I've installed this patch/plugins for the first time (NZ) and I can't get past "Error Occurred:- NoPmtFound" while doing a Grab Now. What does this mean?
The 'grab now' shouldn't activate the plugin; I don't think it is required as the channels are freely available... They just require the right dictionary in the plugin which DJBlu has implemented...
Hang on, have you re-setup your tv cards in the TVServer section after updating to the mods? I know I have to after updating from an official release... If they're not given the right LNB settings they won't work... And I assume that as you cannot grab now, you haven't been able to tune any channels as your list should be empty?
I haven't wiped out all the TV channels if that's what you mean. They are still there from a native scan done months ago. The LNB settings etc work fine. Can I simply rescan the channels or do I really need to delete them all first. I would rather not as I have my own groups set up which I want to keep.
So after updating to the modified version you can still watch the already scanned channels fine?
I would also recommend disabling the groups if you haven't already done so as this option will remove your custom groups as far as I know; won't stop you creating them yourself though however you'll have to manually add the channels to the group.
Can you snapshot your 'Cards / Mapping' tab in the plugin please. For reference this is what mine looks like.
Yes it's working as usual for watching pre-scanned channels. I had already unchecked the "Use Sky Categories" and "Use Sky region" checkboxes.
I just finished a re-scan in the TV Servers section, with 268 channels updated, and now it working! I didn't see that requirement in the instructions. It said to start a scan and cancel it. So it's working fine now.
Just wondering if the DVB EPG settings in in TV Server should be disabled, such as "EPG grabbing while idle"?
Yup, don't use the main EPG grabbing stuff unless you've got a DVB-T card for Freeview as the EPG grabbers could disrupt each other. Unless you're using terrestrial too just disable all EPG grabbing outside of this plugin.
I see the scan has now duplicated all the channels, so I need to delete all the previous channels anyway and lose all the scheduled recording settings. I was hoping to avoid that.
I do have DVB-T but I don't think the DVB EPG works in MP for MHEG5 does it? I'm still using EPG Collector for that.