer, i think that it could be very easy to include the old method for handling sw cards in the new version... here in spain there are MANY users with sw based cards ( and they will be very happy if MP have support for this cards... Nero Home 7 have support for this cards also, and it's a last generation app... so, please, consider my idea, and continue supporting sw cards in MP, i think that is the best software for HTPC and it will be better if it supports as many cards as possible...

    (I'm sorry for my english, but i'm from Spain)

    This is a very good reason, software based cards are still very extend...


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Maybe at some time in the future... support for SW based TV tuner card will return. Not now. Until then, either live without it - don't use your TV cards you have or go out and purchase a supported TV card or lastly - find a HTPC app that supports your card you have now. Simple, isn't it?

    The developers got tired of working out the problems with SW based TV cards so they stopped supporting them - simple! They don't get paid and they got tired of working with the very problematic SW cards. So maybe once they are able to get over this current problems they MAY bring them back. I said may. Until then, follow my steps at the beginning of my post. Simple.


    Portal Pro
    April 27, 2006
    i think that we don't need 'more' support or features for sw based cards, only that the old engine (included in 0.1.3) returns to this new version... that could be very simple i think... i'm not asking about adding more features or enhacements in the TV handling system... i only want the same system than before. The TV section of MP doesn't need anymore that the features that are currently supporting... there are other important areas that in my modest opinion need more enhacements (like skins, plugins, my music, etc) I'm just trying to contribute for making a better program, because i really like MP... I'm so sorry if my words sounds a bit hard (my english is not so good..) but i'm only trying to help MP...


    Portal Member
    May 4, 2006
    hi to all...i don't want to be polemic and then i'm not a programmer as i've already told to all in this post....but i think that a software to be complete need to support the most number of tv card possible to satisfact all customers...

    Media portal born as a open source software free for free users.
    This solution to exclude some users and their tv card seems as the microsoft business politic.

    In fact microsoft has a list of the hardware compatible for MCE and u can use only those tv card.

    This situation appears in contrarst with the philosophy of the opensource i think....

    But this is only what i think...maybe in real is different....and i don't know the point of view of the programmers who are realizing MP...

    If i'm mistaking i ask sorry in advance...

    (and sorry for my english too...) :)


    Portal Member
    May 4, 2006
    none think i'm right?

    and about leadtek tv card compatibility with lateast version of mp?

    The destiny of the people who have this card is to not use it in MediaPortal RC4?



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    friffu: best tip is to get yourself a harware card. a hauppauge 150 starts at 55 EUR. Performance is way better than software and you get a picture while recording plus timeshift.

    I tried a lot with my sw card, invested at least 20 hours with codecs, settings, tests, etc. Only skipped frames, recordings without sound, etc.
    And this was at a time when i had this sw-tv card newly bought and a msi mega. But nevertheless, the hw-card turned out to be my best investment.

    think about it.


    Portal Member
    May 4, 2006
    thx tomtom for the suggest...but i can't invest other money for another card for 2 reasons:

    1) if i buy an other card my aopen ea65II not starts with istant on software when pc is off

    2) i have spent already too much money and time (as u have done).

    At this point i prefer continue to spend time (when i have it)

    At least it is free!!!

    BTW, as i've posted 1 or 2 days ago, i think that this politic of the MP programmers to exclude some tv card from the software is similar to the microsoft business politic .....i could mistake but i think if a software is opensource it sould helps all free users..


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