Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (7 Viewers)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi Bleazle

    As both things you having problems with are pci-e, I'd suspect power supply could be iffy, any chance of trying another one.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hello again Dave

    Hopefully you'll spot something in the logs....
    Please could you try changing your LNB settings to {10750, 10750, 12750} (ie. change the zero to 12750).
    If that doesn't help, please also try using the "DVBS" network provider (check "preferred network provider" -->here<--).



    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    @PD: I've got an old PSU that I might be able to use but after reading kiwijinglist's post above I installed TBSViewer (which came with the card) and tried scanning with that instead of MP - once again it found no channels but it showed that the signal was OK

    @mm: thanks for the suggestions. I changed the "0" to "12750" (which I had tried when I originally installed the card last week) and scanned - again no luck - then manually set the provider to DVBS as suggested and you guessed it, no luck. Updated logs are attached - I can't make sense of them but you might notice that some of the scans were cut short - this is because they were past the point where the Hauppauge card would have already picked up stacks of channels. I let the last scan run to 100% though.

    I'd really like to get this card working but I'm at the stage where I'm ready to bin it :mad: spending 6+hrs trying to get a TV tuner to work is fricken nuts. (plus the time you guys are putting into trying to help figure it out). Maybe I'll just have to get another Nova-S Plus....

    What do you reckon?


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    If it's not even working with the software that comes with the card it might be faulty, if you unplug the aerial from the card does it still show that the signal is OK (I'm wondering if it shows ok signal regardless of whether it has a signal or not).


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand shows the same amount of signal as it did before (in MP TVServer no signal shows at all). Here's a screenshot of TBS scanning with no aerials plugged in - the signal level is the same as when they were plugged in..


    • 13-12-2012 2-46-13 p.m..png
      13-12-2012 2-46-13 p.m..png
      132.2 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Seems to me like you may have a dud card.
    The only other thing I wonder about is how you're splitting the signal from the dish/LNB, but if you're using the same cable that the Nova S is able to work with then that is probably a pointless thought too...


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I can confirm that using the aerial that works with the Nova-S tuner yields no results with either the TBS software or MP TVServer. Bummer. The card is now un-installed and will be winging it's way back to the reseller this afternoon (they have already approved the return so no complaints there)

    Thanks again for the pointers.



    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2006
    Hey team, just looking for a bit of help setting up Music views. Currently I have sort my music by "Shares" but this seems really slow to load (a minute or more). I have been using this view because I like the why it lists my music. This sorts by the folder names, i.e. Calvin Harris - 18 Months.
    I can not figure out how to sort using other views to give me this result. Basically I just want all my folders (each album) to display from A-Z by the folder name.

    Any pointers

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