As I discovered so far, MovPics works only with and search for movie using IMDB_ID. So, if your scraper doesn't provide it - you will not have any backdrops loaded automaticaly. You can load it manually, call backdrop.jpg, put to movie folder and will detected and then used by MovPics. So far no other way.I hope this isn't asked before, I'm going to work in a few minutes and don't have time to check it, so if it is please forgive me. I'm using Moving Pictures and as provider for cover art and info in spanish, and works wonderfully. But I have no backdrops so far. I have the default grabber for backdrops and it seems it looks for ENGLISH names in my films, because I do have backdrops for films that happen to have the same name in Spanish and English (e.g. : Juno, Aladdin...). What I'd need would be something that grabs the original name of the films from my spanish provider ( and searchs for backdrops using the original name and NOT the translated Spanish name. Does this exist already and I haven't been able to find it, maybe? Thanks on advance for your advice...