Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (5 Viewers)


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  • September 4, 2007
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    i have been having the same problem, im going to install RC4 tomorrow, and see if that fixes it.
    but at the moment i have just been refreshing the epg regularly


    Portal Pro
    December 14, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I have exactly the same problem with dots on the epg, and on the same channels. It's very annoying as the EPG updater thinks the field has data in it and doesn;t update again meaning shows get missed when set up to record under the "always on this channel" setting.

    Never seems to happen on the initial population of the epg, always on a later refresh. I have it set to refresh once a day.

    This problem should really have its own thread to get the developers attention.


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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    So it seems like a lot of us have the same problem and everyone was afraid to talk about it but doesn't it feel better now that you have? ;) Who will be the first to take the next step and ask on geekzone? Is this specific to MediaPortal?


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    My first Skin!!

    Hi All

    I've never really come across a skin that I've been 100% happy with while using MediaPortal so I decided to do something about it and make my own. Big mistake!! Not much work got done last week while I figured out how it was done! One of the problems with working at home - I think I'll just spend an hour on MP then do some work - Yeah right! 8 hours later...

    Basically what I was looking for was a skin that I felt did MP justice and made it look like a high end system (which it is!). The skin that did this best (imho) was Foofaraw - once one of the Hot Skins but it's long dead and isn't being updated any more :(

    I REALLY don't like the graphics of Blue3 but I like the menu set-up and animations so I based "my" skin on the animations/menu layout Blue 3 has but used the graphics & some of the animations which I liked in Foofaraw. Added a few graphics of my own too (mainly to do with logos)

    EDIT: Click here for a link to the latest release + full info on ths skin:



    Portal Pro
    December 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    looking at Geekzone it looks like they've already been discussing the Full stop on the EPG issue.

    Apparently the DVB-T EPG which used to only be essentially now and next has changed. They are providing information a bit further ahead than just now and next (i'm not sure how much) but certainly not a whole weeks worth like the DVB-S.

    However they are giving the "framework" for the whole week ahead and filling this up with full stops.

    This is why i'm seeing my initial population of the EPG work (as that comes off the DVB-S) but subsequently it gets overwritten when an update is perfromed by the DVB-T card, and all the full stops appear.

    I hope mcraenz might be able to help with the solution that i'm proposing as i cant code but i saw you're good work already on selecting channels as EPG only earlier this year.

    I wonder if it would be possible under the channel mapping screen to select an option to not grab EPG for this channel with this card.

    For example TV3 is available via both my DVB-S and DVB-T, the channels have been "combined", i have the card priority set up such that it the DVB-T is higher but with this new option the DVB-T card will not grab EPG for it, the DVB-S card with the lower priority will grab the EPG.

    I hope the above makes sense and helps us towards a solution



    MP Donator
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  • July 28, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Ah so that's what the problem is...Well good news is you can already disable EPG altogether grabbing on a specific. Under TVServer\TVCards\ select the card from the right-hand pane and click edit, there you will see an option to enable/disable EPG grabbing for the card.

    Only issue will be that DVB-T only channels will not have any EPG (not even now/Next). I wish Freeview would just make up their minds (to provide full EPG via EIT); It's drips and drabs, what's the point? I can understand it if they said no we're not going to implement that (EPG) technology at all; fine. But the whole EIT system exists for Now/Next (and now it seems something extra) so why not just fill the up the guide and be doen with it? Does it really matter that much?

    Anyhow I'll be disabling grabbing on my DVB-T card when I get home; strange thing is, I was 99.9% sure that I already had....


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  • May 6, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I'm positive I have EPG grabbing turned off for my DVB-T card, I was very careful to do that before populating the guide for the first time, which was one of the reasons I assumed this wasn't the reason initially. Perhaps there is a bug and Mediaportal is ignoring the "don't grab EPG from this card" togglebox.

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