Concept: Switch MP2 to D3D11/D2D rendering (4 Viewers)


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  • September 3, 2010
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    I see improvement ! about 20 fps at MaxPerf
    2015-01-06 18_27_24-MediaPortal 2.png 2015-01-06 18_27_46-MediaPortal 2.png


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  • April 21, 2010
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    Performance seems much better, but I face a problem now. After start of MP2 there are no buttons, they appear only after moving with the mouse over their position (see screenshot, where I moved my mouse only over the movie button):

    Can confirm this.


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  • March 24, 2007
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    • #63
    Performance seems much better, but I face a problem now. After start of MP2 there are no buttons, they appear only after moving with the mouse over their position (see screenshot, where I moved my mouse only over the movie button):
    I'm afraid this is a side effect of caching. I need to implement more logic to invalidate effect "cache" state.


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  • March 24, 2007
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    • #64
    Hmm, still no a real solution: if you check screens v2 / v3 you see in v3 the text looks worse (scaling of rendererd image), while v2 looks good (rendering to final bounds). And the text color is wrong, should be white when having focus.


    • v2.png
      1.4 MB
    • v3.png
      1.4 MB


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  • March 24, 2007
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    • #65
    Performance seems much better, but I face a problem now. After start of MP2 there are no buttons, they appear only after moving with the mouse over their position (see screenshot, where I moved my mouse only over the movie button):
    I'm afraid this is a side effect of caching. I need to implement more logic to invalidate effect "cache" state.
    I reverted the changes. Maybe I have new ideas for optimization later.

    I also could fix the missing gradients in ApolloOne focus border.


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  • January 13, 2006
    Interesting - pictures taken (still) with v3 on an old mobility intel 4 series express laptop graphics with 128MB (shared) dedicated memory:
    upload_2015-1-7_20-58-48.png upload_2015-1-7_20-59-42.png
    upload_2015-1-7_21-1-25.png upload_2015-1-7_21-2-2.png
    Apollo One seems to render faster than our Default skin - no idea why, I let MP2 run and just changed the skin for the pictures above. MP2 was always the top window on my desktop.
    What really impresses me is that with Apollo One in MaxPerformance mode, while the GPU utilization with about 100% is clearly the limiting factor, the CPU utilization on this old Core2Duo U9400 (1.4 GHz) is only about 60%. That (also) makes the whole system besides MP2 much snappier, when MP2 runs in a window.
    Good progress!


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  • January 11, 2014
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    @morpheus_xx I compliled your latest branch (8c8d3e6d95) and have a completly black screen after starting MP2.
    The error logs show something about DX11. Since you are just working on it and I'm not sure, if the branch was intended to work, I attach my log files :)


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  • March 24, 2007
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    • #69
    Last push was not intended for origin, sorry. This version is in the middle of shader implementing and not usable! Hope to find a fix soon.


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  • March 24, 2007
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    • #70
    A little update about the progress:
    I reworked the internal render methods (ImageContext) in order to switch remaining parts to D2D. Unfortunately I stuck in this part, because there are issues with using the existing shaders (vertex+pixel shaders): the output is not placed at right position. D2D obviously wants the input in another format as D3D before. I tried to find the right way for one week now. It's quite frustrating...

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