Blu-Ray / HD-DVD Player with PowerDVD (a working solution) (3 Viewers)

Does this solution help you to play Blu-Ray or HD-DVD movies?

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    Votes: 51 19.5%

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  • October 15, 2008
    Westerwald/ Germany
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I wish I new why it doesnt work. A wasted morning leaves exactly the same prblem: when I click on teh "icon" for either my blu-ray or HD-DVD start I get

    "could not start program
    COnfigSection [HDDVD]"

    I had this problem too, 2 weeks ago.
    The problem was, that my AV-Software (Norton AV 2009) has detected HDSTARTER.EXE as Trojan :eek:, so this exe was removed from folder.
    After configuration AV2009, ignoring scan of pluginfolder has solved the problem.


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Well I wish I new how I fixed it but I have.

    All I have done is re-input the configuration settings - basically the full path name.
    The only difference I can see is, by mistake, I put the terminal name (HD-DVD.EXE in my case) in upper case. I cannot believe that will have any effect but it now works. Lets call it user error.

    Thanks to all who have thought about this and made suggestions



    Portal Pro
    December 23, 2007
    Home Country
    England England
    Big thanks to MoPhat and the others on this thread that have helped make this work.

    I have the basics of this running on my system now, but I'm going to play with the auto-hotkey script some more later to change some settings.

    I have a couple of questions though:

    What is the benefit of minimizing MP before launching Cyberlink? I was thinking of trying to load Cyberlink without minimizing MP, so the windows desktop doesn't appear, and it looks more like it's loading up "inside" MP.

    Is there any definitive answer to which HD player is best? I'm currently using Cyberlink 7, as it has both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but I wondered if there are any advantages to PDVD8 like a better codec etc?


    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    Big thanks to MoPhat and the others on this thread that have helped make this work.

    What is the benefit of minimizing MP before launching Cyberlink? I was thinking of trying to load Cyberlink without minimizing MP, so the windows desktop doesn't appear, and it looks more like it's loading up "inside" MP.

    Is there any definitive answer to which HD player is best? I'm currently using Cyberlink 7, as it has both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but I wondered if there are any advantages to PDVD8 like a better codec etc?

    1. In my setup, xp with MP running in exclusive mode dx, keeping MP maximized it does not give up the focus. It also keeps getting the remote commands in the background. (using imon, so this is probably just my setup.)

    2. Buying pdvd 8 was a big disappointment for me. I wish I had gone with arcsoft TMT right from the start. With pdvd8 you lose hd dvd playback. You can hack it back, but every update causes the hack to stop working. In the end I used "reloaded" from the slysoft forums to make 8 look and act like 7. I bought 8 to get more than stereo audio that came with pdvd7 oem. Then cyberlink updated pdvd 7 oem to allow more than 2 channel audio -- wasted money for me. I removed pdvd8 from my htpc. I use pdvd7 or lately arcsoft TMT.



    Portal Pro
    December 23, 2007
    Home Country
    England England
    Thanks Frantid. Can you explain "exclusive mode dx"? Do you mean you've set MP to pick up IR when it's not the active window? I don't think mine is set like that, but I'd have to check!


    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    Thanks Frantid. Can you explain "exclusive mode dx"? Do you mean you've set MP to pick up IR when it's not the active window? I don't think mine is set like that, but I'd have to check!

    I wasn't clear. I mean in directshow video renderer settings in config. I'm using vr9 exclusive mode with xp, and when I leave MP up it will conflict with pdvd. I use Imon to control mp and pdvd, so imon sometimes gets confused if I have multiple programs running fullscreen. The IR when not active doesn't work for me since, the imon software is doing the remote control - emulating keyboard presses as far as MP and pdvd knows.


    Portal Pro
    September 2, 2007
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    I have a couple of questions though:

    What is the benefit of minimizing MP before launching Cyberlink? I was thinking of trying to load Cyberlink without minimizing MP, so the windows desktop doesn't appear, and it looks more like it's loading up "inside" MP.

