Bluetooth HID device (playstation3 BD remote) (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
oke, First of all, i havnt used MP alot before. al i have is a lame presentor mouse as input device, and that does not work nice with mp. so a rather use windows till this kick ass plugin is finished.

second. for now i only have need for the video/music playback functions of MP. so a dont really know what is needed for the other modes (tv and so)

i took a look at the keyboard layout in the wiki and tryed to translate that to the remote using " [Keyboard key] - function"

i hope i didnt miss any importain functions atm. also the layout is open to suggestions. i also want to know, do we want to make a different layout for every MP mode? (dvd , TV, Music) i think thats the best way, but dont know if thats possible.


give me some feedback.


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Looks pretty decent for a first attempt.

At the moment, each key will only have one Keypress, so the the [SQUARE] button will only emulate the [M] Key, but i will eventually make it so that you can have different keys do different things on different screens and the ability for the user to assign the keys themselves.

I have actually basically done the plugin, just waiting for a response in another thread as I don't actually know how to make the process plug-in for MP yet.


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
cool. when ever you have something to testdrive let me know.. im very exited about it, would be awsome, and will kick that nunshuck, with only a couple of buttons, ass!!


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Attached is where I am at so far. It is just a tester application and should work for most of the keys you specified above, if not all.

1. Connect the remote with the computer by pressing the "Playstation" button in the middle of the remote. (Assuming you have already paired the remote as specified a couple of posts above.
2. Run "PS3 Remtote EXE" and minimize the form.
3. Run Media Portal and use the remote.

Let me know if it works/doesn't work :)


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
WOW. You so the MAN!! for a alpha release this works better then expected.

i only did some navigation and start a movie, and some how not all buttons worked like i expected ,like pressing play while in fast forward didnt put the player in normal speed. this was with normal MP video player, im thinking of using Gom player for video playback.

also the button layout didnt feel as expected. especially when your used to playstation. but thats all minor stuff. i hope you can get it to start within MP and maybe the key assign function. then its done!! amazing that you pulled it of..

EDIT: pressing play in gom player tells me playbutton = Shift+P did you linked it like that?


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Just an update on where im at....

....basically I have done everything that needs to be done, but to get it working i now need to learn how to import a .dll at runtime and use its methods and types etc....I've had a go at this but it has proved to be quite hard, so if anyone has any good tutorials - point them out to me :)



Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
good news, to bad i cant help. i can try to find some tutorials, but i think you know best what you need. i have absolutly no knowlege of dll's and stuff.. maybe somebody of the MP team can shed some light on the matter?


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Well I've had to take a slightly different approach and I have a fully working MP plugin just no way to config it by GUI (has to be done manually in notepad)


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
that sounds like its 80% done, we only need to name the buttons so you know which button to map to which keyboard button. i can do that if you like.

very cool stuff dude.


Portal Pro
October 26, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I would be intersted in adding PS3 Bluetooth remote support to Intelliremote however I do not own one to try it out. Would either of you to be willing to beta test it out?

To add support for this remote I need to know the HID vendorId and ProductID also known as the VID and PID.

If you want to give it a shot dowload this HID Tester application:

And press some buttons on your PS3 remote. if you see output in the bottom window we are in business. Let me know if interested. thanks!

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