BlackGold BGT3620 DVB-T2 card - Where are the HD channels? (5 Viewers)


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October 19, 2008
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Thanks mm1352000. I tried your thing, but it makes matters worse for me. The only sound is the occasional "blip" and video is very stuttery. Very similar to using MONOGRAM AAC.

I have had no luck so far finding proppage.dll for W7, still looking...


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Thanks mm1352000. I tried your thing, but it makes matters worse for me. The only sound is the occasional "blip" and video is very stuttery. Very similar to using MONOGRAM AAC.

    I have had no luck so far finding proppage.dll for W7, still looking...

    If it is worse than Monogram and DivX then it is likely that Microsoft's codec is being used, but that the stream produced by TsReader is not in the format that it likes. I'd guess that the NAL format changes that tourettes and I mentioned earlier are required...

    Bucky O'Hare

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    April 24, 2008
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    I have only just seen the extra posts in the thread so I haven't tried using the MS codec for AAC livetv as yet will give it a go later and see if it works on the my office pc, but I am also going to try and force PDVD10 Audio codec for LiveTV on my HTPC (Vista) using the same method and see if this works will let you know if it does.

    Bucky O'Hare

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    April 24, 2008
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    Ok tried forcing MS Codec on my office PC and nothing doing its refusing to play ball just keeps defaulting to divx aac confirmed this using graphstudio and connecting to the remote graph so I will wait until the programming changes to allow selection of different AAC codecs for Live TV one more thing had the same experience with my vista HTPC it also defaults to the Divx codec no matter what I do to make it accept the PDVD10 one this has also been confirmed via graphstudio. :confused:


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    October 19, 2008
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    Will be good to know as I have a 5450 as well.

    Ok, I have got my new HD 5450 in and running (without the wife seeing :D). First impressions...

    Lovely smooth HDTV video, no stutter to be seen. All menus (MP & W7MC) are also smooth as a slick. Thanks again for the push, porky996t.

    For the sake of clarity, I would mention that my sound codec issues remain (but I had not expected any change there!).

    So, I now go off to dream about the day the NAL changes come to MP and I can disable W7MC again!


    Portal Member
    July 25, 2006
    West Lothian, Scotland
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    Mine works ok with MP provided I use the DivX audio codec. I'm now getting problems with recorded TV programs during playback where MP crashes after a few minutes.

    If I play them in PowerDVD 10 Ultra they are fine. In fact video quality is better.

    Can we not get PowerDVD options added to AAC Audio field?
    Anyone tried forcing this using the suggested tweak to XML file?

    Some further points with this card - I completely disabled all EPG via DVB-T/T2 and instead reverted to Web-EPG. Works a treat. Otherwise it kept crashing the TV server. I also have a Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT which I've used for years. I've had some funnies with recordings - not sure if MP is handling the tuner allocation correctly as the BGT3620 obviously has HD channels whereas the Cinergy doesn't. I've set the BG card to the lowest priority, i.e. should be used first.

    This is a new Media PC I built just before Xmas. Had MP boxes for around 4/5 years now. I'm using the integrated video in an Intel i3-540 CPU with HDMI output. Works fine for HD playback, including Blu-ray, HD TV, etc.

    I've not included any logs in this as my main reason for posting, as well as sharing info, is to see if PowerDVD audio option can be sorted?

    Many thanks! ;)


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Can we not get PowerDVD options added to AAC Audio field?
    Anyone tried forcing this using the suggested tweak to XML file?
    I thought Bucky O'Hare said he tried this and it failed. You can try it too though - simply insert the full and exact name of the PDVD 10 audio codec in place of the DivX or MS one...

