Default refresh rate not applied when switching directly to different media? (1 Viewer)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I think this might also fix the 'playlist' issue some are experiencing. When using a playlist to play multiple videofiles with different frame rates, the problem also occurs.
    But we do need a lot of testing to make sure DRR doesn't keep switching all the time. I mean, when you use the playlist example and have 3 videos in a row that all have the same frame rate, it does trigger 6 extra refresh rate changes... that slows video playback from playlist with at least 4-6 seconds.

    And maybe this also fixes the MovingPictures Intro movie issue. (If intro has different frame rate as 'main' movie)
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  • June 11, 2007
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    I'll try it now. I don't use any playlists but if you explain the steps to recreate I am happy to test out these things.

    I will also try it out on my Server/Client machine too, but do you know if it will upset DJBlu's data grabber SVN release if I replace this file on that machine? (I don't have any issues with DRR on it but to be thorough..)



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  • June 11, 2007
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    Do you understand what I am trying to explain in my previous post or am I doing a bad job of explaining?

    Can you try attached core.dll ? :)
    It should work, but don't know if it's the correct way to do. When current playing file is stopped, i have add the line to reset to default. but it will surely happen for all kind of files lol

    Hi Sebastiii, it works :) tested on my client machine.

    Surely it would be easier to just fall back to default when the framerate can not be negotiated during media start and that would stop the constant changing.. but I guess its not that simple else you would of done that already :)
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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    And maybe this also fixes the MovingPictures Intro movie issue. (If intro has different frame rate as 'main' movie)

    This would be great.
    I've never tested this MovPic feature, so no clue how it works, i only read some reports about it. If someone could test if the attached core.dll from this post fixes that problem ;)
    I can confirm that switching from Blu-ray or serie to LiveTV now switched to the default value (PALHD in my test) (y)


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Well, obviously I'm using the new core.dll and I think I've discovered the movingpics issue for the first time :/ I didn't have my keyboard to hand at the time for Shift+1 but the video had a pause like every second so I'm guessing the framerate was not correct. I know the files which were playing so I will test tonight.

    So what was the movpics issue exactly? I use MovPics with several intros (one played randomly before the movie) and never found any problems with framerates (DRR always changed for both media files). But this has been on my main system where TVserver is included so I had no use for the default refresh rate setting. I just left everything as default values in MePo and just enabled DRR.


    PS: Attached core.dll definitely resets to default rate between movpics movie and TV for sure also :)

    PPS: I am also getting some random 'MePo has stopped responding crashes - which strangely do not prevent MePo from being operated (but the error sits constantly on top of MePo main window but not in focus) - I suspect this isn't to do with the Core.dll but I will try catch the crash and gather some logs asap.
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  • June 11, 2007
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    OK so I thought I would sneak in a little testing before work :)

    In MovPics I use the 'play intro movie' option. I have various DTS / DD intros which play randomly before the main movie media. Only a single file is set to play as intro (I don't play multiple). Now for what its worth, I have never seen an issue with refresh rate before using previous MePo builds on a combined Server/Client WITHOUT a default refresh rate set.

    The test below is on a MePo client only (WITH attached core.dll), with DRR enabled and a default refresh rate of PALHD enabled in the settings.

    MePo starts -> MePo GUI has default refresh rate 50hz

    Intro starts -> File is 24hz and refresh is correctly set to 24hz

    The movie media then plays afterwards (I think I see DRR do something during the transition) -> MePo reports Measured refresh rate of 50hz but actual 24hz and we have the stutter issue with playback.

    If I play the movie again (but this time resume playback so we skip the intro movie) -> We now have a measured 24hz and an actual 24hz

    So its resetting to the default refresh rate during the transition but then failing to negotiate the frame rate of the new media playback (second file). That or it is not detecting it correctly.

    I can't believe this does not happen on my other machine. It must be something to do with having the default refresh rate option ticked in the config? I have attached logs also, but now must rush to work :( - they are debug verbose also this time :)
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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    TNX for the feedback TheBatfink. We need to look into the switching after an intro movie. Now that is always returns to the default value, it sounds like it's missing the step to set the correct refresh rate based on the frame rate of the new to play file...

    The MovingPictures 'issue' is (at least i've read some reports about that on the forum) that when you use an intro movie with a different frame rate then your main movie, it wouldn't switch. So to test this you could use the old core.dll, use a intro movie that has a frame rate of 50 FPS, and start a 24P movie as main movie.


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Hi. So I have done 4 tests.

    1) Original 1.3.0 Final core.dll + 50hz intro + 24hz movie + Default rate setting 50hz
    2) Original 1.3.0 Final core.dll + 50hz intro + 24hz movie + NO Default rate setting
    3) New core.dll + 50hz intro + 24hz movie + Default rate setting 50hz
    4) New core.dll + 50hz intro + 24hz movie + NO Default rate setting

    My observations..

    When the default refresh rate is enabled and set to 50hz PALHD, on BOTH old and new core.dll.. we get an intro playing at 50hz then the movie also still playing at 50hz.
    But, if we disable the default refresh rate setting, on BOTH old and new core.dll.. we get an intro playing at 50hz then the movie playing at 24hz.

    I knew I'd been using the MovingPictures setup with intos sucessfully for ages. The problem does not appear to just be play listed movies, its the act of enabling the default refresh rate setting that is upsetting things. There must be something funky in the logic when its enabled :)

    I presume the issues now are, when the setting is enabled, the default refresh rate is not applied between two media files (which Seb fixed by forcing the default rate) but also when it is enabled, the second media file is not triggering a refresh rate change (regardless of file type and if its possible for the framerate to be read or not) - or it is triggering a framerate check and its deciding its the same rate as the default setting and ignoring the actual media info.

    So the default rate setting is a bit messed up :)

    Hope this helps.
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