Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (10 Viewers)


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  • January 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    hi, as anyone fixed the dots in the epg yet, i cant bebotherd looking thu all of the posts :D

    WHat dots might that be?

    Mediaportals EPG Only load about half a day on my computer so I have to use xmltv to import data. I'm using There a plenty of instructions (look at

    By the way, I'm in Wellington.

    EPG via DVB-S is fine for me here, only time I see a "half day" is on the last day in the EPG, and I presume thats just because that's as much as has downloaded.


    Portal Pro
    June 4, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    hi, as anyone fixed the dots in the epg yet, i cant bebotherd looking thu all of the posts :D


    Wasn't the EPG dots caused through having a DVB-T card installed and allowing it to grab EPG from the DVB-T broadcast as well as a DVB-S card doing the same. I fairly sure that when you set the DVB-T card to not grab EPG (replacing that with say an xmltv EPG feed - see mentalinc posts at the dots dissappeared. Well they did for me...

    Cheers Mike


    MP Donator
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  • September 4, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    yeah, when i upgrade to mediaportal 1 i think i will go xmltv, its realy bad, i cant even use the epg anymore its been working great and then suddenly i started getting dots and its been getting worse and worse!! aaarrrrr


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    yeah, when i upgrade to mediaportal 1 i think i will go xmltv, its realy bad, i cant even use the epg anymore its been working great and then suddenly i started getting dots and its been getting worse and worse!! aaarrrrr

    So that's your setup? Single Seat or server client etc etc etc. DVB-S only ?

    For me and others the EPG is rock solid, so it has to be something specific to your setup.


    MP Donator
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  • September 4, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    yeah, when i upgrade to mediaportal 1 i think i will go xmltv, its realy bad, i cant even use the epg anymore its been working great and then suddenly i started getting dots and its been getting worse and worse!! aaarrrrr

    So that's your setup? Single Seat or server client etc etc etc. DVB-S only ?

    For me and others the EPG is rock solid, so it has to be something specific to your setup.

    im using a server instalation, my server is has 2x hauppuage 4000 cards, watch dvb-t and use dvb-s for epg and one or to channels, i have epg grabing disabled on my dvb-t cards, i have never had an issue, untill a few months ago when dots started appring in the epg (they would replace all of the show names and discription with a . but leave the show start/stop times) this only started on the epg one week out so it was not a problem but reasently soon after i refreseh the epg the endtire epg changed to dots.

    soon i am going to do a fresh install, of windows, and install media portal one, hopfully this fixes it but if not i will get xmltv

    has anyone else had this problem and fixed it?


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    yeah, when i upgrade to mediaportal 1 i think i will go xmltv, its realy bad, i cant even use the epg anymore its been working great and then suddenly i started getting dots and its been getting worse and worse!! aaarrrrr

    So that's your setup? Single Seat or server client etc etc etc. DVB-S only ?

    For me and others the EPG is rock solid, so it has to be something specific to your setup.

    im using a server instalation, my server is has 2x hauppuage 4000 cards, watch dvb-t and use dvb-s for epg and one or to channels, i have epg grabing disabled on my dvb-t cards, i have never had an issue, untill a few months ago when dots started appring in the epg (they would replace all of the show names and discription with a . but leave the show start/stop times) this only started on the epg one week out so it was not a problem but reasently soon after i refreseh the epg the endtire epg changed to dots.

    soon i am going to do a fresh install, of windows, and install media portal one, hopfully this fixes it but if not i will get xmltv

    has anyone else had this problem and fixed it?

    Check the SQL Database table and see what the grabEPG value is for each of your cards. It will be false if set correctly (for your dvb-t cARDS)


    Portal Member
    January 4, 2009
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    Hi, I am experiencing trouble trying to get a good picture from TV3 out of my Nova-500-T card. Every other channel is great. The video tears but more noticeable is the video runs slower than the audio. I have tried lots of different codec/driver options to sort it out but not luck yet. The best I have so far is by installing PowerDVD ver8 and Nvidia Pure driver for my Nvidia Gforce 5200

    Has anyone else experienced this problem with TV3?


    Portal Member
    August 8, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Have you tried CoreAVC, version 1.8.5? You'll need to use the latest version. There's a 14 day trial version you can download initially to see if it helps.


    Portal Member
    October 25, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi, I am experiencing trouble trying to get a good picture from TV3 out of my Nova-500-T card. Every other channel is great. The video tears but more noticeable is the video runs slower than the audio. I have tried lots of different codec/driver options to sort it out but not luck yet. The best I have so far is by installing PowerDVD ver8 and Nvidia Pure driver for my Nvidia Gforce 5200

    Has anyone else experienced this problem with TV3?

    TV3 runs in 1080i, not 720p like ONE, TV2 and the Freeview HD test channel. It needs to be deinterlaced to reduce tearing and due to 1080i's higher resolution it needs more power to run at a good speed. The speed is unfixable unless you upgrade your video card (A GeForce 5200 is a bit skimpy anyway) but you can improve picture quality by adjusting deinterlacing settings.

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