Automatic Refreshrate Changer (14 Viewers)


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  • September 14, 2006
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    Whilst I now have my refresh rates working perfectly, still working on getting sync for 23.876 stuff. Been trying reclock with varying success. Sometimes its fine for entire movie; sometimes goes badly out of sync, only fixed by stop and start playback again.

    Still have just cleaned up my filters and drivers and reinstalled; trying out Catalyst 8.12.

    Reading on the Slysoft forum, seems to be that filters used have a big impact on success of Reclock. So looks like I need to try out powerDVD since that is seen to be most stable.

    What is odd and IMHO worth investigating is that when using PowerDVD Reclock is very very stable. The same DVD played in PowerDVD, as shown in an earlier log, barely varies +/- 3ms after it has settled down in the first couple of minutes. The same seems true of Blu-rays in PDVD and mkvs played in MPC-HC using Haali and the Cyberlink h.264 decoder.

    It seems Reclock's accuracy in timing AV sync is very dependent on the precise filters. With sufficient buffer surely this should not be the case. Anyway something seems very wrong in the way Reclock is using its buffer. The logic looks flawed. A bigger buffer should enable it to better compensate for any variances, not make things worse, as at present. At the moment a bigger buffer is fine where there is no problem, such as with PDVD, but not where there is. This must be back to front, no????

    Quite apart from making Reclock work with all filters instead of only some, fixing this issue may also benefit even "well behaved" filters and players. Even with PDVD there are a couple of moments in a movie when presumably the PC is doing something and the audio sync slips out to say 70ms, taking 10+ seconds to recover. It is possible, given the buffer does not seem to work right now that if we get to the root of the problem even this may be improved.


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  • January 5, 2009
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    I hope you might be able to help. Tried to watch a blueray disc last night and the picture jerked a number of times.

    I'm therefore installing this and wanted to check a couple of things. My setup is as follows:

    <entry name="autochangerefreshrate">yes</entry>
    <entry name="notify_on_refreshrate">yes</entry>
    <entry name="cinema_ext">c:\\Program Files\\12noon Display Changer\\dc.exe -refresh=24 -apply -quiet</entry>
    <entry name="pal_ext">c:\\Program Files\\12noon Display Changer\\dc.exe -refresh=50 -apply -quiet</entry>
    <entry name="ntsc_ext">c:\\Program Files\\12noon Display Changer\\dc.exe -refresh=60 -apply -quiet</entry>
    <entry name="tv_ext">c:\\\\50hz.cmd</entry>
    <entry name="cinema_fps">23.976;24</entry>
    <entry name="pal_fps">25</entry>
    <entry name="ntsc_fps">29.97;30</entry>
    <entry name="tv_fps">25</entry>
    <entry name="cinema_hz">24</entry>
    <entry name="pal_hz">50</entry>
    <entry name="ntsc_hz">60</entry>
    <entry name="tv_hz">50</entry>
    <entry name="default_hz">pal_hz</entry>
    <entry name="use_default_hz">no</entry>
    <entry name="devicereset">no</entry>
    <entry name="force_refresh_rate">no</entry>

    I've got 12noon Display Changer installed. Presumably I need to create a cmd file and place it in Program Files\12 noon Display Changer folder? What should these be named and what should be included within them? Does this look right (I have wait.exe installed) and do I need to create the same for 50 and 60?

    "c:\\Program Files\\12noon Display Changer\\dc.exe" -width=1280 -height=720 -refresh=24 -apply -quiet
    c:\\wait 3

    Current setup is Windows XP SP3 with ATI Radeon HD3200 Graphics Card (CCC 8.12). TV is a Samsung - it doesn't cover 1080p just 720p and 1080i (prefer 720p). Currently I have it set to 1280x720 with a refresh rate of 50Hz.

    Help much appreciated!

    place the bat file wherever you want. the bat file should look like this:
    "C:\Program Files\12noon\dc.exe" -width=1920 -height=1080 -refresh=24 -apply -quiet
    c:\wait 5

    in the xml file you have to set the directory of the bat file....

    Just use empty sections like <entry name="pal_ext"></entry> + for the other XXX_ext sections as well.
    the mp.log should give u a clue if the internal method is used or not...

    2009-01-16 20:24:59.250000 [Info.][MPMain]: RefreshRateChanger.SetRefreshRateBasedOnFPS: using internal win32 method for changing refreshrate. current is 60hz, desired is 59

    did i understand right that i just have to leave the section empty <entry name="pal_ext">...</entry> ?

    if i do that it still says that it want to use an external method.

    im using vista 32bit i have to set to EVR otherwise it won't work! :mad:


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    been using (well, trying to) the refresh rate changer since it's inclusion in latest svn. Everything seems to be working correctly, except 23.976fps files. These files, all .avi format, when played back with the screen changed to a 24hz refresh rate, keep getting further and further out of sync with the audio. This happens whether I use the refresh rate changer or set the refresh rate in the nVidia control panel. These files play back fine (barring the judder) when screen is set to 50hz.
    Is this a codec issue? I've been using ffdshow for .avi files.
    Any thoughts on how to deal with this issue would be greatly appreciated.:D


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden

    been using (well, trying to) the refresh rate changer since it's inclusion in latest svn. Everything seems to be working correctly, except 23.976fps files. These files, all .avi format, when played back with the screen changed to a 24hz refresh rate, keep getting further and further out of sync with the audio. This happens whether I use the refresh rate changer or set the refresh rate in the nVidia control panel. These files play back fine (barring the judder) when screen is set to 50hz.
    Is this a codec issue? I've been using ffdshow for .avi files.
    Any thoughts on how to deal with this issue would be greatly appreciated.:D

    im also having the exact same problem... there seems to be a bug in mediaportal as a lot of people is having problems with 23,976 material playing at the correct hz

    seems like mediaportal is giving false information to the renderer (in my case EVR)
    the reported framerate in the EVR properties while playing a movie in mediaportal is like 60000 (should be 23.976) or something like that, when playing the same file in windows mediaplayer it is reported at 23.976 like it should be....

    so theres certainly a bug in mediaportal preventing the EVR renderer (or any other) to retreive the correct framerate.
    Oddly enough there is no problem while keeping your refreshrate at 60hz, but mediaportal still gives the incorrect framerate though...


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    I just discovered this thread and also have been reading about reclock.
    I am using XP SP3 with ATI HD3200. I watch all my TV and mkv/avi/mpg through MP 1.0.0
    I use PDVD8 codec and (MPC-HC) codecs.

    What would be better for me, this program or reclock?


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    I have no clue as to why u r seeing AV sync issues when using vista.

    I'm only a XP user myself so I cant help you. Maybe tourette is able to conjure up some wise answer to your question.

    kiwijunglist; if your TV supports those common refreshrates, 24, 25/50 and 60m then u should avoid reclock and instead change the refreshrate.

    ex. reclock is nice for those TV sets that are not able to show a 24hz signal. Since it will adapt the framerate of the videoclip in realtime to that of the TV set.



    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    Thanks. My TV looks good on 1080p24,1080p50,1080p60.... when i change to 25hz the picture doesn't look as sharp. However reclock reported my refresh rate as 55hz when it was set to 50hz, which was strange.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Now that is what I call FAST Issue resolving :eek: :eek:

    Nice work Gibman :)


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