for me the livestream of "Das Erste" is not working I always get an Information that playing the stream is not possible
I am using MP1, ZDF Mediathek is working fine
in Logs I get this message
when i open the mentioned uri in browser (http://daserstelive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/daserste_de@38086/master.m3u8) it works fine
for me the livestream of "Das Erste" is not working I always get an Information that playing the stream is not possible
I am using MP1, ZDF Mediathek is working fine
in Logs I get this message
[08-03 23:20:59,250] [MPMain ] [INFO ] DoPageLoad with CurrentState 'videos', PreviousWindowId '4758'
[08-03 23:23:51,559] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Looking for dynamic categories for site 'Das Erste'
[08-03 23:23:51,763] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Found 13 dynamic categories for site 'Das Erste'
[08-03 23:23:59,530] [MPMain ] [INFO ] Preparing graph for playback of 'http://daserstelive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/daserste_de@38086/master.m3u8'
[08-03 23:23:59,868] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Start prebuffering ...
[08-03 23:23:59,869] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] BufferFile : using 'MediaPortal IPTV filter and url source splitter' as source filter
[08-03 23:23:59,870] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] BufferFile : loading url: 'http://daserstelive-lh.akamaihd.net####Url=http%3a%2f%2fdaserstelive-lh.akamaihd.net%2fi%2fdaserste_de%4038086%2fmaster.m3u8&'
[08-03 23:24:00,359] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Buffering was aborted.
[08-03 23:24:00,517] [OnlineVideos] [WARN ] OnlineVideos.OnlineVideosException
at OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Player.OnlineVideosPlayer.BufferFile(SiteUtilBase siteUtil)
at OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.GUIOnlineVideos.<>c__DisplayClass128_0.<Play_Step4>b__0()
at OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Gui2UtilConnector.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<ExecuteInBackgroundAndCallback>b__0()
when i open the mentioned uri in browser (http://daserstelive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/daserste_de@38086/master.m3u8) it works fine