Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (4 Viewers)


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  • September 4, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    cheers, i thought it was some where there, thanks


    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Any HVR-2200 Users can you try to re-produce this problem: Start 2 DVB-T recordings on 2 different MUXes (e.g. TV2 and TV3). This will force both DVB-T tuners to be used at the same time. Let them run for a few mins. Now stop the recordings and try to watch an analog channel (e.g. Prime) Do you just get a blue picture?


    New Member
    June 24, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    On Xp: c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\tv
    On Vista: c:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\tv

    On my XP box there is "logos" sub directory to above location.

    I found that the image file names have to be exactly the same as the channel names found in TVServer configuration.
    For instance, on my box,
    "Maori tv.png" had to renamed "Maori Television.png"
    "tv central.png" had to be renamed "tvcentral.png"

    "Parliament TV.png" didn't work because in TVServer configuration it had been entered as "Parliament TV " ("Space" after the V). In this case I removed the "space" from the TV Server configuration, although if I have to rescan for channels at some point I can see the "space" returning.

    Cheers :)


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Any HVR-2200 Users can you try to re-produce this problem: Start 2 DVB-T recordings on 2 different MUXes (e.g. TV2 and TV3). This will force both DVB-T tuners to be used at the same time. Let them run for a few mins. Now stop the recordings and try to watch an analog channel (e.g. Prime) Do you just get a blue picture?

    I can reproduce that problem.

    I'm not 100% sure, but i believe i get the following for 1x tuner after a reboot

    digital -> analog = ok
    digital -> analog -> digital = ok
    digital -> analog -> digital -> analog = crash

    analog -> digital = ok
    analog -> digital -> analog = crash

    So maybe it only crashes if the tuner has previously been on analog and then tries analog again.


    New Member
    August 25, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey again,
    Latest SVN fixed the hybrid issue.
    Cheers mcraenz and MP devs.

    I have a very similar setup to you, and am thinking about taking the plunge into Media Portal (currently using Vista Media Center), however I'm wondering if my HVR-2200 is going to work properly.

    I've been reading some posts lately that suggest the HVR-2200 is still not working properly. Just wondering where you're at with this... did the SVN you refer to in your post fix things for you?



    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey again,
    Latest SVN fixed the hybrid issue.
    Cheers mcraenz and MP devs.

    I have a very similar setup to you, and am thinking about taking the plunge into Media Portal (currently using Vista Media Center), however I'm wondering if my HVR-2200 is going to work properly.

    I've been reading some posts lately that suggest the HVR-2200 is still not working properly. Just wondering where you're at with this... did the SVN you refer to in your post fix things for you?


    Only problem is with the hybrid switching back and forth from digital to analog.
    I don't think this should necessarily stop you from changing over to mediaportal
    DVB-T (Freeview HD) works perfectly now.


    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi guys, been, busy but I'm going to do some more digging into the analog/digital switching problem, I can see whats causing it and I will submit a patch but I want to do some more testing because 1 user reported that he could not re-produce the problem on RC2 (no SVN updates) I haven't worked that out yet.

    Thanks for all your help with testing.


    Portal Pro
    February 20, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Mcraenz - Using latest SVN on a client (main pc) i did your test. TV2 and TV3 at once, then tuned SVideo on analogue pretty much straight after (i assume same as tuning normally, i have no aerial analogue channels).
    I didn't get a blue screen.

    edit: Test 2, after restarting TV server, over VNC (rugby on, cant take the tv), and i do get a blue screen. Wiil continue with more results.
    I had manual control open at the time, and interestingly it attempted to use one analogue, before settling on the 2nd with a blue screen.

    edit: Test 3, on the Main PC (Client) again. TV Server is restarted. Recorded two for a minute (TV3 + TV2). Stopped both. Upon tuning sky mediaportal froze for 10s before displaying a blue screen. I then switched to a TVNZ channel again, and back to Sky. No blue screen, it works but no audio.

    edit: Test 4. Main PC again, TV server has been restarted. I immediately try and tune Sky (no digital). Unable to start timeshifting - unknown error. Tune TVNZ 7 then back to Sky - i get a picture but still no sound. I think this sound issue is unrelated, i have no idea why i'm getting nothing.

    edit: Test 5. Main PC and TV server both restarted. I immediately try and tune sky. Blue screen. Switch to TVNZ, and back to sky. Picture again but audio still missing. No idea what's going on here. Sound is going fine in the lounge, but im getting nothing for some reason. This is really strange, im sure it was working fine before.

    edit: Update on sound. Tried making a sky recording then playing it back in the movie player. No go.


    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2006
    This stuff is really starting to do my head in!!!

    I have 2 turner cards, 1 X DVB-S and DVB-T. I have combined the channels and have only allowed the DVB-S card to get the epg. But . . . . . . .
    I only get epg for Parliament TV, Maori TV, CUE. Nothing for the others.
    Where do i start to try and fix this?

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