Automated Artist / Album Scraping (1 Viewer)

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  • January 27, 2005
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    Please ask "Trevor", it can help ;) (mvcentral works)
    I am fairly sure this uses and it won't work for new data since February 14th ( (unless @trevor is scraping the website but I am not doing more scraping as it is too much effort to keep up with each time they change a tiny bit of the html).

    He also passes the results through google translate which is one option but not very high on my list of things to look at (sorry)


    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    jameson_uk is correct here - you may not notice as you have upgraded so still have the original full bio data. Currently you get a summary bio only, this change will effect new artists you add or users that clear their DB at each new version.

    Without scraping the site, which as pointed out is a pain as well as tricky for language support, MvC is now working on 300 characters max for the Bio. Still thinking about what else may be possible, displaying a 'more' link/button and jumping out of MvC to a browser is a possible option but not nice as would like to keep MvC self contained.



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  • January 27, 2005
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    For artist / album, try the following user contributed website:
    I can't find it now but I did post about this previously. For me this is not ready yet.
    There are 10k artists and when you look most just basically quote the wikipedia entry. When you look too there is still far too much reliance on one man (Zag who I believe is/was involved with Meedios.

    For fanart / logos / album & artist artworks:
    I was trying to stay away from this area as it has always been done pretty well by fanarthandler but since went down I did start looking...


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    Help Wanted
    OK I have some stuff I am working on in this area and need some people to help do some experimentation.

    I need people who
    • Are running MP 1.4
    • Have a music collection that is
      • a reasonable size (200+ artists / 400+ albums type area)
      • have it tagged pretty well
      • Have music that other people may have heard of (I don't want people who only listen to bands from small villages in Kazakhstan but mildly obscure stuff is OK)
    • Are mildly technical and can do some digging themselves
    • Don't mind trying some experimental ideas with the view that they may need to keep backups of their music data to go back to
    but most importantly I want people who have enthusiasm to improve this and MP and time to help out.

    If anyone does want to help can they drop me a PM?
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