    Is there any definitive answer to which HD player is best? I'm currently using Cyberlink 7, as it has both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but I wondered if there are any advantages to PDVD8 like a better codec etc?

    1. If you have a remote that uses an IRTrans Server, then the client is supposed to actively go read the port of the server to retrieve the key strokes. MP does that. And to make this work with Cyberlink, you need autohotkey to do the same. It will read the key strokes from the server port and will translate it into actual keys send to any application, in this case PDVD.
    So, if you keep MP running it will also (!) read the keys in parallel with the AutoHotkey Script and act upon it in the background and like this it will try to take focus again.
    To avoid this you better close MP when using IRTrans based remotes.

    2. I use PDVD8 (and I had PDVD7 before) because I want to use HW acceleration + the PDVD8 drivers are more tuned to HD content. With a big plasma you don't notice the difference because it will always try to enhance the image as well, but with a normal 'old' TV (which I kicked it out some months ago), which just takes the image as is, you can see the difference clearly (the old TV can't really handle well the throughput of PDVD8).

    Just my 2 cents worth :D


    Portal Member
    May 15, 2008
    Sorry for my previous post, It was answered before, using browser_back:: will work with the <-- Button in MCE remote.

    The only thing that bugs me a little is that I cannot launch the BlueRay popup menu (works if I press F3) but not with the remote, Is there is any way to do it with the i button? the one that launch the HELP menu of pdvd :D

    or the # key for example, will work if I add, for example:


    or should i use something else?, the i button would be great since its useless the way it is now :)
    thank you

    BD / BD+ is hacked will there be an internal player in MP :) the next time...

    :eek: Really? how, when , where :D :D

    I'm having the same problem with the Blu-ray menu, did you ever get a solution?


    Portal Member
    March 24, 2006

    i am glad to find this mp-plugin.
    i build a htpc with a blue-ray player.
    but there is no playing software inside mp
    so i need another one and choose pdvd8.

    i play around with the autohotkey-script
    and think it may be good to replace the
    run with a runwait
    so, the script waits until pdvd8 is on and
    switches later

    here is my code (i disabled the hotkeys)

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    ; Start sequence
    IfWinNotExist, CyberLink PowerDVD
     WinActivate, MediaPortal
     ;Stops Media playing in MP
     Send {b}      
     ;Sends to ATI profile to switch 24hz mode / CTRL+SHIFT+4
     ;Send, ^+4       
     [B][COLOR=red]RunWait[/COLOR][/B] "%A_ProgramFiles%\CyberLink\PowerDVD8\PowerDVD8.exe" /FULLSCREEN
     WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
     Sleep,  500
     WinMinimize, MediaPortal
     WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
     WinActivate, MediaPortal
     ;Stops Media playing in MP
     Send, b       
     ;Sends to ATI profile to switch 24hz mode
     ;Send, ^+4       
     Sleep,  1000
     WinMinimize, MediaPortal
     WinActivate, CyberLink PowerDVD
    IfWinExist, CyberLink PowerDVD 
     IfWinNotExist, MediaPortal 
      Run "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe" 
     ;Sends to ATI profile to switch 50hz mode / CTRL+SHIFT+5
     ;Send, ^+5
     Sleep,    1000 
     ;WinRestore , MediaPortal
     Run "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe" 
     WinClose, CyberLink PowerDVD 
    IfWinExist, MediaPortal 
      Send, , Escape, "%A_ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
    ;////// Translate MP keys to PowerDVD
    ; Stop
    ; Start playing 
    ; Switch audio Streams 
    ; Rewind 
    ; Fast Forward 
    ; Play Previous 
    ; Play Next 
    ; Home Screen /Disc Home
    ; Fullscreen
    ; Displays/hides pop-up menu for Blu-ray Disc titles only
    ; Mute volume 
    ; decrease volume 
    ; increase volume 

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