This is writen bij HOBORG in his thread. See latest MP 1.0 SVN has updated subtitles handling, so it is necessary tu reinstall Haali media splitter and enable AVI support! This will make AVI working perfectly, multiple audio tracks & subtitles.
SVN updated.
dynamic refreshrate changer; added support for internally changing the refresh rate using win32 api code (no need for powerstrip or any other 3rd party tool, making things alot easier for the average joe).
Just use empty sections like <entry name="pal_ext"></entry> + for the other XXX_ext sections as well.
the mp.log should give u a clue if the internal method is used or not...
2009-01-16 20:24:59.250000 [Info.][MPMain]: RefreshRateChanger.SetRefreshRateBasedOnFPS: using internal win32 method for changing refreshrate. current is 60hz, desired is 59
Also added configuration section in configuration.exe , look in the general section. No need to edit XML by hand.
So if u want to try it out, grab the latest SVN when its public.
Just to be sure you know. There is a new Matroska splitter from 1-2 weeks ago. This one also handles avi files very well.
This is writen bij HOBORG in his thread. See latest MP 1.0 SVN has updated subtitles handling, so it is necessary tu reinstall Haali media splitter and enable AVI support! This will make AVI working perfectly, multiple audio tracks & subtitles.
I am going for a projector and a scaler, so having an external scaler means I want my HTPC to output the video in it's native resolution without any scaling whatsoever. The refresh rate changer functionailty currently present in the SVN, does that allow for resolution change as well?
Thank you.