- May 29, 2008
- 119
- 3
- Home Country
- Belgium
First thing is solved by wiping the cache.big problem here!
i just installed this plugin in MP RC2.
when i start MP now i have no icons/text to select my movies, my music etc..
i only have the background, date and a small image.
also i have a problem with the path to powerdvd.
i cannot start the HD starter because he cannot find the file.
reason is very simple.
my path file is as following:
and not cyberlink/powerdvd/...
; Read from the registry the proper install directory for Media Portal and PowerDVD
; Registry keys are XP based (vista uses others)
[COLOR="DarkRed"]RegRead, MediaPortalAppPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal, ApplicationDir[/COLOR]
if ErrorLevel ; there was a problem reading the key
MsgBox, 16, PowerDVD8Ctrl, The install path of Media Portal could not be found.
[COLOR="darkred"]RegRead, PowerDVDAppPath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Cyberlink\PowerDVD8, InstallPath[/COLOR]
if ErrorLevel ; there was a problem reading the key
MsgBox, 16, PowerDVD8Ctrl, The install path of Cyberlink PowerDVD8 could not be found.
änderst du den Pfad einfach nach deinen Bedürfnissen ab.;PowerDVD Ultra Keyboard Shortcuts
;How to use PowerDVD, Main Controls of PowerDVD 8
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; Start sequence
; Move the mouse to a new position:
MouseMove, 0, 0
IfWinNotExist, CyberLink PowerDVD
WinActivate, MediaPortal
;Stops Media playing in MP
Send {b}
;Sends to ATI profile to switch 24hz mode / CTRL+SHIFT+4
;Send, ^+4
Run "D:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD8\PowerDVD8.exe" /FULLSCREEN
WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
Sleep, 500
WinMinimize, MediaPortal
WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
WinActivate, MediaPortal
;Stops Media playing in MP
Send, b
;Sends to ATI profile to switch 24hz mode
;Send, ^+4
Sleep, 1000
WinMinimize, MediaPortal
WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
IfWinExist, CyberLink PowerDVD
IfWinNotExist, MediaPortal
Run "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
;Sends to ATI profile to switch 50hz mode / CTRL+SHIFT+5
;Send, ^+5
Sleep, 1000
;WinRestore , MediaPortal
Run "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
WinClose, CyberLink PowerDVD
IfWinExist, MediaPortal
Send, , Escape, "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"