CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.2 (2011-08-05) (2 Viewers)


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  • July 16, 2010
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    love the update

    Only issues I've spotted have already been reported.

    The shake to switch to gesture mode - possible to make it more sensitive? seem to have to shake with some force atm or is it just me not doing it right :p

    Keep up the good work :D



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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Yeah I think the problem is that you have curly brackets in your movie filenames. Something with those and WifiRemote doesn't work. You can follow progress on the issue here: Issue 61 - wifiremote - MovingPictures movies with curly brackets in the filename are not recognized - A MediaPortal plugin to send and receive remote commands via TCP/IP - Google Project Hosting

    love the update

    Only issues I've spotted have already been reported.

    The shake to switch to gesture mode - possible to make it more sensitive? seem to have to shake with some force atm or is it just me not doing it right :p

    Keep up the good work :D


    This seems to depend on the device. I have no problem doing the shake gesture on my iPhone 4, but on my 3G I have to shake really hard. I implemented it through the default shake mechanism. There is another way (listen for motion events and define yourself what should be considered as a shake) which could help to make it more sensitive, but I am not sure the advantages are bigger than the new issues this would bring up :)


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Hi Shukuyen,

    I want to update my opinions for this app..

    I like It a lot.. Gestures works like a charm! Only a few points/requists I want to post are:

    -Shake the device to switch between gestures and button is very nice, but not always works.. I would like to see also a button that do the samed thing (switch between both options)
    -When I watch tv, normally when I press the enter button, the mini guide appears. I'm using that very much, but when I use gestures, and tap the screen once, it pauze live tv.. I would like that that is the enter button, like It does in the rest of Mediaportal.. Maybe you can add the possibility that users can configure buttons by themself.. Or add a gestuere..
    -Would like to see the option for browsing my Media in Mediaportal in this app.. (like XBMC commander) Would be nice to read movie information about your movies on your idevice, and play them on the television..
    -Volume buttons doesn't work good for me..
    -The statusbar is only showed halve on the bottom of the screen.. In previous versions, I could swipe it up and down, but now I't always halve showed..
    -Is there away to automaticly select the right server if there is only one server found? Would like that..

    Thanks for your hard work!


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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Hi Marcel,

    -Shake the device to switch between gestures and button is very nice, but not always works.. I would like to see also a button that do the samed thing (switch between both options)

    I think I will try to tune shake gesture recognition, because room for buttons is limited (will need that in the future for media browsing).

    -When I watch tv, normally when I press the enter button, the mini guide appears. I'm using that very much, but when I use gestures, and tap the screen once, it pauze live tv.. I would like that that is the enter button, like It does in the rest of Mediaportal.. Maybe you can add the possibility that users can configure buttons by themself.. Or add a gestuere..

    You are right, this is a problem. Will have to think about it.

    -Would like to see the option for browsing my Media in Mediaportal in this app.. (like XBMC commander) Would be nice to read movie information about your movies on your idevice, and play them on the television..

    This is one of the next big points on my todo list. It will be done, but please be patient (have not started that yet, there are some bugs left that need to be fixed)

    -Volume buttons doesn't work good for me..

    Why not? Also try the volume gesture with both hands, I only use that at the moment and it works quite good.

    -The statusbar is only showed halve on the bottom of the screen.. In previous versions, I could swipe it up and down, but now I't always halve showed..

    This is a bug in the current version. Please go to gesture view and swipe up with two fingers of one hand, this will bring back the toolbar.

    -Is there away to automaticly select the right server if there is only one server found? Would like that..

    No, but the app should reconnect automatically to the last used server.

    Regarding the problem with now playing info for moving pictures: I can reproduce the problem but still have no real clue what is going wrong here. Will have to do more debugging and will hopefully have a fix soon.


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Hi Shukuyen!

    Thank for your reply..

    I have played a bit more, and I'm now know how to use the gestures for volume! Works very goog indeed :)

    The rest of points did you have explained very well, so thanks:)

    One other thing: It would be nice that there was also an option in gestures to switch between channels in live tv :)
    Also the information button doesn't appears in the app.. Would be nice if you could read info about the program that is playing.. And another thing: Read the EPG in the app!

    But you could not find any bugs in my logs? Do I have to make a new one?

    Good luck!

    Best regards


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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    One other thing: It would be nice that there was also an option in gestures to switch between channels in live tv :)
    Also the information button doesn't appears in the app.. Would be nice if you could read info about the program that is playing.. And another thing: Read the EPG in the app!

    But you could not find any bugs in my logs? Do I have to make a new one?

    Hi Marcel,

    I don't think we can map every function of MediaPortal to gestures, there are just too many of them. I am thinking of changing it so that a one finger tap always means ok and move play/pause/stop to two finger gestures. Not sure about that yet, though, because I like how it is right now.

    Another problem is that the more gestures we introduce the harder it will be to learn those gestures and for the app to distinguish between them. If you have any good ideas for channel switch gestures please let me know.

    Now playing info for TV is on our list for WifiRemote, can't say yet when this will be implemented. EPG may be possible with one of the other plugins (GMA? Don't know yet).

    I could reproduce the error from your log but still have to find out why this happens. No need for more logs, thanks!


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    One other thing: It would be nice that there was also an option in gestures to switch between channels in live tv :)
    Also the information button doesn't appears in the app.. Would be nice if you could read info about the program that is playing.. And another thing: Read the EPG in the app!

