i have found an entry in Configuration.log "PluginsNew: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\MediaInfo.dll has a bad image format". Is that the reason for the problem that the refreshrate change not function? Was is a function version of mediainfo.dll? I have the newest one from the Internet. The Version in MP1.0.1.0 does not function also. Can someone send a version, which functions to me?
Thank you for your help,
2009-04-13 21:52:02.562343 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.Play(X:\Filme\The Dark Knight.mkv Video)
2009-04-13 21:52:02.562343 [Info.][MPMain]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: unable to guess framerate on file X:\Filme\The Dark Knight.mkv
2009-04-13 21:52:02.562343 [Info.][MPMain]: RefreshRateChanger.SetRefreshRateBasedOnFPS: no refreshrate change required. current is 50hz, desired is 0
i have found an entry in Configuration.log "PluginsNew: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\MediaInfo.dll has a bad image format". Is that the reason for the problem that the refreshrate change not function? Was is a function version of mediainfo.dll? I have the newest one from the Internet. The Version in MP1.0.1.0 does not function also. Can someone send a version, which functions to me?
Thank you for your help,