There was a lot of (positive) feedback in the original thread. I guess that not too much people have MP 1.3.0 Alpha installed and therefore can't test the .dlls.
I would love to see this in MP 1.3.0 BETA too! Great feature! =)
Unfortunately the next and previous chapter buttons (F7 and F8) isn't available for Fullscreen TV by default.
BTW is it possible to jump to the start of a commercial segment? It could be useful in the rare event that comskip got the markers wrong and autoskip is enabled.
I found that the markers isn't visible when playing the same recording from My Videos. Autoskip and manual jump with next/previous chapter works but the markers doesn't load. I'd expect this to work since Videos is where we put the Autoskip setting in MediaPortal Configuration.
Effectively, the change was made for tv side (recorded tv side) so it's needed to apply it for myvideo too and adapt skin. Then it will work, Matt can confirm it (i hope lol)
1.) I did not change the default chapter buttons, but you can do that in MP config. I would like to see that added, but probably needs to go in as a separate feature/fix.
2.) I have had a few people ask about skipping to the beginning of the commercial. The only easy way I can see to do that is to remove jump points all together and put a chapter at both the beginning or the end of the commercial.
The better, but more difficult to implement method would be to have have a config option that asks you how you want chapters to be handled for tv recordings. (We could leave the jumps in place for autoskipping, but also have chapter markers in the same spot to make fast forward easier (so instead of 1 jump point per chapter you would potentially have 1 jump point for every other chapter). Again however, I feel that this should be part of a separate feature. It was pretty time consuming for me to get to this point, so I am hoping that we can get what is there into 1.3.0Beta and then maybe add these couple additional things for 1.3.1 or 1.4.
3.) As far as myVideo's go, I will have to check the code, but I think that I only load markers if it is recorded television, so I might need to make a few code changes in addition to a skin change to make it work through myVideos. Are you just moving your TV recording into a myVideos folder? If so, I can try to test that out and get it to work.
I would love to test this as it is the thing I miss most from SageTV. However I am using 4TR and I assume this won't work with it. Does it work when playing back files from MyTVSeries?
Right now the only support is in the TV Plugin, but it could be added to MyTVSeries pretty easily. Also, I talked to the 4TR dev and he said that he would try to integrate the feature after it hits the main branch. I am willing to help him with that, but he needs to be open to modifying the 4TR plugin.
Using 1.3.0alpha, skip forward/back using remote or F7\8 do not seem to work any more with comskip files, this was for me the ideal way of skipping to the beginning of a recording, any idea what may have caused this.
Sorry for being slightly off-topic, but it seems to be related to vuego's comment
BTW I'm another FTR user, so that would be great for them to also incorporate this feature
Not sure. I think that is unrelated to my feature change as I did not change anything in the actual chapter handling.
I am going to have to try it. I have noticed on some of my 1.2.3 systems, that F7 & F8 does not work by default on fullscreen tv, but the MCE remote buttons do work.
Have you tried an MCE remote to see if that works? also can you look at how your keys are mapped? I think that in 1.3.0 the F7 & F8 keys are mapped to changing channels by default, which would obviously not do anything if you are watching a recording.
I may be wrong here as I am a little new to MP still, and quite frankly find the keyboard mapping very confusing.