    But you could not find any bugs in my logs? Do I have to make a new one?

    Hi Marcel,

    I don't think we can map every function of MediaPortal to gestures, there are just too many of them. I am thinking of changing it so that a one finger tap always means ok and move play/pause/stop to two finger gestures. Not sure about that yet, though, because I like how it is right now.

    Another problem is that the more gestures we introduce the harder it will be to learn those gestures and for the app to distinguish between them. If you have any good ideas for channel switch gestures please let me know.

    Now playing info for TV is on our list for WifiRemote, can't say yet when this will be implemented. EPG may be possible with one of the other plugins (GMA? Don't know yet).

    I could reproduce the error from your log but still have to find out why this happens. No need for more logs, thanks!

    Hi Shukuyen,

    thanks for you fast reply..

    I understand that not all actions can be done by gestures.. But for me is the option to change between channels important..

    What you said about tap with one finger always for enter is what I like! 2 times tap for pauze, and 3 times tap is stop and go back?

    For change channels, maybe swipe up and down with one finger? now you can use those actions for rewind, but that can also when you swipe left/right.. :)


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  • August 29, 2009
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Now playing info for TV is on our list for WifiRemote, can't say yet when this will be implemented. EPG may be possible with one of the other plugins (GMA? Don't know yet).
    No, EPG is done with the TV4Home CoreService, to support multiseat setups ;) Good luck with the mediabrowsing development, just ask one of us if you need help ;)


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Now playing info for TV is on our list for WifiRemote, can't say yet when this will be implemented. EPG may be possible with one of the other plugins (GMA? Don't know yet).
    No, EPG is done with the TV4Home CoreService, to support multiseat setups ;) Good luck with the mediabrowsing development, just ask one of us if you need help ;)

    I will for sure, thanks for the offer and the clarification! I already warned DieBagger that I will need a crash course, hehe :D
    Edit: You did the streaming part of GMA, right? Maybe we can talk a bit about iPhone video formats and http live streaming some time in the future ;-)

    Regarding gestures:
    powermarcel10 said:
    What you said about tap with one finger always for enter is what I like! 2 times tap for pauze, and 3 times tap is stop and go back?

    For change channels, maybe swipe up and down with one finger? now you can use those actions for rewind, but that can also when you swipe left/right..

    One finger single tap will go on to be "ok" and one finger double tap will still be "back". I think triple taps is a little too much, especially if you know that a normal tap will have to wait until it is sure there is no triple tap happening. I will more likely use two finger single taps for play/pause and two finger double taps for stop … This will require you to use both hands, but I think thats ok for play/pause and stop as they aren't used as much as ok and back. One critical thing is that I introduced the gestures as they are now and I am not very comfortable with changing that from version to version.

    I would be really interested in what other users think about this. The next update (mostly fixes for the issues brought up by robo100) is almost ready, but I would like to squeeze any gesture additions/changes in it.

    Maybe two-finger-swipes left and right could be used for channel switching ...


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: CouchPotato - an iPhone remote app for MediaPortal | Version 1.1 (2011-07-19)

    Now playing info for TV is on our list for WifiRemote, can't say yet when this will be implemented. EPG may be possible with one of the other plugins (GMA? Don't know yet).
    No, EPG is done with the TV4Home CoreService, to support multiseat setups ;) Good luck with the mediabrowsing development, just ask one of us if you need help ;)

    I will for sure, thanks for the offer and the clarification! I already warned DieBagger that I will need a crash course, hehe :D
    Edit: You did the streaming part of GMA, right? Maybe we can talk a bit about iPhone video formats and http live streaming some time in the future ;-)

    Regarding gestures:
    powermarcel10 said:
    What you said about tap with one finger always for enter is what I like! 2 times tap for pauze, and 3 times tap is stop and go back?

    For change channels, maybe swipe up and down with one finger? now you can use those actions for rewind, but that can also when you swipe left/right..

    One finger single tap will go on to be "ok" and one finger double tap will still be "back". I think triple taps is a little too much, especially if you know that a normal tap will have to wait until it is sure there is no triple tap happening. I will more likely use two finger single taps for play/pause and two finger double taps for stop … This will require you to use both hands, but I think thats ok for play/pause and stop as they aren't used as much as ok and back. One critical thing is that I introduced the gestures as they are now and I am not very comfortable with changing that from version to version.

    I would be really interested in what other users think about this. The next update (mostly fixes for the issues brought up by robo100) is almost ready, but I would like to squeeze any gesture additions/changes in it.

    Maybe two-finger-swipes left and right could be used for channel switching ...

    Hi Shukuyen,

    I understand.. Maybe three taps isn't a good idea, and i understand your explination about it, so; good point.. do things with to fingers at the same time is better.. Hadn't thought about that!

    I think It is not so worse if you change the ways of gesture in there first couple released versions, but that's personal.. Ofcourse you have to do what's for you the best, because It's your app, and we should be happy to use it :)

    the best way to do the best thing for everyone, is to add an option to costomize gestures in the app.. So you can configure the action that each gesture wil do.. But I can imagine that it's difficult to add..

    For switch between channels; swipe with to fingers up and down is for me better than swipe to left and right..

    I hope you can something with my points.. I love the app like it is now btw!

    best regards

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