Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (5 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Within MP you can disable one of the tuners, try disabling the good tuner and see if the other tuner is working. If the other tuner works with the other one disabled presumably this eliminates a signal problem. If you have channels mapped to both tuners then sounds more like a faulty card, but unfortunately with htpc there are so many factors going on that nothing is certain.

    to disable one tuner goto TV-Server/Configuration/TVServers - MediaPortal Manual Documentation
    look at the 2nd pic, and toggle the tick boxes to enable/disable.


    Portal Pro
    November 22, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Within MP you can disable one of the tuners, try disabling the good tuner and see if the other tuner is working. If the other tuner works with the other one disabled presumably this eliminates a signal problem. If you have channels mapped to both tuners then sounds more like a faulty card, but unfortunately with htpc there are so many factors going on that nothing is certain.

    to disable one tuner goto TV-Server/Configuration/TVServers - MediaPortal Manual Documentation
    look at the 2nd pic, and toggle the tick boxes to enable/disable.

    I disabled tuner 2 and enabled tuner one, scanned for channels on tuner 1 and it only found 3 channels instead of the dozen or so that tuner 2 finds. Of the 3 channels it found only 2 of them work to any degree, but not properly, they are a very jumpy and not clear.


    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    1.0.2 no good for me

    I wasted time again installing the latest version and had to go back to 1.0 again. I wish they could get it right.

    I watch Prime using the analog part of the HVR-2200 which was working initially after installing 1.0.2 but after changing channels a few times, Prime kept coming up with no signal. Restarted but could not get it working again.

    MP also hung a few times while watching TV. The picture just froze but the audio continues. No controls work and I need to forcefully kill the MP task.

    And same as in 1.0.1, the occasional recorded TV entry refuses to delete after watching it. So back to1.0 and all working well again.



    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2006
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    anyone else noticed that tvnz shows seem to be running a bit overtime? my clocks are all synced correctly but even if i set things to record -3 and +2 it sometimes cuts off the end. really annoying! only been happening for the last 3 weeks or so


    MP Donator
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  • February 15, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    anyone else noticed that tvnz shows seem to be running a bit overtime? my clocks are all synced correctly but even if i set things to record -3 and +2 it sometimes cuts off the end. really annoying! only been happening for the last 3 weeks or so

    I've gone with -5, +10 - I haven't found anything getting cut off with those settings. It could be worse, in Australia I had to use +20.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    anyone else noticed that tvnz shows seem to be running a bit overtime? my clocks are all synced correctly but even if i set things to record -3 and +2 it sometimes cuts off the end. really annoying! only been happening for the last 3 weeks or so

    I've gone with -5, +10 - I haven't found anything getting cut off with those settings. It could be worse, in Australia I had to use +20.

    Yeah but you're using ForTheRecord so you've (we've :) ) got an advantage over anyone using the standard MP TV plugin :D OK FTR only makes a difference if the show start or end time changes on the guide, not if it's running late but still with all of the features FTR has to offer it leaves the standard MP TV plugin for dead - I don't know why anyone would stick with it. I'm lovin' the way V1.4RC shows how far you've skipped when using Comskip :)


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    anyone else having problems viewing 1080i Live TV with MP 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 or anyone not having problems with 1080i Live TV in MP 1.0.1 / 1.0.2
    I was thinking I'd try a fresh reformat of XP with MP 1.0.2 to confirm that 1.0.2 doesn't work for 1080i Live TV.


    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    TV3 was working fine for me for the 24 hours I had 1.0.2 installed, but then I'm using Vista, EVR, and the Cyberlink PDVD8 HD decoder with hardware acceleration.

    On the subject of ForThe Record, what is it exactly? Is it some plugin for MP? The website doesn't give me much info.



    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ASFAIK - For the record replaces the tv engine and recording scheduler mediaportal client.
    It has more complex settings for recording tv
    Adds automatated tasks post recording, eg apply comskip or re-encode for your ipod or whatever
    You can add recordings from work to your htpc via the internet browser
    What is For The Record? | For The Record


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 15, 2009
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Yeah but you're using ForTheRecord so you've (we've :) ) got an advantage over anyone using the standard MP TV plugin :D OK FTR only makes a difference if the show start or end time changes on the guide, not if it's running late but still with all of the features FTR has to offer it leaves the standard MP TV plugin for dead - I don't know why anyone would stick with it. I'm lovin' the way V1.4RC shows how far you've skipped when using Comskip :)

    True that, I sometimes forget how much better FTR makes things :)

    My problem with playing back recordings has magically stopped, it's working normally for me again now - not sure what's going on. I didn't change anything, just left it alone for 2 hours and it's playing back recordings that wouldn't play previously. I think I have gremlins in my HTPC, I'm contemplating doing a clean install of Windows 7 RC.

    TV3's been working fine for me, Vista 64, PowerDVD8 codec with hardware accel. using an ATI HD 4550.

    FTR is much smarter when it comes to scheduling, has the web console, a GUI client you can use to connect from other computers, can schedule tasks like running comskip/transcode/task of your choice on a recording at 5am (or whenever you like), and a bunch of other features. The two devs of it are also excellent, very quick to respond to any problems and are always working on making the software better. You can even talk to it from MSN messenger to see what it's upto :)

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