As I said before the log messages you are seeing are indicating it is loading the files for processing, not adding to your database. You will need to approve the match to add it to your database. Are you saying these files are not even listed in the importer?Here is a new log file.
I deleted all logs in the log folder.
Started the config.....pressed the pencil a couple of times and quit the config again.
as far as i can see there isnt a mention of it in the log
However i do see something about the movie Tropic Thunder for instance........i dont have it in my database.
We will see about getting some basic functionality as you describe in the next major release. You can track it here.Hi all
Must say what a fantastic plug in, picked up all movies (300+) and not one problem.
i have 1 request though, for us older folks with kids, would it be possible to have some sort of parental control built in
say something like if they try to start a movie, and the certification is above a certain certification determined in the setting s then it will ask for a pin, i'm not to fussed if they can see the cover or movie details just that they cannot watch the movie.
at the mo i am running 3 clients with 3 different moving pics databases, so that the kids in their rooms can only access certain films we deem fit for them.
hope this makes sense
I found one little thing: On some of the movies, the backdrop was black when in list mode (if no backdrop is present, it should show the new default backdrop). When entering movie-info, the backdrop would sometimes appear. Switching between movie-info and list-view would then randomly have the backdrop and the black background appear. Sometimes it was black in list-view, sometimes in movie-info. It only happened with two of my movies, "Twister" and "Hancock".
I have not had time to try and restart to see if this resolves the issue.
Actually, I have the same thing with Hancock. It downloads a backdrop, but shows nothing. Not the default movie theater backdrop, nor the downloaded one. Just blackness. Had the same problem with the previous release, just the movie Hancock. I have also tried to download a BD and put it in the same folder with no success. Very strange that only one movie does this.
Overall though, it's amazing. Much better results with the search. It got much better. Enjoying the resume function and everything. Would like to see an option to cycle through the backdrops, but I think that's coming. Tnak you very much for all your work.