Das Erste: Livestream not working (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 1, 2011
Home Country
Germany Germany
First guess: update didn't work. Kinda strange, because the changes I did for commit 152b07e818e8f10004b10a985d2e2a18ada5d9e5 were not for offbyone's dll, but for mine...

@joecrow Can you check what happens if you go to the side-menu and update the "Das Erste" from there?

That is what I did when I said I had done a manual update, at least that is what I assume you mean by the side menu, but not clear on how to update Das Erste specifically????:unsure: Also when I first went in to OV this morning I got an auto update and though quick I did see Das Erste flash up.

I get the same problems, the dll which gets downloaded during the update does not match the latest GitHub Sources.
@doskabouter you can simply try this with this code (need some usings and references from OnlineVideo.dll, but this is the minimized original code), it says the dll was updated 2018-06-26 20:37:16
and when you downlowd the dll and reflect it e.g. with IlSpy you see the changed code is missing
            Site[] _onlineSites = null;
            Dll[] _onlineDlls = null;

            OnlineVideosService ws = new OnlineVideosService() { Timeout = 30000, EnableDecompression = true };
                _onlineSites = ws.GetSitesOverview();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warn("Error on getting sites overview from server: {0}", ex.ToString());
                _onlineDlls = ws.GetDllsOverview();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warn("Error on getting dlls overview from server: {0}", ex.ToString());

            var dasErsteSite = _onlineSites.First(s => s.Name.Contains("Das Erste"));
            var dll = _onlineDlls.First(d => d.Name.Contains("offbyone"));
            byte[] onlineDllData = ws.GetDll(dll.Name);
            var localPath = string.Format(@"C:\Temp\{0}.dll",dll.Name);
            if (onlineDllData != null && onlineDllData.Length > 0) File.WriteAllBytes(localPath, onlineDllData);


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Felt a bit obliged to give you some distraction, so I dove into this :)

    It seemed that I didn't put all my attention to things (probably was in a hurry for something...) but the Visual Studio I have (2015) doesn't really like the new language features that are used in the DasErsteUtil.
    So it didn't even compile when I published the site...

    Anyway, it's fixed now and published it. So all should be good now...


    Portal Pro
    January 1, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Felt a bit obliged to give you some distraction, so I dove into this :)

    It seemed that I didn't put all my attention to things (probably was in a hurry for something...) but the Visual Studio I have (2015) doesn't really like the new language features that are used in the DasErsteUtil.
    So it didn't even compile when I published the site...

    Anyway, it's fixed now and published it. So all should be good now...
    Sorry for that, I wasn't really aware of that.
    I tried to not use the C# 6 Features, but I also thought the compile would tell me, as all projects are configured for .net framework 4.
    Although it would be cool to use newer framework version, it would be a little bit of change for Mediaportal.

    In the meanwhile I also made some progress on the m3u8 parsing (to use your suggested class)
    And some additional missing categories from "Das erste"

    One Technical detail question, I have a category which has Videos and unfortunately some Sub Categories (videos which belong together are grouped with them).
    Unfortunately online Video can handle only one at a time, is this correct. So either there are Sub Categories or videos, not both.

    Do you have a good idea for me, how to handle this? Introduce fake/collector Sub categroy for the videos (to only have categories and videos in a next level), oder Grab Videos from the group Sub categroy and only provide video (to only have videos and no additional Sub Categories)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Sorry for that, I wasn't really aware of that.
    I tried to not use the C# 6 Features, but I also thought the compile would tell me, as all projects are configured for .net framework 4.
    Although it would be cool to use newer framework version, it would be a little bit of change for Mediaportal.

    In the meanwhile I also made some progress on the m3u8 parsing (to use your suggested class)
    And some additional missing categories from "Das erste"

    One Technical detail question, I have a category which has Videos and unfortunately some Sub Categories (videos which belong together are grouped with them).
    Unfortunately online Video can handle only one at a time, is this correct. So either there are Sub Categories or videos, not both.

    Do you have a good idea for me, how to handle this? Introduce fake/collector Sub categroy for the videos (to only have categories and videos in a next level), oder Grab Videos from the group Sub categroy and only provide video (to only have videos and no additional Sub Categories)

    Well, language features are not coupled to .NET Framework versions, so it's no surprise that you can compile it in a newer VS version.

    As for the mixed videos/categories: I usually create an extra category "videos" or something alike and put the videos under that.

    And if you want me to publish again, just let me know!


    Portal Pro
    January 1, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @catavolt @joecrow
    I Updated "Das Erste" more should work now (especially "Rubriken", "Die FIFA WM 2018 in Russland") and other Categories which have a deep Category Structure (Folder Structure) until any Video is available.

    Would you like to test a little bit more and help me if you see any other bug.


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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Would you like to test a little bit more and help me if you see any other bug.
    Nice one (WM 2018) and so far all other Rubrikens I've tried look good. When selecting playback quality though, the HD option does not work (it would be great if it did play at 1080) see attached screen shots, it either gives that error or a "Connection Lost usw." 720x1280 works fine.(y):)
    DE1.jpg DE2.jpg


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    And category "Die deutsche Mannschaft" is empty :whistle:
    Agreed but no surprise really.:cry:
    Here ALL of the categories in FIFA WM 2018 don´t play in any resolution - I always get the "Connection Lost usw." :oops:
    Hmm, I'm sure when I first checked it the Alle WM vids was working but the "Highlights ..." and " Rund das..." sections are still playing for me 720x1280 tested.


    Portal Pro
    January 1, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @joecrow @catavolt
    the "Connection Lost" error, or also the "Only Http Protocol.." are wrong errors, if i check the URL which i get from Mediathek is not available, which leads to this error messages.

    But I changed a little bit, the "HD" Quality was a little bit misleading, the web player of ard mediathek has these qualities:
    • sehr hohe
    • hohe
    • mittlere
    • niedrige
    • automatische
    no HD, therefore i also removed the HD. for each quality i get more than one link (sometimes, not all qualities are available!)
    the Error comes from the automatic, where one link cannot be played. but for automatic i also get a second link, this one I have to parse and the result leads to several entries like that:
    <VideoDimension, if available> (Bitrate: xxx Kbps)

    In most cases these links (with the highest bitrate) are much better than all other (also better than "sehr hohe").
    Therefore i changed to preselct the one with highest bitrate and all other are available as fallback

    Here ALL of the categories in FIFA WM 2018 don´t play in any resolution - I always get the "Connection Lost usw." :oops:
    And category "Die deutsche Mannschaft" is empty :whistle:
    This one I cannot reproduce.

    @all please update with latest binaries (incl. onlinevideo.dll once again, needed for sorting)

    @doskabouter once again a question: I have a problem with the livestream. "Das Erste" provides a livestream with 30min timeshift. You can try this here: Das Erste live - ARD Mediathek - Livestream der ARD if you go there, the livestream starts and you can go back 30min in time. which is quite cool. But, in Mediaportal the livestream is now always 30min old, it does not start at correct position, it always starts in past and unfortunately i cannot fast-forward the 30min.
    you can see the phenomen by starting the livestream in mediaportal. it is the livestream -30min.
    And I only provide a string url... in public override String GetVideoUrl(VideoInfo video)
    can i handle this somehow?

    Agreed but no surprise really.:cry:
    totally agree!


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