I did some searching on how to get sunset information etc. Seems you don't need an API since it can be simply calculated. For example see this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2056555/c-sharp-sunrise-sunset-with-latitude-longitudeThe sunset times would be a nice idea to include in AtmoLight, it would need a site with a proper/reliable API where we can get that info but shouldn't be that hard to include
Think it's due to the AtmoHue startup after shutdown but will double check.
Another option is this json api http://openweathermap.org/current when I look at the response it includes sunrise/sunset information
Since I think you are using C# (not sure but whole mediaportal is written in that right?) you could also consider a library like http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/29306/C-Class-for-Calculating-Sunrise-and-Sunset-Times
I'm a Java dev myself with very little C# experience(although it's quite similair), so thought maybe above information can help you a bit and prevent you from spending to much time on a solution