Blu-Ray / HD-DVD Player with PowerDVD (a working solution) (26 Viewers)

Does this solution help you to play Blu-Ray or HD-DVD movies?

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  • June 20, 2005
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    Italy Italy
    I wonder if it will be possible to call powerstrip before cyberdvd to set a custom resolution (that is 24fps for blueray disks).

    Do I have to recompile something?



    Portal Pro
    December 23, 2007
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Some Workarounds ....

    I had following problems with the original HD_Starter.exe:
    - I did not need "Key forwarding" because i use a iMON VFD Infrared (MCE Mode) which should be able to handle PowerDVD controls
    - iMON VFD Infrared (only in MCE Mode!) did not work after starting of PowerDVD (7.3)
    -> I had to restart iMON Manager (Version 7.40)
    - After "Play" in PowerDVD, iMON VFD Infrared didn't work again
    -> I had to restart iMON Manager again
    - Mouse cursor was always in the middle of the screen and did not hide automatically
    - BzHider did not work with Vista
    - Exit of PowerDVD did not work because remote control uses "Delete" key
    - After going back to MediaPortal, CybrDisplay Plugin (Mini Display Plugin) did not work

    => Because of this i made a new HD_Starter.exe which solves all my problems, now it does following:
    Start sequence...
    1) Close MediaPortal
    2) Activate ATI profile with hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+4 (24Hz)
    3) Start PowerDVD 7 or 8 in fullscreen
    4) Restart iMON Manager
    5) Hide mouse cursor (move it to upper right corner)
    X) Keep PowerDVD always in front
    X) If "Play" (Key [Enter]) is pressed, restart iMON Manager after 10sec
    Exit sequence:
    X) Keys "Esc" or "Delete" or "Backspace" or "browser_back" start exit sequence
    1) Stop playback in PowerDVD
    2) Close PowerDVD
    3) Activate ATI profile with hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+5 (50Hz)
    4) Start MediaPortal

    Maybe some of my solutions, eg. hide of mouse cursor or self check which version of PowerDVD is installed,
    will help other users to fix some problems or optimize something ;)
    I have also integrated some "Error Messages" which can be useful if something did not work correctly.

    WARNING: This HD_Starter.exe is very specific for my needs and should only be used if you have the same
    configuration and problems as described!

    Attached are HD_Starter.exe and HD_Starter.ahk...


    Portal Pro
    September 2, 2007
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    big problem here!

    i just installed this plugin in MP RC2.
    when i start MP now i have no icons/text to select my movies, my music etc..
    i only have the background, date and a small image.

    also i have a problem with the path to powerdvd.
    i cannot start the HD starter because he cannot find the file.
    reason is very simple.

    my path file is as following:
    and not cyberlink/powerdvd/...
    First thing is solved by wiping the cache.
    The steps include adding some images to the skins and sometimes MP chokes on this.

    Second thing is very easely done by improving the script and
    reading the install paths directly from the registry:

    ; Read from the registry the proper install directory for Media Portal and PowerDVD
    ; Registry keys are XP based (vista uses others)
      [COLOR="DarkRed"]RegRead, MediaPortalAppPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal, ApplicationDir[/COLOR]
      if ErrorLevel   ; there was a problem reading the key
        MsgBox, 16, PowerDVD8Ctrl, The install path of Media Portal could not be found.
      [COLOR="darkred"]RegRead, PowerDVDAppPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Cyberlink\PowerDVD8, InstallPath[/COLOR]
      if ErrorLevel   ; there was a problem reading the key
        MsgBox, 16, PowerDVD8Ctrl, The install path of Cyberlink PowerDVD8 could not be found.
    For Vista these registry entries are a bit different. Just check your registry first :)

    nb. I wrote an enhanced autohotkey script that directly reads the pressed keys from the IRTransserver port.
    - immediate reaction on keypress
    - mapping to any application possible
    - no problems with MP taking the focus (all the time)
    If there is any interest, I'll post it her :p


    MP Donator
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  • September 10, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Tried this solution with the mod for PowerDVD8 and it seems to work very nicely.
    But now I have a few questions after reading this giant thrad.

    I should I change to 24hz to prevent stuttering. But ObiYawn's rundll command doesn't works either (Rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll`, dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 24).
    But I can change only my TV to 1080p24 anyway. Setting it always to 24hz would do the trick. Schould be better for HD Material inside MP.. Or am I wrong?

    And secondly it would be nice to control Power DVD completely withe the MCE Remote.
    But I can't control the dialog to resume or restart the DVD. Only with my mice.

    Controlling subtitles and audio doesn't work either. Would be no problem to compile my own HDStarter.exe with the Commands for Power DVD but then MP should use Keyboard Commands. But I have no Idea how to do that.


    MP Donator
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  • September 10, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Du besorgst dir das Autohotkey Programm und baust dir deine eigene Exe.
    in der ahk
    ;PowerDVD Ultra Keyboard Shortcuts
    ;How to use PowerDVD, Main Controls of PowerDVD 8
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2

    ; Start sequence
    ; Move the mouse to a new position:
    MouseMove, 0, 0

    IfWinNotExist, CyberLink PowerDVD
    WinActivate, MediaPortal

    ;Stops Media playing in MP
    Send {b}

    ;Sends to ATI profile to switch 24hz mode / CTRL+SHIFT+4
    ;Send, ^+4

    Run "D:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD8\PowerDVD8.exe" /FULLSCREEN
    WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD

    Sleep, 500
    WinMinimize, MediaPortal
    WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
    WinActivate, MediaPortal

    ;Stops Media playing in MP
    Send, b

    ;Sends to ATI profile to switch 24hz mode
    ;Send, ^+4

    Sleep, 1000
    WinMinimize, MediaPortal
    WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD

    IfWinExist, CyberLink PowerDVD

    IfWinNotExist, MediaPortal
    Run "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"

    ;Sends to ATI profile to switch 50hz mode / CTRL+SHIFT+5
    ;Send, ^+5

    Sleep, 1000
    ;WinRestore , MediaPortal
    Run "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
    WinClose, CyberLink PowerDVD

    IfWinExist, MediaPortal
    Send, , Escape, "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
    änderst du den Pfad einfach nach deinen Bedürfnissen ab.


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  • August 1, 2006
    Neustadt am Rbge.
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    Germany Germany
    jo,danke genau das wars,falscher pfad und auch noch falsch eingetragen(ups).
    was für einen skin benutzt du denn dafür?ich benutze im moment black und white
    und noch etwas,wie beende ich power DVD nach dem der Film zuende ist(FB)?zurück
    zu MP,und gibt es eine möglichkeit das script am filmende zu schließen denn so
    wie es jetzt ist muss ich erst händisch beenden bevor ich ein neues starten kann.
    Fragen über Fragen und vielleicht eine lösung? danke schon mal


    MP Donator
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  • September 10, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Also ich benutze das "simple4mp_v2.dll" hier aus dem Thread. War glaub ich der einzige für PowerDvd8.
    Denke nicht das das mit dem Beenden geht, da dann ja PDVD ein Signal geben müsste fertig zu sein.
    Verste aber auch nicht so ganz. Du kannst doch einfach die BR austauschen oder nicht?

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