    Some further points with this card - I completely disabled all EPG via DVB-T/T2 and instead reverted to Web-EPG. Works a treat. Otherwise it kept crashing the TV server. I also have a Terratec Cinergy 2400i DT which I've used for years. I've had some funnies with recordings - not sure if MP is handling the tuner allocation correctly as the BGT3620 obviously has HD channels whereas the Cinergy doesn't. I've set the BG card to the lowest priority, i.e. should be used first.
    It is my understanding that the Freeview HD EPG data is compressed like the Freesat data. I have been meaning to try and figure out why the Freeview HD data can't be read like the Freesat data since I was under the impression that they use the same compression mechanism. Too many other things to do at the moment though. The regular Freeview terrestrial EPG data is not compressed, so you should be able to pull data from the standard DVB-T muxes. Regarding the recording issues: without logs, all I can suggest is that you make sure the DVB-T2 channels aren't mapped to the Terratec card (but you probably know all about that already)...

    Bucky O'Hare

    Portal Member
    April 24, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Can we not get PowerDVD options added to AAC Audio field?
    Anyone tried forcing this using the suggested tweak to XML file?
    I thought Bucky O'Hare said he tried this and it failed. You can try it too though - simply insert the full and exact name of the PDVD 10 audio codec in place of the DivX or MS one...

    I tried again this evening on my HTPC to get PowerDVD 10 Audio codec to be the LiveTV AAC codec this time it gave me stuttering video and choppy sound so I think it needs something changing in the coding for it to work. As for my office PC (Win7x64) I had another go tonight to get the MS DTV Audio Codec working but it still refusing to play ball and all I get is the Divx codec showing up in Graphstudio. I have decided to grab one of my spare hd drv's this weekend and install Win 7 on my HTPC and see if I can get that to work with either Power DVD 10 or the MS codec.

    It is my understanding that the Freeview HD EPG data is compressed like the Freesat data. I have been meaning to try and figure out why the Freeview HD data can't be read like the Freesat data since I was under the impression that they use the same compression mechanism. Too many other things to do at the moment though. The regular Freeview terrestrial EPG data is not compressed, so you should be able to pull data from the standard DVB-T muxes. Regarding the recording issues: without logs, all I can suggest is that you make sure the DVB-T2 channels aren't mapped to the Terratec card (but you probably know all about that already)...

    Yes the freeview HD epg data is compressed but after some research I found an application called DVBGuide (works with any BDA device DVB t/t2/s/s2/c) that pulls the Freeview epg inc the 4 HD channels data down and writes it out as either WMC compatible file or an xml file but when I tried to get MP to import the file via the xmltv plugin it found the channels in the file but refused to see any of the program details even though another app I use called TVGuide reads the xml file and displays the program information. So the feared Encryption of the HD channel data never happened what Freeview has done though is introduce a licence for stb manufactures to use the guide data only if they have the DRM flag set for recordings


    Portal Member
    July 25, 2006
    West Lothian, Scotland
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    I edited the Mediaportal.xml config file to use PowerDVD 10 Audio & Video codecs for the HD .ts options and it works! :D
    So if these can be added to the configuration program that would be great.
    I only watched a few minutes to test, but will try for longer tonight to see if crashing Mediaportal client has stopped.

    One other issue: I keep changing the PowerDVD configuration from 2 speaker to 6 speaker. I'm using 5.1 via the HDMI. There's only SPDIF or various speaker No's to choose from, no HDMI. Usually when I go back in to the config page, it's reverted to 2 speaker again. Any idea why that would be?

    Bucky O'Hare

    Portal Member
    April 24, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I edited the Mediaportal.xml config file to use PowerDVD 10 Audio & Video codecs for the HD .ts options and it works! :D
    So if these can be added to the configuration program that would be great.
    I only watched a few minutes to test, but will try for longer tonight to see if crashing Mediaportal client has stopped.

    One other issue: I keep changing the PowerDVD configuration from 2 speaker to 6 speaker. I'm using 5.1 via the HDMI. There's only SPDIF or various speaker No's to choose from, no HDMI. Usually when I go back in to the config page, it's reverted to 2 speaker again. Any idea why that would be?

    Well that's interesting I'll have to give it another go but its going to have to wait until the weekend so I can do a clean install of Windows 7 Pro and MP 1.1.2 and see if I can also get this to work. I will try both 32bit and 64 bit windows installs to see which works better.

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