Corrupt EPG after addition of Freeview HD (1 Viewer)


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  • October 28, 2008
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    Note: all the Freeview muxes carry the full EPG data, so disabling the T2 card won't stop TVserver collecting Freeview HD EPG data (with the new TsWriter).....



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  • February 1, 2012
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    I am really sorry to come back to this. I think the problem I have is not the same as we have been assuming

    1. This afternoon, I noticed that the HD epg was only corrupt on 2 channels - one of which was NHK World HD which is not on Freeview. I actually wondered if the epg was actually in Japanese so I double checked the language boxes

    2. I then stopped the T2 card from grabbing epg. But sometime later noticed that much of the epg was corrupt

    3. I cleared the epg and set the system to rebuild the epg from only the Freesat and Radio Caroline entries in the radio section. The epg built very quickly but was fully corrupt

    4. I cleared the epg again and then set it to build only from the T2 card. This takes a while but this limited epg is quite clean including the 4 HD channels (or at least at the moment)

    So it seems contrary to what I was assuming, the problem is on the satellite side. This problem started the day I re-scanned the Freeview cards following local digital cutover which was the first time I received the Freeview HD channels. The corruption seemed more frequent on the HD epg but wasn't always confined to it. Also, the NHK World HD channel seemed to initially be clean

    By the way, this is a new HTPC which I got last month and MP was only installed last month. Of course, as a new naive user I probably have been a bit like a bull in a china shop, so I might have done something unintended along this short journey



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  • August 7, 2005
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    Don't worry, I am sure we will get it sorted.

    Right now, the priority is to ensure that the binaries we provided for you ( are not actually worse than those installed by 1.2.2.

    Can you confirm that you had the problem with 1.2.2 and that the new is not actually worse?

    Edit: there is a new 1.2.3 test build at

    I don't think it will make any difference, but you never know.




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  • February 1, 2012
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    Can you confirm that you had the problem with 1.2.2 and that the new is not actually worse?

    Mark, to me it looks like the fix has sorted the problem with the corruption caused by grabbing the epg from the Terrestrial HD multiplex but has instead forced corruption onto the entire satellite epg. From that point of view it is worse. But becuase I can turn off the grabbing from the S2 card I may have a more reliable epg for the moment by using the T2 card (but on a more limited number of channels). Having said that I haven't had a chance to check the system today and won't be checking until this evening.

    If I have a moment over the weekend I might try reinstalling the old TSwriter (I kept a copy) and turn off the epg grabbing from the T2 card and turn back on the grabbing from the S2 card. If that produces a good epg it will indicate a problem with the fix

    Thanks for your ongoing support



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  • August 7, 2005
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    Can you confirm that you had the problem with 1.2.2 and that the new is not actually worse?

    Mark, to me it looks like the fix has sorted the problem with the corruption caused by grabbing the epg from the Terrestrial HD multiplex but has instead forced corruption onto the entire satellite epg. From that point of view it is worse. But becuase I can turn off the grabbing from the S2 card I may have a more reliable epg for the moment by using the T2 card (but on a more limited number of channels). Having said that I haven't had a chance to check the system today and won't be checking until this evening.

    If I have a moment over the weekend I might try reinstalling the old TSwriter (I kept a copy) and turn off the epg grabbing from the T2 card and turn back on the grabbing from the S2 card. If that produces a good epg it will indicate a problem with the fix

    Thanks for your ongoing support


    Please try with only the S2 card enabled and no combined channels.




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  • February 1, 2012
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    As of the end of last evening, there was only 1 small corruption - whilst the epg data was OK, the names of 2 channels (BBC HD channels) were corrupt. This was with the epg data only being collected from the T2 card. However, it might be that this corruption was due to very poor reception conditions (cross channel interference from French stations) which periodically knocked out reception for me from both Rowridge and a local relay (a short walk away but only with a power of 7.6 watts)

    This was possibly the reason why a small number of channels (eg Film 4) failed to load any epg data.

    Please try with only the S2 card enabled and no combined channels

    Mark, this week is going to be difficult, but I will try and experiment further as and when


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  • August 7, 2005
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    As of the end of last evening, there was only 1 small corruption - whilst the epg data was OK, the names of 2 channels (BBC HD channels) were corrupt.

    That is very strange. I don't think channel numbers should change at any point, so I wonder if this has anything at all to do with EPG grabbing.


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  • February 1, 2012
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    That is very strange. I don't think channel numbers should change at any point, so I wonder if this has anything at all to do with EPG grabbing.

    elliottmc: Corruption of channel names has been one of the occasional characteristics of the problem. To correct, I go into the Server and use the edit facility to restore the original names

    Please try with only the S2 card enabled and no combined channels.

    Mark: I remember I did this. In an earlier post I said:

    3. I cleared the epg and set the system to rebuild the epg from only the Freesat and Radio Caroline entries in the radio section. The epg built very quickly but was fully corrupt

    Whilst the channels were still combined, the grabbing was turned off from the terrestrial cards

    I am hoping the system will achieve a fairly heavy recording schedule this week more or less on automatic. So I have backed out the fix, installing the old TSWriter and set the epg grabbing from satellite only. The epg is now fine. At some point I will turn on the grabbing from the T1 card



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  • August 7, 2005
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    So you are 100% certain that the fix causes a problem with freesat EPG grabbing? You are the only person reporting a problem, although it may be that no-one else with the same setup is testing.

    We will get this looked into.

    Can you post some screenshots of the problem EPG, just so we can be clear what the problem is?




    Portal Pro
    August 14, 2007
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    Can you confirm that you had the problem with 1.2.2 and that the new is not actually worse?

    Mark, to me it looks like the fix has sorted the problem with the corruption caused by grabbing the epg from the Terrestrial HD multiplex but has instead forced corruption onto the entire satellite epg. From that point of view it is worse. But becuase I can turn off the grabbing from the S2 card I may have a more reliable epg for the moment by using the T2 card (but on a more limited number of channels). Having said that I haven't had a chance to check the system today and won't be checking until this evening.

    If I have a moment over the weekend I might try reinstalling the old TSwriter (I kept a copy) and turn off the epg grabbing from the T2 card and turn back on the grabbing from the S2 card. If that produces a good epg it will indicate a problem with the fix

    Thanks for your ongoing support


    Can you add some log files so I can look at it as there shouldn't be any issues as the huffman data is identical on each format.

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