which HD_Starter do you use? MoPhat's or mine? If you are using MoPhat's than give mine a shot (see post #585). My script closes MP before starting PDVD, waits until PDVD is terminated and restarts MP automatically. All things you must do are discribed in post #574.
i found your posts hehe
Do i just put all files in the same directory as HD_Starter.exe is ?
An i just have to change the "Path" in the INI file to tell HD where my DVDPlayer are ? Or do i have to compile it
Regarding Post #6; "I have now a new prob, => with vista is PDVD not starting inside the app, its starting as standalone app" - I get similar in XP. MP reports 'Could not start program... [HD Starter]', but if HD Starter is launched from outside MP it works, and on stutdown it exits to MP...
that's exactly what you got to do, just editing the ini-file, no recompile or anything else
Put all the files into the the plugins/Windows subdirectory, than it should work
@ lawriemarsha
please check HD_Starter.exe-path in MP-Plugin-Configuration. It seems to be wrong
have a look into HD_Starter.ini of my version. It starts PDVD 9 in fullscreen-mode. But you need my HD_Starter.exe and the ini-File. Download it from post #585
i have got a new problem. If i press HD Player in Mediaportal, display switch to 24 Hz an Power DVD starts, but when i finish my movie i press the x button and power dvd closes. Ok everything is right, but than the display doesn't switch to 50 Hz and mediaportal doesn't pop up so i only see the normal vista surface. What did i wrong?
Maybe i try eagles version and i hope it works.
Noch einmal auf deutsch da mein englisch echt eine Katastrophe ist ^^
Also nachdem ich PowerDVD schließe gelange ich nicht zu Mediaportal im 50 Hz Modus zurück sondern zur Windowsoberfläche im 24 Hz Modus. Mediaportal befindet sich minimiert unten rechts bei der Uhranzeige. Was habe ich falsch gemacht?
Eagle bei dir wird Mediaportal laut script total geschlossen und wieder gestartet, wieso eigentlich?