Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (3 Viewers)


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  • January 26, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand

    @thekiwi Have you got your 4TR Guide sorted out? The settings you mentioned in your post are what I use. From memory I had to use the TVGuide importer initially to get guide info to show in 4TR 1.3.3 (before that I had nothing showing up) and then it was fine from there. If it's not doing the right thing post on the 4TR thread, the guys there will tell you what you need to do.


    No, ended up this morning reverting back to MP 1.0.2 with the standard MyTV.

    After a restart of the Services on Friday , the guide wasn't updating by itself since, this morning when I checked the guide wasn't complete. 'Almost' every channel from Sat 23rd onwards was empty, and I say "almost" as one channel had "some listings". From there it all went to pieces.

    I restarted the 4TR Process ... no luck, restarted the TVService ... no luck. Then errors started appearingin the 4TR logs about not being find available cards, that there was a conflict with another process listening on the port, not being able to connect to the SQL Server ... with TVService also giving some errors as a result.

    While its a pity, as the Web Interface for viewing the guide was brilliant ... not worth the hassle for very little extra (given our guide and timings are relatively stable, programmes we watch aren't repeated a lot all over the place and the DVB-EPG doesnt have a lot of the extra information that could be used.

    Meant reinstalling MP from scratch tho.


    Portal Pro
    June 27, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I had a weird moment with my guide at the weekend as well,

    Found that when i installed the upgrade to 1.0.2 that it moved the logs and my xmltvnz folder from the tvserver folder to the back-up folder, so this meant that my scheduled service wasn't finding my getguide.bat and therefore the guide wasn't getting updated. Took until the weekend for me to notice though as i get about 8 days ahead of time, after some head scratching it was all sorted and life continued.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ... not worth the hassle for very little extra given our guide and timings are relatively stable, programmes we watch aren't repeated a lot all over the place and the DVB-EPG doesnt have a lot of the extra information that could be used....

    It's a bummer when things don't go smoothly. Just goes to show how different everyone's MediaPortal experiences are/usage is as well. The fact that the TV programmes I record often change (and I got sick of having a pile of "manual" recordings) was the main reason I first went to 4TR - the other stuff was just a bonus for me.

    With regard to the EPG not having a lot of info I still find it handy - for example I've told 4TR to record anything with "Theroux" (as in Louie Theroux - possibly the most naive person alive?:mad: :D ) in the title and it just does it no matter when it's on. Handy for the wifes shows too which I might forget to record when a new series starts (Greys Anatomy for example :mad: )

    If you've got a decent "ghost" programme you might want to give V1.4 a go when it's released, or not :rolleyes: At least then if you can't get it to work it's only a 5 minute job to go back to your working configuration. Note: I never use "System Restore" - I tried that before I had a ghost programme and it's like a bad joke :mad: I ended up re- installing XP and then ghosting everything from there - just wish I'd done it originally...



    Portal Member
    July 29, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi Chris

    hopefully these two posts I made earlier will tell you what you need to know. You know that to set Comskip to run for every recording (at whatever time you set) you need to go into 4TR Management Console right? I think it's under "Processes" (or something like that). Let me know if you need any further info:



    I'm not having problems running comskip (currently doing it manually to test settings) but i was wondering the 'slight tweak' required to get 4TR to display the timeline with the ad parts in it (the next chapter button is working for me but i want my timeline like GB-PVR)



    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi Chris

    hopefully these two posts I made earlier will tell you what you need to know. You know that to set Comskip to run for every recording (at whatever time you set) you need to go into 4TR Management Console right? I think it's under "Processes" (or something like that). Let me know if you need any further info:



    I'm not having problems running comskip (currently doing it manually to test settings) but i was wondering the 'slight tweak' required to get 4TR to display the timeline with the ad parts in it (the next chapter button is working for me but i want my timeline like GB-PVR)


    Here's the tweak for comskip/4TR: For The Record - Login

    I don't know what GB-PVR does but what this does is when you click "next chapter" to skip the ads the time played/remaining info bar appears at the top of the screen and where it would normally say "Pause" (if you'd clicked "pause") it will say how many minutes you've skipped forward (or backwards) - makes it easy to tell if you've skipped too far. Looks like it doesn't work on clients (yet) though...



    Portal Member
    July 29, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Oh ok, i already have that working, i was hoping for something like this:

    (from sage)

    but according the the 4TR topic that is a mediaportal/tv client issue.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Oh ok, i already have that working, i was hoping for something like this:

    (from sage)

    but according the the 4TR topic that is a mediaportal/tv client issue.

    Cool - a mint candy stick :p :D Pretty good idea though, you would know at a glance if Comskip had got it right. Hopefully MP will implement something similar one day...


    Portal Pro
    June 27, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I must admit that was a nice feature of gbpvr and gained huge WAF, you could also get a pretty good guess at a glance if comskip had worked or not.

    I am going to look into the 4tr, I might try a test run on my laptop before on the main client/server just in case i screw it up ... poor WAF when i do that ....


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I must admit that was a nice feature of gbpvr and gained huge WAF, you could also get a pretty good guess at a glance if comskip had worked or not.

    I am going to look into the 4tr, I might try a test run on my laptop before on the main client/server just in case i screw it up ... poor WAF when i do that ....

    Ghost - ghost - ghost - that's all I can say! If I were you I'd wait until 4TR V1.4 was released....

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