ATSC Card Owners: Come here for Support (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 24, 2006
Cobb Mt, Ca.
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United States of America United States of America
MP w\VBOX 150 & EPG?

Hi natrlhy,
I want to just relate I'm sorry if I made this conditional. I would like to be able to utilize and contributre, I just am not to receptive to spend weeks tryn' to acheive functionality. It's easy to get caught up in computin' and create family conflict from excessive computin' Recognizin' the boundaries.


Paul S

Portal Pro
May 14, 2006
Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
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We always recommend a fresh install of Windows along with all updates. There also is a thread about the minimum needed to run MP. I'll see if I can locate it for you.

Also, don't run the channel scan from the setup window. In the MP setup app (the desktop icon) there is a section on tuners. Run the channel scan from there, uncheck the dvb epg.

In the US the best EPG is zap2it. go to and sign up. Use the zap2it plugin to fill the EPG with data.

I use the VBox 150 - no problems (MP version 2.0 w/patch

I had to reinstall MP about 2 months ago, it just stopped working. So uninstall, delete the directory and try again.



Portal Pro
January 31, 2005
Hill AFB, UT
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Have you had any luck with the new server/client setup and the Vbox? My local machine shows the HD channel but it is jerky and there is no sound. Analog works like a champ.


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    I'll be testing the new TVserver/client soon. Scanning my HD channels has worked well, but I still need to test it in MP.

    Also, with MP can you record an analog show AND watch/record an ATSC show?

    When I do the above, my ATSC/HD show ends up VERY jerky and unwatchable. I'm looking for an ATSC user that can do this. I have two SATA drives and my recordings go to different disks. I have 1GB of memory and my CPU or GPU aren't struggling...


    Portal Member
    October 24, 2006
    Cobb Mt, Ca.
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    Hi PaulS.
    I opened program to view what you replied about. I see the 'tuner' section under the Tele headin.' My card is recognized, however, relatin' to scannin' channels.
    Re: sys requirements I have seen those and should not have any issues. No need to provide the link.
    1. I have unchecked the dvb epg box.
    2. For the scannin' are you referring to the 'atsc' section that has about 8 required fields in red?
    3. If so, what values are allowed to input on the fields such as 'physical channel, major, minor and transport ID and modulation. Channels and subs I can hanlde if I know the values allowed, but where do I find that other necessary info?
    4 Re: the ver you are usin.' Are you referring to the MP download page listed as 'stabls release' (the program version & the one below titled 'stable update'? (version i think)
    5. Also, what version drivers are being used fo your vbox?
    6. Lastly, it operates w\a EPG ?



    Portal Member
    October 24, 2006
    Cobb Mt, Ca.
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    Is It Sherlock Or Is It Hercuile???

    I see questins I see answers but I don't see any information on specific information on the setup for the atsc. Such as Step 1, Step 2, Step 3,....or a basic outline Seection A. Section B Section C........There I started it,,,,,,,,,can someone who has set theirs up finish it?????


    Paul S

    Portal Pro
    May 14, 2006
    Franklin, WI (Milwaukee)
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    United States of America United States of America
    Okay, here is how to set up a capture card in (painful) detail:

    1) Click on "Setup Media Portal" icon on desktop
    2) In the directory tree, click on the + sign to the left of "Television" to expand it.
    3) Click on "Capture Cards".
    4) In the capture card window, click on th "Add" button.

    a) On the 1st tab, titled "Capture Card".
    1) On the "TV Capture Card" drop down box, click on the down arrow (v).
    2) Select the capture card. (If none are installed correctly, it will be blank).
    3) Select check box to use this card for viewing TV.
    4) Select check box to use this card for Recordings.
    5) Specify folder to keep recordings.

    b) On the 2nd tab, titled "Autotune".
    1) Click on the "Scan" button.
    2) Let it scan! This may take some time. You should not have to manually
    input channel frequencies unless MP has trouble scanning with your card.

    As for EPG, I may have gave you some misinformation. In the US we do not need to use the XMLTV for EPG data. We can use the zap2it source for guide data. I don't know if you still have to uncheck the "Grab EPG from DVB" box. I was told that you need to, so I did.

    Also, the version I'm using is with patch . I don't see that patch available for download anymore. You should use the newer version . Make sure that the zap2it plugin you get is the latest.

    As for a "How To" file. The MP wiki is open for anyone that wants to add info. Feel free to use the directions that I wrote above, and add anything that you find. I can't add to the wiki right now. My coffee is getting cold, and my morning newspaper sits unread!



    Portal Pro
    January 31, 2005
    Hill AFB, UT
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America

    I can record analog and watch/record OTA HD at the same time and the other way around to.

    My system specs are available under my picture.
    MyTV configuration is:
    Video codec: Purevideo (Automatic deinterlacing)
    Audio codec: Purevideo
    Audio device: NVIDIA direct sound device
    Auto turn on TV
    Auto turn on timeshifting 60 minute buffer
    3 tuners record/timeshift to same SATA drive ( Windows drive ATA133)
    No seperate postprocessing (ffdshow)

    Hope this is useful.

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