Blu-Ray / HD-DVD Player with PowerDVD (a working solution) (2 Viewers)

Does this solution help you to play Blu-Ray or HD-DVD movies?

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Portal Pro
September 2, 2007
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Why shouldn't it work?

Btw: minimizing the MP is only good if your remote (IR) driver emulates key strokes alike the keyboard.
If it uses an IRTrans server (as the Zalman HD160XT Remote) then it is better to exit MP because it will continue reading all the keystrokes from the server port after PowerDVD has started. This will have the effect that both MP and PowerDVD will react to your remote which is somewhat undesirable.

The script I wrote works flawlessly on my system & infrastructure setup. My 2 cents worth of advice is to play a bit with the sleeping times. PowerDVD8 needs some time to start and read its settings (the first time) and while it is doing that it ignores any key you sent to it.

Here is the code snipplet of what I did.

Notice that I have dual view with my HTPC on the primary adapter and my Plasma on the secondary.
So I'm also obliged to move PowerDVD to the correct adapter.

  IfWinExist, MediaPortal
    WinActivate, MediaPortal
    [COLOR="Green"];Stops Media if already playing in MP[/COLOR]
    SendInput b
    [COLOR="Green"]; and close it first[/COLOR]
    WinClose, MediaPortal

  [COLOR="Green"];Switch nvidia to 24Hz mode // not necessary my Plasma supports 50/60/24 & no flickering
  ;Run Rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll`, dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 24[/COLOR]
  [COLOR="green"]; Start bootup sequence for Power DVD[/COLOR]
  IfWinNotExist, CyberLink PowerDVD
    [COLOR="green"];Run PowerDVD8 and have it play the mounted disc automatically[/COLOR]
    Run "%PowerDVDAppPath%\PowerDVD8.exe" %PreferredDrive%

    WinWait, CyberLink PowerDVD [COLOR="green"]; wait until the application is started and the window appears[/COLOR]    
    WinWaitActive, CyberLink PowerDVD [COLOR="Green"]; wait until the application gets active[/COLOR]    
    Sleep, 500 [COLOR="green"]; then wait another 0.5 sec and let PowerDVD initialze itself (as from v8.0 this takes long)[/COLOR]
    WinMove, CyberLink PowerDVD,, A_ScreenWidth, 0
    WinMaximize, CyberLink PowerDVD
  [COLOR="green"];wait for the maximize to take place and remember ... the DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-ray is already starting[/COLOR]  
  WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD

And for the "back/exit" not working: I solved this by making back AND exit doing the same thing. This should work with any remote.

[COLOR="Green"];  exit PowerDVD and return to Media Portal [/COLOR]
  IfWinExist, CyberLink PowerDVD
    [COLOR="green"];Switch nvidia back to 60Hz mode
    ;Run Rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll`, dtcfg setmode 1 1920 1080 32 60[/COLOR]
    WinClose, CyberLink PowerDVD 
  IfWinNotExist, MediaPortal 
    [COLOR="green"];Install directory previously stored in MediaPortalAppPath[/COLOR]
    Run "%MediaPortalAppPath%\MediaPortal.exe" 


Portal Pro
June 16, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
still cannot get it to work on RC4

I wish I new why it doesnt work. A wasted morning leaves exactly the same prblem: when I click on teh "icon" for either my blu-ray or HD-DVD start I get

"could not start program
COnfigSection [HDDVD]"

I hav configured the plugin to point to my executable which previously started it - I even redid the ddl-fix. Nothing works.

