Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (7 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    i've tried a manual download and import of the xml from and tvserver didn't like it. I think the format might be incorrect. I wanted to use xmltv as it has chinese epg which is missing from my current epg grabber (mentalinc's epg grabber)


    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I haven't tried it myself but did you go into TV Config / XMLTV plugin and change the Mappings?

    The only hassle for me changing to this xml file is the BBC World programs are missing for TV1 in the early hours of the morning. I record "Click" every week which can be very interesting, and some other bits and pieces.

    On my request, the guy that does the Index of /epg wrote some script to read the Sky listings for BBC World to insert into the TV1 listing. It is very useful for me.


    Portal Pro
    June 27, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I am using revens xmltvnz and I use a script to handle all the tricky bits, I can post it here if you guys are keen

    Then I just point the tv server at the file generated and hey presto


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    the file wouldn't import properly, it's not an issue of mappings.
    that script sounds cool.
    does reven's xmltvnz grab the chinese freeview channel?


    Portal Member
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey team,

    Aren't there enough pages in this thread already? Does any one know someone in the MP team which can set up country specific sections so we can all benefit from local content with the full functionality of the forum software?

    Anyway, I want to get rid of my SkySTB and record off the UHF signal into the Hauppage PVR 150 card.

    How do I get the epg for PRIME TV? Any help on this would be really appreciated.



    Portal Pro
    June 27, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I only get d1 so haven't found a chinese channel yet but i just checked and yes it does, if you go to reven and then select command builder it will show you all the channels that it can download.

    my getlistings.bat file

    @Echo off

    Set Path=e:\xmltvnz_3
    Echo Now downloading guide data. Started at: %time%
    Echo ** RUN XMLTVNZ AT %time% >> log.txt
    xmlTVNZ.exe tvguide.xml -days 8 default_tv1 default_tv2 default_tv3 default_c4 default_tvnz6 default_tvnz7 default_tvnzsportextra default_parliamenttv default_tereo default_prime default_stratos default_maori >> log.txt

    Echo Finished downloading guide data. Starting data
    Echo ** END >> log.txt
    If not exist Logs\. Md Logs
    Move log.txt Logs\"EPG log %date:~10%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~4,2% %time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%.txt"

    so as you can see it creates a log file for me and gets 8 days worth of data for tv1,2,3 prime, c4, tvnz6 & 7 tvnz sport xtra, parliment, Te Reo, Prime, stratos, and moari, I have since added cue and i think that covers all the d1 + plus prime

    hope that helps - obviously you will also need his little software package as well, its about time i donated again actually, many years now without major issue and near on a year with no issues at all from his software.


    Portal Pro
    June 27, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I run it as a scheduled service in windows along with a forced restart so my windows xp htpc gets a daily reboot and hibernates when not in use, I schedule a restart at 8:30am and then wakeup and run getlistings.bat at 9:am and another restart at 9:30 then i think i have mp aimed at the resulting guide info and checks that at about 10am each day, I will confirm all this when i get home tonight


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 28, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey team,
    Aren't there enough pages in this thread already? Does any one know someone in the MP team which can set up country specific sections so we can all benefit from local content with the full functionality of the forum software?

    This has already been discussed. There is a country specific section in the wiki. The idea is that we take all the best information from the questions answered in the form and put in to the wiki. That stops the same questions being asked over and over and over again. :) We just need people to get on board and take a few mins to contribute.

    A perfect example is your question below :)

    Anyway, I want to get rid of my SkySTB and record off the UHF signal into the Hauppage PVR 150 card.
    How do I get the epg for PRIME TV? Any help on this would be really appreciated.

    Check the wiki ;)

    Country_Specific_Informations/NewZealand/SkyEPG - MediaPortal Manual Documentation

    btw I wrote that one, and yes I know it needs updating since it is now possible to get sky digital on PC via DVB-S :D


    Portal Member
    August 15, 2007
    There are problems in the XML file format from - it has issues with the &; within the xml text for some channels - hence it breaks......

    Nice icons for all the kiwichannels available from there as well....

    Looks promising if this is fixed....

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