From your logs the only problem I can see (and the only entry in the error.log) is an access violation on 2009-09-23 07:54:44.739564, which is related to the Idle EPG grabber. Idle EPG grabber is known to cause crashes, but iirc this is not new to 1.1.0. beta, it was there before. I have not followed the forum threads relating to this problem, so I am not the most appropriate person to help you. But as a general direction I would search the forums for "idle epg grabber crash" and go from there.
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable in that area can offer some help.
to give a more acurate description:
The tv-server service is running, but it doesn't react.
Also when I use the mpTVclient I can connect to server, see the channels and card-states.
As soon as I want to start a stream the application hangs up.
I startup my pc, watch some tv and turn the tv off when I'm going to bed (MP still running, just stopped the tv channel). Then the next day when I turn my tv on again I ALWAYS have this problem since 1.1 beta. I can go through all parts of MP but when I hit a tv channel in the EPG, all freezes. Only restarting my pc helps...
This happens every time I havent touched my pc for a while. Not sure what the time period has to be before I get a freeze...
I§ve been testing a bit with this problem and it seems to go away when I turn off dvb-epg grabbing when idle.
Every time when I turn this off, no problems the next day or after going away, say, for half an hour or longer. When I turn it on, the tv section hangs as soon as i try to go to a tv channel after not having used tv for some time. I§m not exactly sure how long (maybe the time that is set for timing out?).
Could you post all logfiles in the first post?
Well, it is almost certainly the option for dvb-epg grabbing when idle. Since I disabled it, my system never hangs anymore! I never had this problem before MP 1.1 beta and I always had this option on.
I've reinstalled MP 1.1 beta twice but always with the same result: freeze after about 10 to 20 minutes of not using dvb channels. I'm glad I know what it is though so I can avoid it. Offcourse I still hope it will be fixed in the next stable version!
I'll post logs when I have the chance.
I already combind the relevating info to my first post.
I think you are right with the epg-grabber.
As soon as the epg grabber stopps grabbing a while, the system hangs up.