DOWNLOAD: Moving Pictures Public Beta 0.6.6 (1 Viewer)

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Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I have just done a scan of my database with Moving Pictures... What a pleasure! So easy and so accurate.

fforde can you please give some tips to the Media Portal Dev's so they can have a similar system in the My Videos section :) There one is terrible compared to the one in this plugin!

Aww, come on now. Constructive criticism please! :D Their importer has improved a lot lately, gamejester has really busted his butt to get things working smoother. Everything takes time.
Would it not be a better idea to have all the covers and fanart stored in the same location as the films (such as MyMusic does when you download the cover art), maybe in the same folder as the film, so that in the event of something like the above happening, you can just point to the correct location and it imports the films again, complete with the pictures to save having to redownload them all again (which would be a pain if you have a couple of hundred or even thousands of films).

Just my 2p's worth but food for thought.

Well currently you can change the location of your covers and backdrops folders under Advanced Settings. As for saving directly in the folder with the movie file, I dunno... We are probably going to do something in the future with generating NFO files in the movie folder based on retrieved data. When we get to this point we will probably also add the option to save artwork in the movie folder too. This is a bit of a ways off though.

I have quite a few backdrops which are disappearing (and somethimes re-appearing as well), but when I go to, they're still available. When I try to look for missing artwork online nothing happens in MP. If I look in my backdrop folder they aren't there anymore as well. Backdrop which re-appear are newly created files. Why does this happen and is there a way to force a re-scan of backdrops without refreshing all my movies info (I have translated quite a lot of japanese titles to english)?

Hrmm... backdrops should never disappear. Maybe it's an issue with rendering in the GUI? You should create a new thread and post your log files from when you see this issue occuring, and I will see if I can figure something out.

For what it's worth though, backdrops are now pulled from, not meligrove. They are both run by the same person and meligrove is being phased out as has movie details available in addition to artwork.

And also new backdrops are loaded in the background as they are available for any movies missing artwork when the plug-in launches. So if you have a movie that has no backdrop, the next time you restart MediaPortal the plug-in will connect and check if there is a backdrop available online. If so it auto downloads.

Is this a known issue?

I renamed all my iso files to reflect title and date ... Title Of Movie (YEAR) .... when I re-entered Moving Pictures config and scanned all the folders again. Entering Movie Manager, all my Movies were double posted. None of the titles from the old iso names were removed. I even deselected and re-added the drives, same result anfter the scan.

I had to deselect the drives, exit MP Config, and manually delete the Moving Pictures database. Then go back, add the drives and rescan the folders to get everything up as it should be.

At least I won't have to go through it again, now that the files have been renamed.

Another thing, I'm still not getting many of the DVD covers (I know they exist), instead, I'm getting a lot of pretty posters. I prefer the DVD Covers.



Hrmm... well as for the double entries after renaming your files may be a problem. When a file is missing from your hard drive it will be removed from the database, but this process sometimes takes a little bit of time especially if you have removed or renamed a large number of files. Are you certain they were not being removed, just one by one a bit slowly?

As for the covers I am sorry there is not much that we can do about that. Our cover artwork is pulled from a few different sites, but generally they do not classify things by "dvd cover" or "poster". They are most of the time all kind of jumbled together. If you can find a site that makes it easy to always find the DVD cover though, I can help you create a script for it.


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    Hrmm... well as for the double entries after renaming your files may be a problem. When a file is missing from your hard drive it will be removed from the database, but this process sometimes takes a little bit of time especially if you have removed or renamed a large number of files. Are you certain they were not being removed, just one by one a bit slowly?

    As for the covers I am sorry there is not much that we can do about that. Our cover artwork is pulled from a few different sites, but generally they do not classify things by "dvd cover" or "poster". They are most of the time all kind of jumbled together. If you can find a site that makes it easy to always find the DVD cover though, I can help you create a script for it.

    Thanks for the response. :)

    I couldn't tell if it was removing them slowly. I thought I waited for the drive to finish activity when I removed the folders from the list. Then exited MP, entered again to add the folders and rescan. I would have thought that the db would have been cleared. I thought it was odd that the double post remained.

    As for myself, the issue is resolved, having manually deleted the db and then rescanned. Didn't know if the note was useful to anyone else.

    Ya, kind of figured with the cover art stuff. Fortunately I saved off my cover art from before, just in case. I just have to go through manually to get it right again. The wife told me there were more pressing issues to attend to and it could wait. :D



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    Hrmm... backdrops should never disappear. Maybe it's an issue with rendering in the GUI? You should create a new thread and post your log files from when you see this issue occuring, and I will see if I can figure something out.

    For what it's worth though, backdrops are now pulled from, not meligrove. They are both run by the same person and meligrove is being phased out as has movie details available in addition to artwork.

    And also new backdrops are loaded in the background as they are available for any movies missing artwork when the plug-in launches. So if you have a movie that has no backdrop, the next time you restart MediaPortal the plug-in will connect and check if there is a backdrop available online. If so it auto downloads.

    I'll see if occurs again, I had at least Leon, Doomsday and Jungle Book which had disappearing covers. Doomsday just re-appeared by itself and Jungle Book re-appeared after assigning the file to a new (but the same) movie. For Leon I had to download the cover manually from, it wouldn't come back no matter what. I had a rendering issue for Hancock, I just resized the image a bit and then it showed, but for the other three there were no files in the backdrop folder so this wasn't a rendering issue.

    Maybe it had something to do with the site moving from melingrove to themoviedb, but I'll keep an eye on it.


    New Member
    December 4, 2008
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    how do i delete a movie permanently? Delete files manually *and* remove it from the database using the movie manager?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    We are planning on adding a delete function in the next release, but currently Moving Pictures will never alter or delete video file on disk. So short answer is as of now, it's not possible, sorry. But if you delete the file from your disk manually, it will be auto removed from Moving Pictures.


    Portal Pro
    October 21, 2005
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    Croatia Croatia
    tnx a lot for this great plugin.
    is there in future plan to integrate trailer possibility with this plugin. it would be very handy to have a link for watch a trailer directly from detail screen of a movie. i always miss that feature.



    Portal Pro
    October 21, 2005
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    Croatia Croatia
    that's great info. this is exactly what i was talking about. can't wait to see this feature implemented...

    tnx for heads up,


    Portal Pro
    April 15, 2008
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    France France
    Hi fforde, i just wanted to point out that i tested a version you put in a commit comment (cant find it again though :s) and the GUI is now a lot smoother! The texture dont really load faster, but navigating is so much smoother, it s great!
    So thank you for it.


    Portal Pro
    October 13, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    tnx a lot for this great plugin.
    is there in future plan to integrate trailer possibility with this plugin. it would be very handy to have a link for watch a trailer directly from detail screen of a movie. i always miss that feature.


    I use the MyTrailers plugin right now and it works pretty well. Would be nice if Moving Pictures could hook up with that plugin to make the trailers happen. it would be easier than coding it from scratch I would think.

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