These are both powered by the same 5V port, I checked both grounds and they should be fine- Make sure the gnd wire is connected to both the Lightberry box and LED strips as without that you will get similar issues, they need to share the same gnd wire.
- Double check the direction of the data wires, make sure the start end is correct however typically they wouldn't work at all when connected incorrectly.
- Might be that your WS2801 strip has a non-standard connection order (gnd / power / data pins), would try a different order carefully or measure with multimeter to see if for instance the gnd isn't swapped for the V+.
I checked the direction again and it's going in the flow of the arrows on the strip. It behaved the same way even when using the wrong direction (which I did with first tries with the strip)- Only connect the start point with power and data for testing to rule out any wiring issue or interference.
Also make sure you get an up2date Hyperion installation by re-running the installer shown in the how-to, because depending on your install date you might have gotten an outdated Hyperion version due to a long outstanding bug with the installer script (never linked to new builds before).
Should all the lights stay lit up when given just 5V and GND, or does it need CLK and DATA too?
I'm trying to figure out if the led strip itself is broken or is the arduino not getting or passing the serial data to LED strip correctly. Lightberry has some custom adalight software loaded to the converter box - I'm going to try to switch it with fastled-software as per your tutorial.
Although I've tried couple of different sketches for the Arduino, none of them seem to do anything differently. I always get random LEDs when connected to power.
Holy hell it's working! Finally!
I played around with the Fastled examples, and made the minimal possible program to flash leds. While doing this I tested out the led option for WS2801 without DATA and CLK options and it started working.
The colors are way off though, green is blue etc, gotta start fixing that and now! Thanks for your help!