Card recommendation (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 4, 2010
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
Looking for recommendations for Dual DVB-S2 and Dual DVB-T2 PCIE tuner cards?

I am based in Ireland.

Looking mainly at TBS cards. Are the older cards compatible like the 6981, 6982 and 6281? Do they have issues with drivers or using both tuners?

I can pick up the 6981,6982 and 6281 cheap on ebay or Should I just go with the 6902 and 6281se?

Thanks in advance,



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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Looking for recommendations for Dual DVB-S2 and Dual DVB-T2 PCIE tuner cards?
    I have a TBS 6284 PCIE card, which is an older quad-tuner DVB-T/T2 card. The tuners are significantly more sensitive than my Pinnacle 2000i DVB-T dual tuner card (and hence less likely to exhibit pixelation), but noticeably less sensitive than the tuner in my Sony TV.

    The Pinnacle card has been "rock solid" -- no problems at all. But the TBS cards issued around the time of the 6284 use a Philips chip that has problems on some motherboards (or something like that -- I forget the details). In particular, the card may not work in all PCIE slots, or it may disappear from Windows on wake from sleep or wake from hibernation. This is the problem that I have with my 6284 (it works in only one PCIE slot).

    It is really difficult to be certain about anything. I searched the MP threads and found these references to the 6281se:

    I have never used satellite, but you can use the MP search facility to search the threads for the satellite cards that you are considering.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

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