MP logs dont help (me) -

2008-11-30 13:28:14.453125 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome deinit
2008-11-30 13:28:14.468750 [Debug][MPMain]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2008-11-30 13:28:14.468750 [Info.][MPMain]: No translation found for id 101401
2008-11-30 13:28:14.468750 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut init
2008-11-30 13:28:14.484375 [Debug][MPMain]: WindowManager: route MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut:1401->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogOK:2002
2008-11-30 13:28:14.484375 [Debug][MPMain]: DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogOK init
2008-11-30 13:28:14.500000 [Info.][MPMain]: xml:C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:background_bar--.png
2008-11-30 13:28:16.500000 [Debug][MPMain]: WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogOK:2002->MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut:1401
2008-11-30 13:28:16.500000 [Info.][MPMain]: No translation found for id 101401
2008-11-30 13:28:16.546875 [Debug][MPMain]: Windowmanager: Goto previous window
2008-11-30 13:28:16.546875 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut deinit
2008-11-30 13:28:16.546875 [Debug][MPMain]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2008-11-30 13:28:16.562500 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome init
2008-11-30 13:28:19.015625 [Info.][MPMain]: No translation found for id 101401
2008-11-30 13:28:19.015625 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome deinit
2008-11-30 13:28:19.031250 [Debug][MPMain]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2008-11-30 13:28:19.031250 [Info.][MPMain]: No translation found for id 103902
2008-11-30 13:28:19.031250 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut init
2008-11-30 13:28:19.031250 [Debug][MPMain]: WindowManager: route MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut:3902->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogOK:2002
2008-11-30 13:28:19.046875 [Debug][MPMain]: DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogOK init
2008-11-30 13:28:21.156250 [Debug][MPMain]: WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogOK:2002->MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut:3902
2008-11-30 13:28:21.156250 [Info.][MPMain]: No translation found for id 103902
2008-11-30 13:28:21.203125 [Debug][MPMain]: Windowmanager: Goto previous window
2008-11-30 13:28:21.203125 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.MultiShortcut.MultiShortcut deinit
2008-11-30 13:28:21.203125 [Debug][MPMain]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2008-11-30 13:28:21.234375 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome init

my two routines are associated with 1401 & 3902

runing the routines manually works great......


Portal Pro
September 2, 2007
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Well, the problem is that we haven't got a clue what your setup is and like you said, the log doesn't tell much.

So the only advice can be: make sure you use the latest versions which are inter-compatible.

Download the latest version of AutoHotkey and Multishortcut.

Autohotkey you need to compile your script into an executable. (e.g. YourScript.exe)

The latest version of Multishortcut provides you with a plugin (MultiShortcut00.dll ) and DLL-fixer that (I know) are fully compatible with the latest version of MP.
Remember that the pre-compiled YourScript.exe should be placed in the same folder as where the multishortcut dll is placed since the latter will start the first.

Start from there and have a script that only pops up a message like:

  [COLOR="Blue"]SplashTextOn, 200, 50, Script Alert, Your script was executed.[/COLOR]

If this goes well, start replacing it with your code.

If not, it is likely that one of the steps to install the plug-in correctly was skipped and here we can help you if you provide the steps you've taken.


Portal Pro
June 16, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
thanks xppx for your pointers

I have downloaded the latest version of multishortcut. I have created my own dll by copying the multoshortcut00.dll and used dllfix to "register it. It now appears in the plugins/windows screen in the configuration utility. I have configured it from there changing the " text" to something I recognise and pointed the "exe" at a known executable - notepad.

When I run mediaportal the "text" I set up appears in the start up screen like mytv etc screen and I can click it. It gives the same error as before - could not start program. So it looks, to me anyway, that when the dll tries to find the executable it cannot. Tried a number of options by tweaking the directory parameter and changing the executable name - full path, relative to directory, with and without .exe. Same error each time.

I will try to get further tomorrow......


Portal Pro
September 2, 2007
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
I have configured it from there changing the " text" to something I recognise and pointed the "exe" at a known executable - notepad.
So it looks, to me anyway, that when the dll tries to find the executable it cannot.

Have you first placed notepad.exe in the same folder as where you placed your "own dll" (which is a copy of the multishortcut dll)?

xppx said:
Remember that the pre-compiled YourScript.exe should be placed in the same folder as where the multishortcut dll is placed since the latter will start the first.


Portal Pro
February 16, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
This is probably a stupid question, but how do i control the playback? Is it done with keyboard shortcuts? I have the plugin working but cant figure out how to control it. If it is via keyboard, do we have list of the keys that do what?

*edit never mind found it*


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    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    I have been experimenting with this for some time and still cannot make any progress. I have placed notepad.exe in the plugins/windows directory and moded one of my plugins using the multoshortcut00.dll to pint at notepad. No joy, still get the error "unable to start", config: blu-ray.

    I changes the directory in the plugin config to be the plugins/windows directory, still no joy.

    the log does not help - same as before (with different IDs)

    Is there anyway to turn MP logging level up?
    Does multoshortcut00.dll have any logging?


    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    Wales Wales
    Not sure if this will be of help to anyone, but I just upgraded to RC4 and my HD Starter wouldn't start. However once I updated MultiShortcut and enabled it (even though I wasn't using it) HD Starter worked again!


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I am hping our experience will help me

    When your HD starter wouldn't work what error did you see?

    What do you mean by "and enabling it"? All I have done is enable it in the plugins for the configuration. Unfortunately it doesn't work.

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