Danish dr.dk epg ripper (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 14, 2009
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
For those who would like epg for the new DR channels. Add this to channels-tv.xml

<channel id = "dr.dk/mas/whatson/channel/TVH">
<display-name>DR HD</display-name>
<channel id = "dr.dk/mas/whatson/channel/TVR">
<display-name>DR Ramasjang</display-name>
<channel id = "dr.dk/mas/whatson/channel/TVK">
<display-name>DR K</display-name>


Portal Member
October 9, 2007
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
New version available at DR.dk EPG ripper
This version takes pretty much every tag available from the stream and copies it to the xml-file.
New tags include: Credits, author, actor, production year, language, subtitle type, stereo/mono, aspect ratio.
Every thing is the work of René Jensen.



Portal Member
March 27, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hej Rune.

Vildt godt arbejde, det virker rigtigt godt med serier.

Det er bare synd jeg ikke kan bruge det. :(
Af en eller anden årsag så har dr.dk altid forkerte tider på TV2 og Zulu, og da det er dem jeg optager nogle serier fra så har jeg et problem. (Det kan godt være at andre kanaler har samme problem, men har kun oplevet det med de 2)
Har kørt med programmet i de sidste 3 dage og har ikke fået et helt afsnit i nu. Ved godt man kan pre/post-record
men det har været 20min for sent den ene dag og 45 for tidligt den anden.

Det var ikke sådan at man måske kunne bruge en anden grabber til de to kanaler??
P.t. bruger jeg bare mit tvtuner kort til at rippe de to kanaler, men så virker det med serier jo ikke så smart mere.
DR mangler også Tinget, extra og info kanalerne på yousee, men det betyder ikke så meget. ;)

Har brugt meget tid på at få det til at virke, og dit program er helt klart den bedste løsning.
Bare synd DR ikke kan finde ud af det.



Hi Rune.

Damn good job, it really works well with the series.

It's just a shame I cant use it. : (
For some reason, then dr.dk always shows wrong time on TV2 and Zulu, and when they are the ones I record some series from then I have a problem. (It may well be that other channels have the same problem but have only experienced it with the 2)
Has run the program in the last 3 days and have not got a whole series yet. I know you can pre / post-record
but it was 20m late one day and 45 premature another.

It was not such that one might use a different grabber for the two channels?
A.t.m I just use my TV tuner card to rip the two channels, but then have the problem with the series.

DR also missing, the extra and the info channel on YouSee, but thats no problem. ;)

Has spent much time getting EPG to work, and your program is clearly the best solution.
Just a shame DR cant figure it out.



Portal Member
October 9, 2007
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
New version 0.95.0
You can now read the genre/category from dr.dk.
You now have total control over how the categories are used.
Using a genre.txt file you can get all football events marked as football instead of just sports.
This feature uses main genres(fx sports) and sub genres(fx football). It is user configurable how which sub genres are used.
Download at drepg.zzl.org



Portal Pro
June 5, 2007
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hey RuneDJ
It could be nice to have a little "walktrough" for starting a "task" in WIN7, i think it's a bit confusing, but it might just be me. Im still trying to get it to work in WIN7. I had no problems in XP SP3


Portal Member
October 9, 2007
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hey RuneDJ
It could be nice to have a little "walktrough" for starting a "task" in WIN7, i think it's a bit confusing, but it might just be me. Im still trying to get it to work in WIN7. I had no problems in XP SP3

Ok, this will be in danish because my windows is danish.
1. start opgavestyring
2. Opret opgave(ikke basisopgave)
3. Giv opgaven et navn
4. Vælg fanebladet udløsere
5. Klik "Ny" og vælg start efter tidsplan. Kør den en gang dagligt eller hvad du nu lyster.
6. Klik OK.
7. Vælg fanebladet Handlinger.
8. Klik "Ny" og vælg start program.
9. Klik gennemse og vælg runguide.bat
10. Klik OK.
11. Vælg fanebladet Betingelser.
12. Tick "Aktivér computere for at køre opgaven.
13. Klik OK og så burde det virke.

Det er ikke testet da mit mediecenter kører WinXP.

Added a new version 0.95.1 that fixes a bug introduced in 0.95.0.
The bug made guessing of categories not work.


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hi Rune,
Your grapper is the first grapper I got (kind of) working, so thank you! :D

1. I am using the For the Record TV plugin and TV tuner, and this plugin will look for any xml file in the directory and import it.
However, dr epg ripper outputs its file in the directory where the webreader.jar resides, and this directory has the channels.xml file as well.
For the Record tries to import the channels.xml and rejects it and puts it in a "rejected" folder. Voila - no channels.xml for the ripper to use ;-(
My workaround is to place dr.dk epg ripper in a subfolder, and use XMLTV GUI to import the dr.dk epg ripper tvguide.xml and then output it to the For the Record XMLTV folder.
It would be nice to avoid this extra task though - another source of error. This could be solved by being able to specify an output folder.

2. My timezones a f....d up :-(
All my schedules are one hour late. The ripper guide tells you to set -1 hour correction in XMLTV plugin for MP, however, since I don't use the MP TV server, I have to use the XMLTV GUI.
Here, you don't don't correct by hours but by timezones, i.e. you have to set the timezone you are in/want to use. But no matter which setting I use, the end result is the same.
When checking out the resulting xml file, I see that XMLTV GUI changes not only the timezone tag, but ALSO CHANGES THE START AND STOP TIMES, i.e. DR TV-Avisen start 1830 Stop 1900 +0100 is changed to DR Tv-avisen start 1930 stop 2000 +0200 if (CET w/ DST = +0200 right now) is set.

My workaround has been to change the timezone of my TV-server (WHS) to +0100 (GMT with DST), but that's not really great, since I use it for other stuff. My Squeezebox Server now sends the wrong time to my SB music players/remotes and my back ups run and hour late ;-)

I hope you have a solution for my problems (P.s. FTR tuner and MP TV plugin is great :))

venlig hilsen

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